Bombing Yemen As British As Afternoon Tea


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2023
Lancashire England
Yes we have previous killing people in Yemen, Uncle of mine served in Aden as a conscipt typical actions of the Colonial State, it was called National service for lads aged from 18, the bastards drafted working class kids to do their Colonial killing.

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Some people need to be killed.

Especially when 11% of the world's seaborne petroleum passes through the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Yemen.

Don't fuck with the world's supply of oil. We don't take kindly to that.
Especially when 11% of the world's seaborne petroleum passes through the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Yemen.

Don't fuck with the world's supply of oil. We don't take kindly to that.
Tell the US and it's puppets to stop messing with the supply of oil, they have a habit of hijacking oil tankers and stealing oil, and illegally occupying Syrian oil fields.
Tell the US and it's puppets to stop messing with the supply of oil, they have a habit of hijacking oil tankers and stealing oil, and illegally occupying Syrian oil fields.

Sure, as soon as you tell what's left of the Iran-backed Islamic State in Syria to quit using oil to finance their terrorism.
Sure, as soon as you tell what's left of the Iran-backed Islamic State in Syria to quit using oil to finance their terrorism.
What are you barking about? it's Syrian government oil and it's your country that has been supporting Islamist terrorists in Syria.
If the US was energy independent, we could charge these shipping companies for naval protection.
So, Syria loses access to about 30,000 barrels a day?
Their 30,000 barrels a day not yours,like i said you have previous for stealing other peoples oil and hijacking ships the ship the Iranians took a few days ago was the same one you hijacked before, off loaded the oil in texas and sold it, just who the hell do you think you are?
Actually we've been killing Islamic terrorists in Syria. Why do you think we still have bases there?

U.S. Strikes Enemy Weapons Storage Facility in Syria
You have been supporting Islamist terrorists in Syria for years, you just call them moderate rebels, they are a mix of different head hacking savages, and who gave you the right to have any bases in Syria?
Their 30,000 barrels a day not yours,like i said you have previous for stealing other peoples oil and hijacking ships the ship the Iranians took a few days ago was the same one you hijacked before, off loaded the oil in texas and sold it, just who the hell do you think you are?

You have been supporting Islamist terrorists in Syria for years, you just call them moderate rebels, they are a mix of different head hacking savages, and who gave you the right to have any bases in Syria?

Someone whose country has a long history of colonizing other countries and committing genocide against millions of people shouldn't be accusing others of "stealing."

Remember that next time you eel-eating gapped-tooth muppets are being overrun by foreign invaders.

Oh wait, you are being overrun by foreign invaders. :21:
Their 30,000 barrels a day not yours,like i said you have previous for stealing other peoples oil and hijacking ships the ship the Iranians took a few days ago was the same one you hijacked before, off loaded the oil in texas and sold it, just who the hell do you think you are?

You have been supporting Islamist terrorists in Syria for years, you just call them moderate rebels, they are a mix of different head hacking savages, and who gave you the right to have any bases in Syria?

Their 30,000 barrels a day not yours

Yes. And?

like i said you have previous for stealing other peoples oil and hijacking ships

Someone whose country has a long history of colonizing other countries and committing genocide against millions of people shouldn't be accusing others of "stealing."

Remember that next time you eel-eating gapped-tooth muppets are being overrun by foreign invaders.

Oh wait, you are being overrun by foreign invaders. :21:
If you had read any of my posts you would know i deplore Britain's Imperial colonial past and other European Colonialism, they are still at it.
In January 1964, Trevaskis was given £50,000 to pay such bribes. He was also provided with £15,000 “to help undermine the position of the People’s Socialist Party in Aden”, the most important political opposition to continued British rule in the territory.

merely the tip of the collusion iceberg Dead one......~S~
When the Brit6ish occupied Southern Yemen this is how we treted the same people we are bombing now, old Imperilaist habits die hard.
If you had read any of my posts you would know i deplore Britain's Imperial colonial past and other European Colonialism, they are still at it.
Laugh all you like, this is how we treated people in Southern Yemen when we occupied it, Imperialism at it's finest, now we are bombing the same people 60 years later.
Yes we have previous killing people in Yemen, Uncle of mine served in Aden as a conscipt typical actions of the Colonial State, it was called National service for lads aged from 18, the bastards drafted working class kids to do their Colonial killing.


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