Bernie Sanders has my vote. He must win.

Bernie Sanders does have my vote.
I have to ask why.

Sanders is the one that has come out fighting for Vets, working class people (blue collar), and the elderly. He doesn't lie. He doesn't bullshit people.
Fighting for?
I don't want anyone in government "fighting" for me.....I want to be left alone.
Government should be restored to the purposes for it was originally constructed. That is to perform essential functions.
Yeah.....It will never happen.....
It is not a proper function of government to determine that those who have $100 million to have half their wealth confiscated because they still would have $50 million left. That's not legal. That's confiscation for the sole purpose of fulfilling a political agenda.
it is also not proper for politicians to deem who has "enough" or "too much"....
Obama floated a trial balloon earlier in this term. he proposed a millionaires tax that would raise $600 billion over ten years. Or $60 billion per year. That is less than 3 weeks worth of budget...Who the hell are you people trying to fool.
Welll. I do believe one of the mistakes made by the federal government was to permit banks to do business across state lines.
This allowed stronger institutions to gobble up small banks and even larger banks to gobble up regional banks.
Going back to the days where banks were limited in scope is an unrealistic goal. However, the large banks do need to be reined in...
Citigroup is the largest private sector employer in the nation, boasting nearly 400,000 employees.
Bank of America and Wells Fargo have a presence in almost every state in the country.
When companies get too large, the first thing that suffers is customer service.
Before Wachovia gobbled up First Union, the latter tried a concept called "future bank"....Customers could not go into the branch. They went to a lobby like room and spoke to a monitor on which a "teller" appeared. There was no face to face interaction.
Only customers with avg balances of $5k or more could use the branch. It was a miserable flop. Customers hated the concept. It is one of the reasons First Union went from "The Jolly Green Giant" to "FU"...
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
Why, he won't win, Hillary is a lock unless someone else comes along. sanders is another Ron Paul type candidate, he won't get mainstream Democrats to vote for him.
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.

That's the dumbest thing I've seen anyone post all night. Congrats.I would give my left nut if the dems ran that insane idiot in the GE.
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
Why, he won't win, Hillary is a lock unless someone else comes along. sanders is another Ron Paul type candidate, he won't get mainstream Democrats to vote for him.
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
Why, he won't win, Hillary is a lock unless someone else comes along. sanders is another Ron Paul type candidate, he won't get mainstream Democrats to vote for him.

Ron Paul was more mainstream than Sanders could ever dream of becoming. And RP was far from mainstream.
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
You're confusing "terrify" with "amuse." There isnt a single conservative on here that doesnt want to see him get the nomination.
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
There are about 100,000 people in Vermont that may still be fans of Sanders. it's everyone else in the country that are frightened of Sanders.
Again....This guy has no shot. I hope he runs as an independent. That would dilute the democrat vote. LOL!!!!
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
There are about 100,000 people in Vermont that may still be fans of Sanders. it's everyone else in the country that are frightened of Sanders.
Again....This guy has no shot. I hope he runs as an independent. That would dilute the democrat vote. LOL!!!!

Watch and learn.
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
There are about 100,000 people in Vermont that may still be fans of Sanders. it's everyone else in the country that are frightened of Sanders.
Again....This guy has no shot. I hope he runs as an independent. That would dilute the democrat vote. LOL!!!!

Watch and learn.
Watch and learn? Learn WHAT?.....
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
You're confusing "terrify" with "amuse." There isnt a single conservative on here that doesnt want to see him get the nomination.
No, he obviously has ideas that are very attractive to the middle class and young people and immigrants. Whether he wins or not, his ideas will be absorbed by Hillary, and it'll become campaign promises.

That's why he scares you to death - he can articulate the Progressive argument to a whole new audience who didn't grow up hearing that Liberal is a dirty word.

Run Bernie Run!
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
You're confusing "terrify" with "amuse." There isnt a single conservative on here that doesnt want to see him get the nomination.
No, he obviously has ideas that are very attractive to the middle class and young people and immigrants. Whether he wins or not, his ideas will be absorbed by Hillary, and it'll become campaign promises.

That's why he scares you to death - he can articulate the Progressive argument to a whole new audience who didn't grow up hearing that Liberal is a dirty word.

Run Bernie Run!
Attractive to WHOM?.....Are you for real?
This guy is a card carrying socialist.
The middle class and socialism are oil and water.
Socialism is about control of the masses.
In order to control the masses, their wealth, freedom of movement and freedom of expression must be removed.
This is done through government giveaways and other social programs the elites sell as "equality".
In the end the elite ruling class lords over the vast majority of the population which is left to live in misery.
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.

^^^ Sanders terrifies the Right-Wing.
You're confusing "terrify" with "amuse." There isnt a single conservative on here that doesnt want to see him get the nomination.
No, he obviously has ideas that are very attractive to the middle class and young people and immigrants. Whether he wins or not, his ideas will be absorbed by Hillary, and it'll become campaign promises.

That's why he scares you to death - he can articulate the Progressive argument to a whole new audience who didn't grow up hearing that Liberal is a dirty word.

Run Bernie Run!
HA! HA! His ideas are repulsive to immigrants and ought to be to young people. His ideas are repulsive to anyone who works for a living. And thats most of America.

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