Brennan Admits 'Deep State' Existence While Praising Underling Whistle Blower


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Thank Goodness the Deep State Intel Community - specifically in this case Brennan's previous CIA underling - is taking it upon itself to decide who should be in power and stripping the American people of that 'burden' ... according to exposed Obama coup co-conspirator and fired former CIA Director John Brennan.

'Former CIA Director John Brennan praised the whistleblower that started the impeachment inquiry into President Trump since it is reported the whistleblower is part of the intelligence agency he used to run.'

Brennan admits there IS a DEEP STATE:

"The reason why Mr. Trump has this very contentious relationship with CIA and FBI and the deep state people is because they tell the truth."

Former Acting CIA Director John McLaughlin on the role the intelligence community has played in the impeachment inquiry, saying, "Thank God for the deep state."

Brennan, of course, is praying that the President is Impeached BEFORE the FISA Court Abuse report and BEFORE Durham can indict his 1st Democrat / co-conspirator in his now criminal investigation because evidence of his own Obama administration / Deep State crimes against the President have already been exposed.

John Brennan Praises CIA Whistleblower: ‘Thank Goodness’ Intel Community Is Fighting the Fight
McLaughlin said despite the intelligence community's flaws, it "is institutionally committed to objectivity and to telling the truth. It is one of the few institutions in Washington that is not in a chain of command that makes or implements policy. Its whole job is to speak the truth. It’s engraved in marble in the lobby."

Well, thanks to Brennan, McLaughlin, Clapper, and the rest of the corrupt intelligence community leadership under Obama I guess we can remove those words from the marble in the lobby now.
In all this Deep State bureaucratic civil war, and the power struggle between the bureaucratic state and the public state, the one thing that is sure, this piece of shit, and Mueller should be brought up on charges. They are both loathsome threats to both Republicans and Democrats a like.

They are threats to the very will of the American electorate.
In all this Deep State bureaucratic civil war, and the power struggle between the bureaucratic state and the public state, the one thing that is sure, this piece of shit, and Mueller should be brought up on charges. They are both loathsome threats to both Republicans and Democrats a like.

They are threats to the very will of the American electorate.
The will of the electorate means nothing in america. We all know that. Just stop.
McLaughlin said despite the intelligence community's flaws, it "is institutionally committed to objectivity and to telling the truth. It is one of the few institutions in Washington that is not in a chain of command that makes or implements policy. Its whole job is to speak the truth. It’s engraved in marble in the lobby."

Well, thanks to Brennan, McLaughlin, Clapper, and the rest of the corrupt intelligence community leadership under Obama I guess we can remove those words from the marble in the lobby now.
Your entire system runs upon corruption. That's why all partisanshitheads can do is point at each other's and quibble over whose corruption is worse.

Brennan is having you tards on and you are too stupid to catch it. But his audience isn't.
McLaughlin said despite the intelligence community's flaws, it "is institutionally committed to objectivity and to telling the truth."

Anyone remember what the Democrats / snowflakes were saying about the Intel community regarding the justification for invading Iraq?!

They pretty much called the Intel Community lying, treasonous sacks of excrement.

Anyone remember Brennan declaring - based on the Intel Community - Brennan declaring the President to be a 'compromised Russian Agent' ... before declaring 'Thank goodness that's not the case' after the Mueller report / testimony before Congress?!

The Intel community >BLOWS< when convenient for the Deep State and walks on water when doing the Deep State's bidding....
Cable News in Glare of Its Own Russiagate Gaslight
November 1, 2019
James Howard Kunstler wonders if there is any way to hold the errand boys-and-girls in the news media accountable for their roles as handmaidens in what will be eventually known as a seditious coup to overthrow a president.
Cable News in Glare of Its Own Russiagate Gaslight

". . . . Next Andy hauled onscreen former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (now a paid CNN “contributor”) to finesse a distinction between the “overall investigation of the Russian interference” and “the counterintelligence investigation that was launched by the FBI.” Consider that Clapper was right in the middle between the CIA and the FBI. Since he is known to be a friend of former FBI Director James Comey’s and a not-friend of former CIA Direction John Brennan’s one can easily see which way Clapper is tilting. One can also see the circular firing squad that this is a setup for. And, of course, Clapper himself will be a subject in Durham’s criminal case proceedings. I predict October will be the last month that Clapper draws a CNN paycheck — as he hunkers down with his attorneys awaiting the subpoena with his name on it.

The New York Times story on this turn of events was a lame attempt to rescue Comey by pinning the blame for Russiagate on the CIA, shoving Brennan under the bus. The Times report says: “Mr. Durham has also asked whether C.I.A. officials might have somehow tricked the F.B.I. into opening the Russia investigation.” There’s the next narrative for you. Expect to hear this incessantly well into 2020: “We wuz tricked!”

I wonder if there is any way to hold the errand boys-and-girls in the news media accountable for their roles as handmaidens in what will be eventually known as a seditious coup to overthrow a president. We do enjoy freedom of the press in this land, but I can see how these birds merit charges as unindicted co-conspirators in the affair. One wonders if the various boards of directors of the newspaper and cable news outfits might seek to salvage their self-respect by firing the executives who allowed it to happen. If anything might be salutary in the outcome of this hot mess, it would be a return to respectability of the news media.

As for impeachment, ringmaster Rep. Adam Schiff is surely steaming straight into his own historic Joe McCarthy moment when somebody of incontestable standing denounces him as a fraud and a scoundrel…
Thank Goodness the Deep State Intel Community - specifically in this case Brennan's previous CIA underling - is taking it upon itself to decide who should be in power and stripping the American people of that 'burden' ... according to exposed Obama coup co-conspirator and fired former CIA Director John Brennan.

'Former CIA Director John Brennan praised the whistleblower that started the impeachment inquiry into President Trump since it is reported the whistleblower is part of the intelligence agency he used to run.'

Brennan admits there IS a DEEP STATE:

"The reason why Mr. Trump has this very contentious relationship with CIA and FBI and the deep state people is because they tell the truth."

Former Acting CIA Director John McLaughlin on the role the intelligence community has played in the impeachment inquiry, saying, "Thank God for the deep state."

Brennan, of course, is praying that the President is Impeached BEFORE the FISA Court Abuse report and BEFORE Durham can indict his 1st Democrat / co-conspirator in his now criminal investigation because evidence of his own Obama administration / Deep State crimes against the President have already been exposed.

John Brennan Praises CIA Whistleblower: ‘Thank Goodness’ Intel Community Is Fighting the Fight
So now THEY are running our government instead of the people we elected? THEY really are out of control-send out warrants for Brennan, Clapper and McCabe before they do more damage.
In all this Deep State bureaucratic civil war, and the power struggle between the bureaucratic state and the public state, the one thing that is sure, this piece of shit, and Mueller should be brought up on charges. They are both loathsome threats to both Republicans and Democrats a like.

They are threats to the very will of the American electorate.
The will of the electorate means nothing in america. We all know that. Just stop.

Well, I will give you that, this is true.

OTH, at the very least, whomever the states choose as their chosen representative for the office of the president, should, at least, get to hold that office, and his priorities should not be over-ridden by the intelligence establishment and the CFR.
Two kinds of people deny the deep state. Fools and those who work for them.


Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
In all this Deep State bureaucratic civil war, and the power struggle between the bureaucratic state and the public state, the one thing that is sure, this piece of shit, and Mueller should be brought up on charges. They are both loathsome threats to both Republicans and Democrats a like.

They are threats to the very will of the American electorate.
The will of the electorate means nothing in america. We all know that. Just stop.

Well, I will give you that, this is true.

OTH, at the very least, whomever the states choose as their chosen representative for the office of the president, should, at least, get to hold that office, and his priorities should not be over-ridden by the intelligence establishment and the CFR.
Don should make an attempt to not step in his own shit, thus far he's unable.
In all this Deep State bureaucratic civil war, and the power struggle between the bureaucratic state and the public state, the one thing that is sure, this piece of shit, and Mueller should be brought up on charges. They are both loathsome threats to both Republicans and Democrats a like.

They are threats to the very will of the American electorate.
The will of the electorate means nothing in america. We all know that. Just stop.

Well, I will give you that, this is true.

OTH, at the very least, whomever the states choose as their chosen representative for the office of the president, should, at least, get to hold that office, and his priorities should not be over-ridden by the intelligence establishment and the CFR.
Don should make an attempt to not step in his own shit, thus far he's unable.

Now you a just either being;

A) an idiot,


B) a partisan TDS head in sand person.

It matters not what we think of Trump or his policies.

The fact of the matter is, he won the 2016 presidential election legally, and fairly. If he wants to look into the corruption that went on in that election, and the role that Ukraine and what role Crowdstrike played in that? It is his prerogative to do so. Partisans can play partisan politics, and the Deep State can try to block such an investigation, KNOWING that it will lead to uncovering criminal wrong doing. It is already leading to indictments and trials.

We may, or may not vehemently disagree with Orange Jesus' politics, but this isn't about policy, it is about PROCEDURE, and securing the Republic from the machinations of un-elected, unscrupulous and malevolent spooks taking over the Republic. They are, in the final analysis, as big of a threat to the DNC as they are to the GOP.

Only a fool or MSM brainwashed hyper-partisan does not see this.
In all this Deep State bureaucratic civil war, and the power struggle between the bureaucratic state and the public state, the one thing that is sure, this piece of shit, and Mueller should be brought up on charges. They are both loathsome threats to both Republicans and Democrats a like.

They are threats to the very will of the American electorate.
The will of the electorate means nothing in america. We all know that. Just stop.

Well, I will give you that, this is true.

OTH, at the very least, whomever the states choose as their chosen representative for the office of the president, should, at least, get to hold that office, and his priorities should not be over-ridden by the intelligence establishment and the CFR.
Don should make an attempt to not step in his own shit, thus far he's unable.

Now you a just either being;

A) an idiot,


B) a partisan TDS head in sand person.

It matters not what we think of Trump or his policies.

The fact of the matter is, he won the 2016 presidential election legally, and fairly. If he wants to look into the corruption that went on in that election, and the role that Ukraine and what role Crowdstrike played in that? It is his prerogative to do so. Partisans can play partisan politics, and the Deep State can try to block such an investigation, KNOWING that it will lead to uncovering criminal wrong doing. It is already leading to indictments and trials.

We may, or may not vehemently disagree with Orange Jesus' politics, but this isn't about policy, it is about PROCEDURE, and securing the Republic from the machinations of un-elected, unscrupulous and malevolent spooks taking over the Republic. They are, in the final analysis, as big of a threat to the DNC as they are to the GOP.

Only a fool or MSM brainwashed hyper-partisan does not see this.
Are you surprised they came out into the open after failing to install Hillary?
I’m not. A man they can’t control is an existential threat to them. Nothing has changed except that.
In all this Deep State bureaucratic civil war, and the power struggle between the bureaucratic state and the public state, the one thing that is sure, this piece of shit, and Mueller should be brought up on charges. They are both loathsome threats to both Republicans and Democrats a like.

They are threats to the very will of the American electorate.
The will of the electorate means nothing in america. We all know that. Just stop.

Well, I will give you that, this is true.

OTH, at the very least, whomever the states choose as their chosen representative for the office of the president, should, at least, get to hold that office, and his priorities should not be over-ridden by the intelligence establishment and the CFR.
Don should make an attempt to not step in his own shit, thus far he's unable.

Now you a just either being;

A) an idiot,


B) a partisan TDS head in sand person.

It matters not what we think of Trump or his policies.

The fact of the matter is, he won the 2016 presidential election legally, and fairly. If he wants to look into the corruption that went on in that election, and the role that Ukraine and what role Crowdstrike played in that? It is his prerogative to do so. Partisans can play partisan politics, and the Deep State can try to block such an investigation, KNOWING that it will lead to uncovering criminal wrong doing. It is already leading to indictments and trials.

We may, or may not vehemently disagree with Orange Jesus' politics, but this isn't about policy, it is about PROCEDURE, and securing the Republic from the machinations of un-elected, unscrupulous and malevolent spooks taking over the Republic. They are, in the final analysis, as big of a threat to the DNC as they are to the GOP.

Only a fool or MSM brainwashed hyper-partisan does not see this.
Are you surprised they came out into the open after failing to install Hillary?
I’m not. A man they can’t control is an existential threat to them. Nothing has changed except that.
In all this Deep State bureaucratic civil war, and the power struggle between the bureaucratic state and the public state, the one thing that is sure, this piece of shit, and Mueller should be brought up on charges. They are both loathsome threats to both Republicans and Democrats a like.

They are threats to the very will of the American electorate.
The will of the electorate means nothing in america. We all know that. Just stop.

Well, I will give you that, this is true.

OTH, at the very least, whomever the states choose as their chosen representative for the office of the president, should, at least, get to hold that office, and his priorities should not be over-ridden by the intelligence establishment and the CFR.
Don should make an attempt to not step in his own shit, thus far he's unable.

Now you a just either being;

A) an idiot,


B) a partisan TDS head in sand person.

It matters not what we think of Trump or his policies.

The fact of the matter is, he won the 2016 presidential election legally, and fairly. If he wants to look into the corruption that went on in that election, and the role that Ukraine and what role Crowdstrike played in that? It is his prerogative to do so. Partisans can play partisan politics, and the Deep State can try to block such an investigation, KNOWING that it will lead to uncovering criminal wrong doing. It is already leading to indictments and trials.

We may, or may not vehemently disagree with Orange Jesus' politics, but this isn't about policy, it is about PROCEDURE, and securing the Republic from the machinations of un-elected, unscrupulous and malevolent spooks taking over the Republic. They are, in the final analysis, as big of a threat to the DNC as they are to the GOP.

Only a fool or MSM brainwashed hyper-partisan does not see this.
Are you surprised they came out into the open after failing to install Hillary?
I’m not. A man they can’t control is an existential threat to them. Nothing has changed except that.
Don has done nothing the donor class is displeased with.
The 2016 Democratic Party Primary should have 'woke' all the Democrats and snowflakes who believed their vote / candidate preference actually mattered and did not believe in a 'Deep State', one that sought to control everything while allowing the American people to hold on to the delusion that 'The People' run the government and not the other way around.

The Obama administration protected Hillary Clinton from warranted indictment and prosecution. The Democratic Party helped Hillary cheat in debates, stacked the deck against Bernie, and in the end GAVE Hillary the nomination she could not win on her own, screwing Sanders, his supporters, the Justice System / Rule of Law, and the Constitution.

The massive exposure of the Obama administration's ordering a Counter-Intelligence Operation against candidate /President Trump and then the exposed full-blown, admitted Deep State existence-supported, FISA Court Abuse-initiated, Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda-based coup attempt...and continuous 3-year back-to-back-to-back-to-back faux Impeachment coup attempt......

...should have been the final nail in the proverbial coffin.

Instead, amazingly, there are easily manipulated, indoctrinated snowflakes still defend these self-appointed rulers who have elevated themselves above the laws they impose on us and who run the government and the people from the shadows of the Deep State.

Perhaps the greatest 'gift' to the American people the election of President Trump has been is that the curtain has been rolled back, the Deep State has been exposed, and even the likes of co-conspirator Brennan have been forced to openly admit, 'Yes, Virginia, there IS a Deep State!"
Two kinds of people deny the deep state. Fools and those who work for them.

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Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, Don obviously is too stupid to know what he was getting into in the presidency, and now all he can do is whine.

Your posts are just boring.

You'll have to look elsewhere to get your external validation needs fulfilled.

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