A Media Hallucination: Censorship/Comics [American Crime]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-parable I had to write as my gut-reaction to all the recent Kavanaugh hearings-intrigue.

This parable was inspired by Talk Radio and Mystery Men.

Signing off,


The modern world was network-driven and those who appreciated the media were considered wise. The new 'aesthetic' favored the bold and the clever. Romantics who wanted to lounge had opportunities to embrace the religious right and embrace traditional comfort-values. Meanwhile, comics, cartoons, cinema, and even cuisine catered to a fast-paced species of human, and what was chic was probably also competitive.


An Internet-blogging Ivy League professor and self-proclaimed 'democracy vigilante' named Ajay Satan would dress up in outlandish outfits (designed to make him look like a radical) and blog about the dangers of censorship in the age of media and the significance of pornography in the age of networking. Ajay referred to himself as 'Neo of America,' but his critics considered him a 'censorship charlatan.' "Neo" (of America) wanted to use comics-art to spread a message of modern mysticism, since comics were so accessible to the masses and did not create too much 'sophistication arrogance' or politics or ostracism. Neo was arguably the 'real' Captain America!


Neo created a stick-figure color-pencil rendition of the DC Comics urban super-villain named Phantasm, a spectre of pure terrorism. Neo paired his child-like doodle with a comic book rendition of Phantasm standing over his heroic nemesis Nightwing by the moonlight. This Phantasm-collage Neo created was used for Internet-blogs about why terrorism undermined basic new age sensibilities regarding the 'sanctity' of trade-based networking. After 9/11, when the World Trade Center was destroyed by fundamentalist-Muslim terrorists, the world became quite anxious about 'Utopian imagination.'


Well, since Neo became an 'online celebrity' of sorts, a fanatical 'fan' of Neo named Mark decided to use his Ouija taboo-voodoo spirit-incantation game-board and draw a rendition of Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom (Marvel Comics characters!) and 'invoke' their spirits/essences into the real world. Mark's voodoo-wish came true, and Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom were now wandering around Earth as pseudo-invisible 'entities' but they had mischief on their minds. They despised this modern world of iPhones and TrumpUSA media-scandals.


Doctor Doom was much worse than Scarlet Witch, since he was much more malicious and fascist. He decided to possess the mind of an impressionable post-office worker who was recently laid-off due to company cutbacks at UPS and convince him to douse the NYC water-reservoir with a dangerous amount of hallucinogens, so people would drink water and go insane while watching TV at home. Scarlet Witch found this scheme somewhat strange and wondered if she should sever her ties with Doctor Doom.


Nevertheless, Doctor Doom and Scarlet Witch remained 'allies' and decided to create a panic in Times Square on New Year's Eve. They doused the crowds with red colored-powder and declared that the new age of consumerism was 'bloody delicious.' As the people scurried feeling like they were in 'rebellious euphoria,' Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom marveled at their anti-social deed.


The White House ordered the CIA to assemble a secret unit of patriot-soldiers known as 'G.I. Joes' which included a few celebrities, a Navy SEAL, a computer-wizard, and multiple sharp-shooters. The G.I. Joes were given the odd task of hunting down and destroying Doctor Doom and Scarlet Witch. After about 6 months of chasing the Witch and Doom, the G.I. Joes had no success and did not know who to ask for help. What were they to do, really?


Neo came up with a brilliant plan. He recruited American actress Jennifer Connelly to pose as a 'comic book heroine' in Times Square, fully-dressed in some nifty heroine-costume and wait for Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom to show up. When the Witch and Doom showed up, so did Neo, dressed in an equally-nifty hero-costume right out of modern comic book imagination. Neo explained to the Witch and Doom and Connelly's public display of comics-art praise in Times Square was an outright defiance to their evil suggestion that modern media and traffic in America (and the world) was somehow...juvenile. This really infuriated the Witch and Doom, but they agreed not to harm Connelly. They decided they'd rather challenge Neo, and Neo was relieved Connelly was set aside for some future 'mission.'


NEO: You've treated Americans as if they were play-things.
WITCH/DOOM: Consumerism is a superficial 'system.'
NEO: Where is your sense of camaraderie?
WITCH/DOOM: We've read your blogs, 'Neo'; we know you're a 'radical.'
NEO: I'm a radical, not a terrorist...
WITCH/DOOM: This 'thing' you call capitalism is merely a 'barter-system.'
NEO: No, there is handsome dialogue regarding censorship and the arts.
WITCH/DOOM: Marketing does not make room for political intellectualism.
NEO: That's not true; kids love Toys 'R Us, and politicians like Christmas shopping.
WITCH/DOOM: What's so 'brainy' about buying gifts on eBay?
NEO: Something 'tangible' happens when you use electricity to create Pollyanna.
WITCH/DOOM: That's what Americans said about the end of the Pony Express...
NEO: Aren't Americans today cheerful about the family-connections created with FaceTime?
WITCH/DOOM: FaceTime, Facebook, and other 'toys' of consumerism are not 'magical.'
NEO: Maybe they're not 'divine,' but they certainly offer us room to make 'pillow-talk.'
WITCH/DOOM: Are you comparing our anarchy-philosophy/rhetoric with 'pillow-talk'?
NEO: An intellectual should not fear the challenge of friendship-based conversation...
WITCH/DOOM: We'll agree capitalism is 'jovial,' if you agree to become a comics-celebrity.
NEO: Aha, so if I become a 'subculture hero' (using comics-art), you'll not harm New York?
WITCH/DOOM: You have our promise; we'd love to see a 'radical' become a 'salesman.'
NEO: Alright; I'll attend the Comic-Con festival dressed as 'Neo of America.'
WITCH/DOOM: We'll be there to assure the crowds that comics-markets offer 'lounges'!
NEO: That's a deal...


After Neo became a 'comics-world celebrity' that politicians began referring to as a new age crusader of media values and American pride, the New Yorker hailed him as the 'real' Captain America(!). Neo decided to use actress Jennifer Connelly as a spokeswoman for his new line of comics about a capitalism-defending female heroine named Nightingale who fought a dangerous NYC crime-syndicate known as Black Mask which was responsible for narcotics, munitions-sales to ISIS terrorists, and corrupt political ties to the Russian Mafia. Nightingale became a big hit and was adapted into a movie, with Connelly portraying Nightingale's mother. Neo realized that Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom were ready to return to their 'realm' and grand humanity the room it needed to embrace this new age of 'free-speech driven' network idealism.


NEO (Professor Ajay Satan): Thanks for this interview!
CNN: You're a real character in American folklore now.
NEO: They're calling me the 'real' Captain America.
CNN: You started out as just an idealistic Internet-blogger.
NEO: Many things have changed...
CNN: Are you still passionate about censorship/pornography.
NEO: I still care about marketing values in the age of media.
CNN: You teach a course at Yale titled Media & Metaphysics.
NEO: Yes, and I'm also a huge fan of Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics).
CNN: The G.I. Joes, President Trump, and New York all praise you!
NEO: I'm relieved the demonic-entities of the Witch and Doom were expelled.
CNN: Yes, they returned to the 'netherworld' from which they came...
NEO: Our world was safe to shop and shimmy once again!
CNN: Are you a fan of The Matrix dystopian films?
NEO: Hey, that's where I got my alias, 'Neo.'
CNN: Like Neo (from The Matrix), do you consider yourself a 'commerce prophet'?
NEO: I consider myself, like Neo, an 'imaginarium messenger.'
CNN: What's so special about America...to you, 'Neo'?
NEO: I believe America is a land of great 'cheerleaders.'
CNN: Are you excited about the new Nightingale film?
NEO: Yes, I'm eager to see Jennifer Connelly (comics-spokeswoman) in it!
CNN: What is the biggest threat to the 'culture of media'?
NEO: Piracy (no doubt).




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