Arabs chant “From river to sea”.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Arabs chant “From river to sea”; (i.e. eliminate all Jews).

Palestinians will not accept a two-nation solution and they cannot reconcile with the fact that the nation of Israel will continue to exist; Israel now (with good reason) fears permitting Palestinians to even enter and daily working within Israel; Israel must defend themselves from Gaza based Palestinian bombardment and attacks by when necessary, counterattacking into Gaza.

There's thus far been no feasible solution that both factions will accept. Who believes one faction or the other is entirely at fault? Why do you believe so?
Respectfully, Supposn
Arabs chant “From river to sea”; (i.e. eliminate all Jews).

Palestinians will not accept a two-nation solution and they cannot reconcile with the fact that the nation of Israel will continue to exist; Israel now (with good reason) fears permitting Palestinians to even enter and daily working within Israel; Israel must defend themselves from Gaza based Palestinian bombardment and attacks by when necessary, counterattacking into Gaza.

There's thus far been no feasible solution that both factions will accept. Who believes one faction or the other is entirely at fault? Why do you believe so?
Respectfully, Supposn
I will repeat over and over again… Why did they reject Olmert’s proposal outright? What did they bring to the table?
Israel started to Completely withdraw from Gaza in 2004 . The Rocket continued AFTER they TOTALLY withdrew in 2005 they still continued .
Arabs chant “From river to sea”; (i.e. eliminate all Jews).

Palestinians will not accept a two-nation solution and they cannot reconcile with the fact that the nation of Israel will continue to exist; Israel now (with good reason) fears permitting Palestinians to even enter and daily working within Israel; Israel must defend themselves from Gaza based Palestinian bombardment and attacks by when necessary, counterattacking into Gaza.

There's thus far been no feasible solution that both factions will accept. Who believes one faction or the other is entirely at fault? Why do you believe so?
Respectfully, Supposn
It was always about Arab-racism/ Islamic ?-bigotry - genocidal.
Pawlikowski , John T. "Anti - Zionism Anti - Semitism : Fact or Fable ?" Worldview 19 (January / February 1976): 15-19

..Israel did not "steal" the land from the Palestinians as Arab propaganda has frequently claimed...

Anti-Semitism in the Arab world are quite complex. And the complexity must be understood before one can appreciate the depth of anti-Semitism in the Arab world, particularly as it applies to anti-Zionism.

A close scrutiny of Arab religious and political literature reveals two major strains of anti-Semitism.

The first is what may be called the classical form of anti-Semitism. To some extent it constitutes a foreign intrusion from the West, France in particular. The notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion are still widely circulated within the Muslim world. In fact not too long ago General Idi Amin distributed copies as gifts to guests at a diplomatic reception. And King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, shortly before his death, told a group of visiting Westerners he could not comprehend why they, as Christians, support Israel, since the Jews killed Christ and thereby relinquished any rights to a homeland of their own. The same Faisal, according to al-Musawwar (August 4 , 1972), told the following story: "It happened that two years ago while I was in Paris on a visit, the police discovered five murdered children. Their blood had been drained, and it turned out that some ... to take their blood and mix it with the bread that they eat ...

One of the difficulties in dealing with these instances of classical Anti-Semitism is that Westerners are rarely exposed to the food of such materials produced for the masses in the Arab world and broadcast over the airwaves.
Arab leaders know quite well that such material would damage their cause in the West. But they use it quite freely for the home folks, and Jews sitting in Jerusalem or use it quite freely for the home folks, and Jews sitting in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv can hear it any time they want.
One must be aware of this widespread use of classical anti-Semitic materials within popular Arab culture to appreciate the so-called "paranoia" exhibited by Israelis. Their fears are not based solely on what happened to Jews in the past, but also on what is being said now to Arab audiences.

I know many Western Christians who tend to dismiss all this as irrelevant to the Middle East conflict. But knowing something about mass psychology and how potent a force it remains in the Middle Eastern world, I think the naive dismissal of such anti-Semitic propaganda cannot be justified. It is precisely in this context that one must sympathize with the Israeli demand that, in exchange for its withdrawal from the administered areas, the Arab governments should put a stop to the dissemination of such materials and broadcasts and begin to turn the minds and hearts of their people if not toward reconciliation at least toward accommodation with Eretz Israel.
In terms of classical anti-Semitism we should also not lose sight of the effect the Nazi period had on the Arab world.

One hears constantly from pro-Arab sources that Arabs have had to pay the price for the Western world's anti-Semitism that culminated in Hitler, something in which they had no part.

The picture is simply not that clear- cut. While the history of Arab-Jewish relations does not carry within it the centuries-long persecution of Jews that made European history a natural seedbed for the Holocaust, Arabs were not without an expressed admiration for the Nazi "Final Solution." President Sadat has never clearly repudiated his former affection for Hitler, and Idi Amin has made his continued admiration for the Fuhrer.
Too many of us in the West tend to snicker at such admiration. I think it wrong to treat its possible influence too .

There is also the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who cooperated with the Nazi cause , a man who could tell Himmler: "I hope you will lend me Eichmann after the victory . He will be very useful to us, with his methods, for applying the Final Solution in Palestine."
It would be a simple matter to write off the antics of the Grand Mufti as the lunacy of a "single" individual. Indeed, thus is the tack that Arab historians and propagandists have usually taken.
The fact is, that because of the activities of men like the Mufti and the widespread, profascist, anti-Jewish attitudes of Arab populations from the Maghreb to Yemen, Jews who might have escaped the bloodbath of the Holocaust were denied even temporary sanctuary in Arab lands. As the historian Saul S. Friedman has shown, at no time did any leader, party, or group in any Arab coun- try protest the Nazi policy of extermination of the Jews. Quite the contrary, Jewish refugees from Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and North Africa recall the vicious hostility of their neighbors once an Axis victory seemed imminent . In Palestine peasants were being told by their Mukhtars and Muezzins:

"Now go and sell your land to the Jews and be quick about it, for in a month Hitler will be in Jerusalem and you will not only have your land back

Hitler will be in Jerusalem and you will not only have your land back, but everything the Jews possess! Let the knives be sharpened ! The great day is about to dawn!"

Jewish memories of the Middle East in the Hitler era are inscribed with the "light pogrom" of 1933 in Aden, nitric acid burnings in Iraq in 1938, bombings of the Beirut Synagogue in 1939 and that of Aleppo in 1945, 110 dead and 12,000 homes looted in the Baghdad pogrom of June , 1941, another 700 Jews massacred in Tripoli in May, 1942, and extensive riots in Damascus, Libya, Cairo, and Yemen before the end of World War II.

The political and religious institutions of the West have taken concrete steps to wipe out the root causes of the Nazi horrors from their midst. Little or no remedies have been tried in the Arab world.

Hence one must acknowledge that significant admiration for the policies of Hitler continues to cast its shadow and influence over the present-day Arab stance toward Israel.

The second form of anti-Semitism in the Muslim world is more subtle, yet in many ways far more directly relevant to the anti- Semitism / anti-Zionism equation. It has been fashionable to characterize Muslim treatment of Jews...
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Palestinians will not accept a two-nation solution

Already is a 'two state solution'; no need for yet another one, just because Hamas and the PLO couldn't keep from trying to overthrow the Jordanian govt. and got tossed out.

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