A Democrat Heroine As Proof There is a 'Far Left'

There's a Far Left and a Far Right.

Not sure what the big drama is here.

What a perfect post by a fence sitter.

Well then....
See if you can find any radical positions, not in line with American history, tradition, and values, endorsed by the Right.
You wouldn't agree with any of my examples, because you're an obedient, blind, partisan.

That's how you folks are. On both ends.

Thanks for yet another example.

1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage.. Which one is radical?
Which is Rightwing?

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer. Opposing prayer is radical....religiosity is traditional in America.
Which party opposes prayer and religion in the public arena?
Democrats....Far Left.
The Right is central to American tradition.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

Starting to see a pattern?

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,
LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.
....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton
Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, Far Left..
Do you see the Right circling the wagons around a pervert/disbarred lawyer?

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.
A radical and Progressive position.
He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

7. Under Franklin Roosevlet the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. ....the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, ...
Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; ...

Radical to the utmost....hence Far Left.

8. Under Roosevelt's NRA, most manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels. Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,
"... into a fascist-style arrangement,..."
"A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged was arrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents."
No surprise here: FDR's New Deal was a copy of Mussolini's economic program.

Could anything short of setting up concentration camps for our citizens, be more radical???

FDR did just that.

9. How about The Far Left's Gender-Agenda., versus the Right's stand for tradition and reality: "Republicans Battle to Roll Back Washington's New Transgender Bathroom Rules"

Really....could there be a more pertinent example of the radical, insane Far Left's corruption of tradition and history???

Could there?

10. The corruption of the press by the Far Left: the JournoList Scandal: hundreds of Leftist journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. They plotted to smear the other side with lies. Peter Zenger....spinnning in his grave.

See if you can find any radical positions, not in line with American history, tradition, and values, endorsed by the Right.
It's standard practice of the OP to simply ignore any successful refutation of her claims.
I don't care what side of the aisle a person is on - I'm not going to accept posts not rooted in reality. And I have the highest respect for PoliticalChic. She's extremely bright. But it's just not rational to proclaim that if the Republican Party doesn't include something in their platform, then that something doesn't exist.

There is a radical right (Sovereign Citizens, Anarchists, and to a small degree - libertarians). Hell, Sovereign Citizens kill law enforcement officers. How can you claim something doesn't exist when it is taking the life of law enforcement officers?
See if you can find any radical positions endorsed by the Right.
I know what Sovereign Citizens endorse and it is pretty radical.
It's standard practice of the OP to simply ignore any successful refutation of her claims.
I don't care what side of the aisle a person is on - I'm not going to accept posts not rooted in reality. And I have the highest respect for PoliticalChic. She's extremely bright. But it's just not rational to proclaim that if the Republican Party doesn't include something in their platform, then that something doesn't exist.

There is a radical right (Sovereign Citizens, Anarchists, and to a small degree - libertarians). Hell, Sovereign Citizens kill law enforcement officers. How can you claim something doesn't exist when it is taking the life of law enforcement officers?
See if you can find any radical positions endorsed by the Right.
I know what Sovereign Citizens endorse and it is pretty radical.

Which members of the current administration, or elected Congressfolks are members of the group you dug up?
Which members of the current administration, or elected Congressfolks are members of the group you dug up?
Hopefully none. Why? Do they magically cease to exist if they aren't elected to office? :dunno:

Look....you dreamed up some nearly-nonexistent group and are trying to pretend they inform the mathematically non-existent "Far Right."

Your job is really simple: if there is any real "Far Right"....

Well then....
See if you can find any radical positions, not in line with American history, tradition, and values, endorsed by the Right.

As you have been given a number of opportunities to do so.....and found that there are no such positions on the Right.....
...then, there is no Far Right.

It is simply an attempt to smear the right as being comparable to the radicals that run the Democrat Party.

I believe I've proven my argument....you can simply continue to claim 'is not, isssss nooottttttt!!"

Here's another way to put it:
"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism.

“Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Progressive Support for Italian and German Fascism - Discover the Networks
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

Unfortunately you are falling into the Left's trap of branding the Right as equivalent to the Left.
Nothing could be less true.
It's standard practice of the OP to simply ignore any successful refutation of her claims.
I don't care what side of the aisle a person is on - I'm not going to accept posts not rooted in reality. And I have the highest respect for PoliticalChic. She's extremely bright. But it's just not rational to proclaim that if the Republican Party doesn't include something in their platform, then that something doesn't exist.

There is a radical right (Sovereign Citizens, Anarchists, and to a small degree - libertarians). Hell, Sovereign Citizens kill law enforcement officers. How can you claim something doesn't exist when it is taking the life of law enforcement officers?
See if you can find any radical positions endorsed by the Right.
I know what Sovereign Citizens endorse and it is pretty radical.

Which members of the current administration, or elected Congressfolks are members of the group you dug up?

So which "elected Congessfolk" are members of a "far left" group? What group will you "dig up" one wonders.
It's standard practice of the OP to simply ignore any successful refutation of her claims.
I don't care what side of the aisle a person is on - I'm not going to accept posts not rooted in reality. And I have the highest respect for PoliticalChic. She's extremely bright. But it's just not rational to proclaim that if the Republican Party doesn't include something in their platform, then that something doesn't exist.

There is a radical right (Sovereign Citizens, Anarchists, and to a small degree - libertarians). Hell, Sovereign Citizens kill law enforcement officers. How can you claim something doesn't exist when it is taking the life of law enforcement officers?
See if you can find any radical positions endorsed by the Right.
I know what Sovereign Citizens endorse and it is pretty radical.

Which members of the current administration, or elected Congressfolks are members of the group you dug up?

So which "elected Congessfolk" are members of a "far left" group? What group will you "dig up" one wonders.

Couldn't be more simple to identify the 'Far Left' members.....they have a 'D' after their names.
It's standard practice of the OP to simply ignore any successful refutation of her claims.
I don't care what side of the aisle a person is on - I'm not going to accept posts not rooted in reality. And I have the highest respect for PoliticalChic. She's extremely bright. But it's just not rational to proclaim that if the Republican Party doesn't include something in their platform, then that something doesn't exist.

There is a radical right (Sovereign Citizens, Anarchists, and to a small degree - libertarians). Hell, Sovereign Citizens kill law enforcement officers. How can you claim something doesn't exist when it is taking the life of law enforcement officers?
See if you can find any radical positions endorsed by the Right.
I know what Sovereign Citizens endorse and it is pretty radical.

Which members of the current administration, or elected Congressfolks are members of the group you dug up?

So which "elected Congessfolk" are members of a "far left" group? What group will you "dig up" one wonders.

Perhaps I didn't provide enough of lesson to give you the insight into the radical Leftist party.....the Democrats....so, lest you imagine you've been short-changed:

The Right in this country embraces the values and attitudes that made this nation great....the Liberals/Leftists/Democrats embrace communism, socialism, whatever...


  1. While the United States is one of the few democracies without an official socialist party, in reality socialist occupy some of the highest positions in the “Marxist-socialist” bloc in Congress. In fact, the Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded as a sister to the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.
    1. Before the socialist network infiltrated the Democratic Party, its ideology permeated academic institutions for decades.
    2. In the 60’s, radicals attempted to overthrow the US capitalist system by actual revolution: the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or its spinoff, the Weathermen terrorist group. DSA was established to transform capitalism by democratic means.
  2. Based on ideas similar to those of the Fabians, it was decided to drop the word ‘socialism’ and continued as the ‘Congressional Progressive Caucus.’ Stealth was determined to be more effective….boring from within.
    1. Bill Ayers, Mike Klonsky, and Bernardine Dohrn attacked capitalism from academia.
    2. Wade Rathke founded ACORN.
    3. Heather and Paul Booth, and Steve Max, founded the Midwest Academy to attack capitalism using Saul Alinsky-style community organizing.
3.Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA., knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elements The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive
Socialism time line.

The DSA, the Democratic Socialists of America, remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

a. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864.
“Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
Congressional Socialists No Longer in the Marxist Closet 1

404 test

See Aaron Klein's book, "The Red Army"

4. "#WeNeedBernie

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has announced that he is officially running as a candidate for President in 2016 to further a desperately needed political revolution in the USA.

Senator Sanders is a lifelong champion of the public programs and democratic rights that empower working class people. His candidacy could help expand both the progressive movement and the democratic socialist voice within that movement."

Bernie Sanders, Marxist, is the contemporary version of everything Stalin stood for.

Don't hesitate if you have any questions.
If not......study hard to fill in those evident lacunae.
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So which "elected Congessfolk" are members of a "far left" group? What group will you "dig up" one wonders.
Well Bernie Sanders admits to being a socialist. The rest of them (like Barack Obama and Hitlery Clinton) absolutely are but refuse to admit it. The truth is - you party really doesn't have any liberals left anymore. They are all members of the Republican Party now.

There really isn't any form of radicalism that your party hasn't embraced. Socialized medicine. Socialized housing. Socialized industry. Promotion of promiscuity, homosexuality, cross-dressing, etc.
1. While there is no Far Right in this nation, there not only is a Far Left, but it is the controlling factor in the Democrat Party.
We'll prove that with the party's choice of poster-girl, Linda Sarsour

2. The mechanism that has proven so successful for the Left is 'Identity Politics,' singling out each and ever group as separate, and with distinct grievances against America and other Americans.
Blacks, the Democrat's ticket to national elections are constantly reminded of an extinct 'racism' that they haven't experienced in nearly seven generations. Remember Biden's "they want to put you back in chains'?

3. The growing Muslim population is one more of the Democrat's brass rings on the political carousel, and they fervently want to grow that particular constituency.

a. "Immigration To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program has led to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

b. "...Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S." Would Clinton boost Syrian refugees 500 percent?

Beyond the possible avalanche of votes for Democrats- the very same reason for their support of illegal immigration- it is difficult to overlook the conspicuous bond both Islam and Liberalism enjoy: the demand for submission.

".... Americans would once again die in their own country because of an ideology, and a faith, born of a region that most could not find on a map. The enemy could not be reasoned with or dismissed; it could not be appeased by an American withdrawal from the Islamic world. America could leave the Middle East... but the Middle East would follow it home. " The novel 'The Black Widow," by Daniel Silva, p.356

4. It is no accident that the Democrats have selected a Far Left Islamofascist, Linda Sarsour, as their iconic Muslim, the very sort that personifies Democrats today.

I'll document that, next.
Comrade, you have no proof of the far left! You are taking a dump on the works of Chairman Mao and the Maoists, as well as the great leader Pol Pot, and Joseph Stalin, by mentioning these religious opium takers! Have you no respect for the working masses?
1. While there is no Far Right in this nation, there not only is a Far Left, but it is the controlling factor in the Democrat Party.
We'll prove that with the party's choice of poster-girl, Linda Sarsour

2. The mechanism that has proven so successful for the Left is 'Identity Politics,' singling out each and ever group as separate, and with distinct grievances against America and other Americans.
Blacks, the Democrat's ticket to national elections are constantly reminded of an extinct 'racism' that they haven't experienced in nearly seven generations. Remember Biden's "they want to put you back in chains'?

3. The growing Muslim population is one more of the Democrat's brass rings on the political carousel, and they fervently want to grow that particular constituency.

a. "Immigration To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program has led to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

b. "...Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S." Would Clinton boost Syrian refugees 500 percent?

Beyond the possible avalanche of votes for Democrats- the very same reason for their support of illegal immigration- it is difficult to overlook the conspicuous bond both Islam and Liberalism enjoy: the demand for submission.

".... Americans would once again die in their own country because of an ideology, and a faith, born of a region that most could not find on a map. The enemy could not be reasoned with or dismissed; it could not be appeased by an American withdrawal from the Islamic world. America could leave the Middle East... but the Middle East would follow it home. " The novel 'The Black Widow," by Daniel Silva, p.356

4. It is no accident that the Democrats have selected a Far Left Islamofascist, Linda Sarsour, as their iconic Muslim, the very sort that personifies Democrats today.

I'll document that, next.
Comrade, you have no proof of the far left! You are taking a dump on the works of Chairman Mao and the Maoists, as well as the great leader Pol Pot, and Joseph Stalin, by mentioning these religious opium takers! Have you no respect for the working masses?

If this was an attempt at humor.....it failed.

Don't give up the day job......keep greetin' folks at Walmart.
"SCAM: Linda Sarsour Fundraising For 'Harvey Hurricane Relief Fund' Goes To Left-Wing Activist Group
...Linda Sarsour, a leader of the Women's March who has links to radical Islamic terrorism, solicited donations for a "Harvey Hurricane Relief Fund." But donors actually going to the site discovered that it was a left-wing political advocacy group.

A conservative Twitter user actually followed the link and discovered something curious. He alerted Twitter to the fact that Linda Sarsour's account "is directing Harvey relief funds to a political PAC," and that "not a dime goes to victims..."
SCAM: Linda Sarsour Fundraising For 'Harvey Hurricane Relief Fund' Goes To Left-Wing Activist Group
OH, Noooooozzzzzzzzz!!

Another Lefist icon found to have feet of clay!

"Linda Sarsour Accused Of Enabling Sexual Assault Against Woman Who Worked For Her
...groping and unwanted touching were allegedly brought to Sarsour during her time as executive director of the Arab American Association. In response, Sarsour, a self-proclaimed champion of women, attacked the woman bringing the allegations, often threatening and body-shaming her, these sources alleged. The most serious allegations were dismissed, Asmi Fathelbab, the alleged victim told The Daily Caller, because the accused was a “good Muslim” who was “always at the Mosque.”
The Daily Caller

Who could have guessed?????

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