A dog is killed with more mercy than an unborn baby

My dog was 14-years-old when we finally had to put her to sleep.

The veternarian was quite gentle, inserting a needle, and then giving the dog an anesthetic so that it would feel no pain, and then a killing drug that gently put it to sleep.

It was a merciful, gentle, painless death, and a far better fate than an unborn human baby gets when it is aborted.

Unborn babies do not receive an anesthetic before they are scraped out of the womb, or torn out with pliers, or sucked out, or torn in pieces by the abortionist. They die a painful, agonizing death that we would not even allow for if done on any animal.

The brutality and savagery of abortion is a gaping, bloody wound that is tearing apart America. Abortion is the reason our nation is pulling apart at the seams, abortion is what is fueling the hatred Americans have for each other nowadays.
Dogs are favored by libtards. They only live a dozen years...their food is cheap...you don't need diapers...and never have to sacrifice for college education. Great news for the free shit crowd.
A person who gets drunk and ACCIDENTALLY kills a child in the womb in a DUI accident, or bank robber who even unintentionally shoots and kills a child in the womb while robbing a bank can be charged with MURDER for kill that child. . . Even if the mother survived the attack.

And that's what makes it a stupid law. Thanks for proving my point. SO you got to pander to people's emotions and got a backdoor 'personhood" for a fetus in there.

Well apparently Kennedy does. And it will take an absolute miracle for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to live another 4 years (her ego prevented her from stepping down under the Obama Administration as she should have). And there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that she lives another 8 years (the statistically likely term for President Trump).

Actually, Trump won't serve out one term. I hate to keep breaking that to you, Poodle. NOr does Kennedy want the Orange Shitgibbon naming his replacement.
Absolutely. And really, they should receive a significantly worse punishment considering an infant/fetus is completely defenseless. Even grown women who are the victim of maniacs like Ted Bundy have the ability to defend themselves. An infant/fetus has absolutely NONE. They don't even know that they are in danger.

I'll never understand why you believe that people are entitled to be 100% devoid of responsibility for their own actions. Such a bizarre position to take.

They are taking responsibility. They are taking care of the problem by dumping it into a medical waste container. The amount that it pisses off the religious assholes is just a side benefit.

But you avoided the other part. How many women were locked up for having abortions before Roe v. Wade? the answer is, "None'.

The country simply won't tolerate you doing a live action version of "A Handmaid's Tale" and imprisoning women for having abortions. And if you don't have an effective penalty for it, you might as well not have a law.
Yeah....Straight Outta Compton answer. It will be some asinine comment about how a fetus is not life and how the founders "rapped" slaves (the dumbest lie ever) so it's ok to kill babies.

Actually, that was the answer 5 republican and 2 Democratic justices came up with in 1973 and have upheld ever since.

Fetuses aren't "life" because they aren't viable.
Rape pregnancies are rare too.Does that ever stop you leftards from trying to use them for political gain in the overall abortion debate?
There are many on the Pro Choice side whose knee-jerk reaction on many issues is to lie. So, on the topic of abortion, they try to make a fetus into some kind of inanimate object, akin to your average toaster oven, so that they can more easily justify snuffing out its life.

I'm pro choice, I admit that a fetus is innocent human life, and my argument is that a civilization has to make certain very difficult decisions as it develops, and this is one of them. I'd rather see safe abortion available than unsafe abortion. And I'd guess that, in the future, we'll have the medical technology available that will largely make this issue a moot point. But for now, we're stuck with this ugly (on multiple levels) process of abortion.

And you're right about how the Supreme Court could change things, and the Left will have to finally look in the mirror at some point for the role they have played in our current political situation. Hopefully. Maybe. Maybe not.

Personally, I'd like to see the ends of this argument pool their considerable passion and resources to minimize the REAL problem, which is DEMAND. But I'm certainly not holding my breath.
And you're right about how the Supreme Court could change things, and the Left will have to finally look in the mirror at some point for the role they have played in our current political situation. Hopefully. Maybe. Maybe not.

Yes, the left are a bunch of MEANYHEADS sticking up for women, gays, minorities, Muslims, etc.

Don't you know that the white christian male is the most oppressed thing out there, the poor things, who are having to put up with so much oppression because we don't pander to their every impulse.

Even though they haven't won an honest election since 1988 and they've had to scare people or cheat to win.

I'm pro choice, I admit that a fetus is innocent human life, and my argument is that a civilization has to make certain very difficult decisions as it develops, and this is one of them. I'd rather see safe abortion available than unsafe abortion. And I'd guess that, in the future, we'll have the medical technology available that will largely make this issue a moot point. But for now, we're stuck with this ugly (on multiple levels) process of abortion.

dude, that's a cop-out. If you really think Fetuses are people, then you should be up with Poodle and ChuzLIfe and calling for locking those sluts up, Dammit!!!

And, no, we have the "technology" now. Technology isn't the problem. The problem is that as long as you need women to make babies, you have to also live with their bad choices.

I knew a gal in college. Well-educated, brought up in a religious household (Very Catholic), with very strict Asian parents. And when her boyfriend didn't make good on her promises to marry her, she 'forgot" to take her birth control pills and got pregnant to force the issue. His response was to end their engagement, and she got an abortion. You see, she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

(Again, this was in the early 90's, when I was still a right-winger)

Well, funny thing happened. You think this smart, religiously inclined gal would have learned her lesson. Nope. A year later, she got back with the same guy, who was still a jerk, and got pregnant again, and had ANOTHER abortion.

There are many on the Pro Choice side whose knee-jerk reaction on many issues is to lie. So, on the topic of abortion, they try to make a fetus into some kind of inanimate object, akin to your average toaster oven, so that they can more easily justify snuffing out its life.

well, no, the problem with this is that most abortions are performed in the 8-12 week period, where the fetus is the size of a kidney bean, isn't viable, has no higher brain functions.

And I'll point out again. Even when abortion was illegal, nobody was ever charged with murder for having one or performing one. (If abortionists were arrested at all before 1973, it was usually because they messed up an injured or killed the woman.)
And you're right about how the Supreme Court could change things, and the Left will have to finally look in the mirror at some point for the role they have played in our current political situation. Hopefully. Maybe. Maybe not.

Yes, the left are a bunch of MEANYHEADS sticking up for women, gays, minorities, Muslims, etc.

Don't you know that the white christian male is the most oppressed thing out there, the poor things, who are having to put up with so much oppression because we don't pander to their every impulse.

Even though they haven't won an honest election since 1988 and they've had to scare people or cheat to win.

I'm pro choice, I admit that a fetus is innocent human life, and my argument is that a civilization has to make certain very difficult decisions as it develops, and this is one of them. I'd rather see safe abortion available than unsafe abortion. And I'd guess that, in the future, we'll have the medical technology available that will largely make this issue a moot point. But for now, we're stuck with this ugly (on multiple levels) process of abortion.

dude, that's a cop-out. If you really think Fetuses are people, then you should be up with Poodle and ChuzLIfe and calling for locking those sluts up, Dammit!!!

And, no, we have the "technology" now. Technology isn't the problem. The problem is that as long as you need women to make babies, you have to also live with their bad choices.

I knew a gal in college. Well-educated, brought up in a religious household (Very Catholic), with very strict Asian parents. And when her boyfriend didn't make good on her promises to marry her, she 'forgot" to take her birth control pills and got pregnant to force the issue. His response was to end their engagement, and she got an abortion. You see, she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

(Again, this was in the early 90's, when I was still a right-winger)

Well, funny thing happened. You think this smart, religiously inclined gal would have learned her lesson. Nope. A year later, she got back with the same guy, who was still a jerk, and got pregnant again, and had ANOTHER abortion.

There are many on the Pro Choice side whose knee-jerk reaction on many issues is to lie. So, on the topic of abortion, they try to make a fetus into some kind of inanimate object, akin to your average toaster oven, so that they can more easily justify snuffing out its life.

well, no, the problem with this is that most abortions are performed in the 8-12 week period, where the fetus is the size of a kidney bean, isn't viable, has no higher brain functions.

And I'll point out again. Even when abortion was illegal, nobody was ever charged with murder for having one or performing one. (If abortionists were arrested at all before 1973, it was usually because they messed up an injured or killed the woman.)
Your political correctness clouds your judgement... the federal government should have no involvement in abortion, for that matter any personal/financial matters. Its a states issue
Your political correctness clouds your judgement... the federal government should have no involvement in abortion, for that matter any personal/financial matters. Its a states issue

actually, since most people can't name their state representative, I would just as soon not have the states have that much power.

The lower the level of government, the more corrupt it tends to be.

But on this issue, the courts made the right call. You see, what you had prior to 1973 was a bunch of laws everyone was ignoring. Doctors were performing abortions and writing something else on the charts. Affluent women were driving across state lines and poor women were taking their chances with shady providers.
Your political correctness clouds your judgement... the federal government should have no involvement in abortion, for that matter any personal/financial matters. Its a states issue

actually, since most people can't name their state representative, I would just as soon not have the states have that much power.

The lower the level of government, the more corrupt it tends to be.

But on this issue, the courts made the right call. You see, what you had prior to 1973 was a bunch of laws everyone was ignoring. Doctors were performing abortions and writing something else on the charts. Affluent women were driving across state lines and poor women were taking their chances with shady providers.
The very definition of "shady" is the federal government… baby butchery makes people fortunes, And the poor pay the ultimate price, nothing is more corrupt then the federal government.
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Your political correctness clouds your judgement... the federal government should have no involvement in abortion, for that matter any personal/financial matters. Its a states issue

actually, since most people can't name their state representative, I would just as soon not have the states have that much power.

The lower the level of government, the more corrupt it tends to be.

But on this issue, the courts made the right call. You see, what you had prior to 1973 was a bunch of laws everyone was ignoring. Doctors were performing abortions and writing something else on the charts. Affluent women were driving across state lines and poor women were taking their chances with shady providers.
If only Joe was aborted.....
If only Joe was aborted.....

that's a weak argument, when Dan Akroyd told it as joke in the 1970's.

So you really can't counter argue the point.

I kind of get that. THe One Percent has been using this issue to fool you into voting against your own interest for decades.

Riddle me this Batman,

Why is it that the rich always get their tax cuts and abortion never gets banned!

Here is indisputable proof of the irrational views of the left (in this case - abortion):
Lockner is rightly facing charges of attempted murder. However, in a culture in which abortion on demand is protected and praised, one must wonder why Lockner is being portrayed as a monster.

McDonald’s restroom or abortion clinic, the desired outcome is the same — the death of the child.
So basically the left considers it an honor for a physician to kill your baby, but ghastly if you kill your baby. :eusa_doh:

How The Shocking Story Of Sarah Lockner Reveals Our Cognitive Dissonance On Abortion
Here is indisputable proof of the irrational views of the left (in this case - abortion):
Lockner is rightly facing charges of attempted murder. However, in a culture in which abortion on demand is protected and praised, one must wonder why Lockner is being portrayed as a monster.

McDonald’s restroom or abortion clinic, the desired outcome is the same — the death of the child.
So basically the left considers it an honor for a physician to kill your baby, but ghastly if you kill your baby. :eusa_doh:

How The Shocking Story Of Sarah Lockner Reveals Our Cognitive Dissonance On Abortion

No, it j ust shows you are kind of an idiot if you think that THIS


Is the moral equivalent of this.


But again, until you guys call for locking up women for having abortions, something that wasn't done even when abortions were illegal, you are all just blowing smoke while the One Percent manipulates you.

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