BREAKING: Court Grants Hillary Clinton’s Motion to Intervene in Judicial Watch Benghazi FOIA Case

I think we need an investigation into Judicial Watches tactic of endless lawsuits against the Clintons.

"The organization filed its first lawsuit against the Clintons shortly after its formation in 1994, and it pretty much never stopped."

Group’s Tactic on Hillary Clinton: Sue Her Again and Again

The fucking Clintons have never stopped committing crimes.

Deep down in yer gut, it feels that way to you doesn't it?

Yes -
Especially after she admitted to at least 110 felonies.
Media quickly launched over the remainder of his terms into one of the worst excoriations of a president in history claiming the war was unjustified, illegal, inhuman and spurred by greed for oil.

Bull shit! The so called liberal media was all in for the invasion of Iraq. They parroted the Bush administrations talking points verbatim for a year and a half before the invasion. Non stop accusations of rebuilding WMD programs and mass producing/stockpiling Chemical Weapons to fright fuck Americans into accepting the invasion. It wasn't until it became clear that there were no WMD being build or reconstituted and there was no plan of action for the post Saddam Iraq that the press started to publish critical stories about the war and the run up to it.
I think we need an investigation into Judicial Watches tactic of endless lawsuits against the Clintons.

"The organization filed its first lawsuit against the Clintons shortly after its formation in 1994, and it pretty much never stopped."

Group’s Tactic on Hillary Clinton: Sue Her Again and Again

The fucking Clintons have never stopped committing crimes.

Deep down in yer gut, it feels that way to you doesn't it?

Yes -
Especially after she admitted to at least 110 felonies.

Hahahaha Even with a confession? Are the GOP so incompetent after 30 years of non stop investigations and now her so called confession, they still can't even charge her much less convict her.

Or, could it be somebody's been lying?
You guysinvstigated to hell and back and you are still not happy.

Hillary lied....people died. :(

The talking point in which the Rabid right claims were lies were not develop until after the assault and riot at the Consulate building.

Quite the opposite of the Bush tactic of using the talking points full of misdirection and falsehoods for more than a year before starting the blunderous invasion and ill-defined occupation of Iraq.
The Ambassador and his aid died of smoke inhalation because the exhaust fans in the safe room were not working. Two others died while on an exposed rooftop at the Annex.

Republicans took a giant shit on America during those attacks and riots by attacking the President. Using the attack on America for political gain. You didn't see Democrats attacking GW on 9-12-2001 did you? Nope they all held hands and sang in unison on the steps of the Capital to help unite the country behind the President when we were attacked.
1. Democrats lined up to attack Bush after 9/11
Bush had an approval rating of 92% after 9/11. That makes you a liar. There I said it. You’re a liar.
The fucking lying fucktard should know better than anyone else about lying because all he does is lie. Bush's approval hit a peak of 90% after 9/11 not 92% as a natural result of a shocked nation coming together after the World Trade Center had been destroyed. But it sure didn't last long as the Left's Media quickly launched over the remainder of his terms into one of the worst excoriations of a president in history claiming the war was unjustified, illegal, inhuman and spurred by greed for oil.

He was ripped to pieces by the MSM on everything from the lack of WMD found in Iraq to justify it (it was later found hidden in the desert and turned over by Muammar Gaddafi), over claims it was all Cheney and the USA (despite the entire UN, Hillary Clinton and the democrats backing it), they ripped him on Guantanamo, waterboarding, holding combatants, money, rules of engagement, even claiming it was over power and oil despite the fact that we took no power or oil from it, even to pay for our loses!

That makes you a lying idiot. There I said it. You're a lying idiot.
It peaked at 92%. Prove me wrong. You can’t. So I’ll take your apology in advance.

Sorry, wrong liar. I just looked it up. If you know it peaked at 92% then you should have no trouble linking us to a place that says that? Besides, it changes NOTHING of my real points. Other than Trump, no president has ever been more bashed than GW.
They parroted the Bush administrations talking points verbatim for a year and a half before the invasion.

So in other words, they supported Bush and the Iraqi War until the day it actually started. :poke:
They parroted the Bush administrations talking points verbatim for a year and a half before the invasion.

So in other words, they supported Bush and the Iraqi War until the day it actually started. :poke:

Not as I recall. It took about six months to realize there was no plan to restore civil order after the invasion and a few months more for the WMD hunt to fizzle out. The damning stuff didn't come out till after the next election anyway.....
Neither was Trump....hmmmmm
Trump was Exonerated after a e year With-Hunt that Trump gave unparalleled cooperation to.

Zero Executive Privileges, and still no evidence.

There was never evidence against Trump.

There is tons of evidence against Hillary and Nixon.

What delusional alt-real universe do you reside in? Unparalleled cooperation?

The only exonetation came grom his hand picked sychophantic AG. Not from the report.
It looks like the Court authorized discovery into the Clinton e mail scandal. How did Hillary benefit from the ruling?

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