Conservative commentator: 'A lot of Republicans' starting to think Trump won't serve out his term

The fan and the feces are becoming very familiar with each other in Trumpland.

Donald Trump's layers of dirt are being laid bare revealing more dirt under the dirt.

Donald Trump will rue the day he decided to run for POTUS because he has so much he has tried to hide from investigators and the public which is now exposed to the world.

Donald Trump is so toxic nobody wants to take up his job offers.

Donald Trump will serve two terms. One in office and one in jail.

"A lot of Republicans" are starting to think Trump won't serve out his Term, a conservative commentator has said

BY JASON LEMON ON 12/9/18 AT 9:01 AM

Many GOP leaders and politicians have started to question whether President Donald Trump will serve out his entire term, conservative commentator David Brooks has said.

The right-leaning pundit, who is currently a columnist for The New York Times, pointed out that there is growing uncertainty among Republicans over Trump’s future during an interview with PBS News Hour . Brooks explained that politician’s from the president’s party have started to see his administration as losing “authority” and “failing.”

Appearing alongside liberal political commentator Mark Shields, Brooks said it seems like “a lot of Republicans are looking at this White House, and they’re seeing an administration under a lot of judicial and legal threat and a lot under political threat.”

"What we're seeing is the pace ramp up on a lot of fronts" in the special counsel's investigation, @nytdavidbrooks says.
7:34 AM - Dec 8, 2018

“What they call the membrane around Trump is failing, and the membrane is the group of people they put around Trump to protect him from himself,” the columnist said. “And over the years, the Hope Hickses of the world, and maybe in the next few days the John Kellys of the world are going and gone, and so you see a Trump unprotected from himself.”

Hicks formerly served as the White House Director of Communications until she announced her resignation earlier. She revealed the decision after she told the House Intelligence Committee that she sometimes told “white lies” in her work for the Trump administration. The president’s Chief of Staff John Kelly, who had been credited with establishing some order in a chaotic White House, will leave his position at the end of the year.
Brooks suggested that Republican lawmakers no longer think that Trump is necessarily their candidate in 2020.

“You’re beginning to see a lot of Republicans who are looking seriously at 2019, with a lot of Fridays like this one, and Trump really hurting himself, and maybe not serving out the term,” he said.

President Donald Trump waves as he takes his seat before the game between the Army Black Knights and the Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 8 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A sentencing memo by federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York revealed on Friday that Trump is alleged to have participated in federal crimes when he directed his former personal attorney Michael Cohen to commit campaign finance violations by paying off two women during his 2016 campaign. The document, which references Trump as “Individual 1,” says that the president led the criminal conspiracy to pay off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDuggal to keep their alleged extramarital affairs with him a secret.
“There’s more fear, worry, almost mania in the White House,” Brooks said in his interview with News Hour . “They feel all the safety guard rails coming out,” he explained. “They really don’t know what’s going to happen.” ...
Brooks has frequently expressed admiration for President Barack Obama.
In regard to the 2016 election, Brooks spoke in support of Hillary Clinton, applauding her ability to be "competent" and "normal" in comparison to her Republican counterpart, Donald Trump.[71][72] In addition, Brooks noted that he believed Clinton would eventually be victorious in the election, as he foresaw that the general American public would become "sick of" Trump.[71][72]

When discussing the political emergence of Trump, Brooks has been strong in his critiques of the candidate, most notably by authoring a New York Times op-ed he titled "No, Not Trump, Not Ever". In this piece, Brooks attacked Trump by arguing he is "epically unprepared to be president" and by pointing out Trump's "steady obliviousness to accuracy"
AND he works for the ANTI Trump NYT and The Atlantic...this guy is NOT a conservative by ANY stretch of the imagination. Well maybe leftists imaginations.
He's on PBS news every Friday and I've followed some of his columns. He IS a conservative. You are confusing conservative with supporting Trump, and those are two very different things.

Trump is the most conservative President we've had since Ronald Reagan. Probably more so.
I think a lot of these Republicans need to be careful what they wish for. Trump leaving the White House before the election means a new Primary for a Republican candidate, since I don’t see Pence running to replace him.

In 2016 the party proved it couldn’t find anything even remotely like a Conservative amongst its Establishment members, which allowed pseudo-Conservative Trump yo win the nomination.

If there is a Republican primary and they can’t come up with a Conservative candidate, the Democrats win the White Housecin 2020; just like they did in 2008 and 2012.
The left is spreading propaganda that Trump is losing popularity. The reason they are doing that is because even they know there is no way a sitting President is going to be indicted: Not for some imaginary "collusion", or "obstruction", or "campaign finance violations", or whatever else they've dreamed up.

I will repeat this: There is no way a sitting President can be indicted.

What the left and the leftist media is hoping for, is to drive away supporters of the President, so he can be beaten in 2020. It's the only chance they have of getting rid of him.
The fan and the feces are becoming very familiar with each other in Trumpland.

Donald Trump's layers of dirt are being laid bare revealing more dirt under the dirt.

Donald Trump will rue the day he decided to run for POTUS because he has so much he has tried to hide from investigators and the public which is now exposed to the world.

Donald Trump is so toxic nobody wants to take up his job offers.

Donald Trump will serve two terms. One in office and one in jail.

"A lot of Republicans" are starting to think Trump won't serve out his Term, a conservative commentator has said

BY JASON LEMON ON 12/9/18 AT 9:01 AM

Many GOP leaders and politicians have started to question whether President Donald Trump will serve out his entire term, conservative commentator David Brooks has said.

The right-leaning pundit, who is currently a columnist for The New York Times, pointed out that there is growing uncertainty among Republicans over Trump’s future during an interview with PBS News Hour . Brooks explained that politician’s from the president’s party have started to see his administration as losing “authority” and “failing.”

Appearing alongside liberal political commentator Mark Shields, Brooks said it seems like “a lot of Republicans are looking at this White House, and they’re seeing an administration under a lot of judicial and legal threat and a lot under political threat.”

"What we're seeing is the pace ramp up on a lot of fronts" in the special counsel's investigation, @nytdavidbrooks says.
7:34 AM - Dec 8, 2018

“What they call the membrane around Trump is failing, and the membrane is the group of people they put around Trump to protect him from himself,” the columnist said. “And over the years, the Hope Hickses of the world, and maybe in the next few days the John Kellys of the world are going and gone, and so you see a Trump unprotected from himself.”

Hicks formerly served as the White House Director of Communications until she announced her resignation earlier. She revealed the decision after she told the House Intelligence Committee that she sometimes told “white lies” in her work for the Trump administration. The president’s Chief of Staff John Kelly, who had been credited with establishing some order in a chaotic White House, will leave his position at the end of the year.
Brooks suggested that Republican lawmakers no longer think that Trump is necessarily their candidate in 2020.

“You’re beginning to see a lot of Republicans who are looking seriously at 2019, with a lot of Fridays like this one, and Trump really hurting himself, and maybe not serving out the term,” he said.

President Donald Trump waves as he takes his seat before the game between the Army Black Knights and the Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 8 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A sentencing memo by federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York revealed on Friday that Trump is alleged to have participated in federal crimes when he directed his former personal attorney Michael Cohen to commit campaign finance violations by paying off two women during his 2016 campaign. The document, which references Trump as “Individual 1,” says that the president led the criminal conspiracy to pay off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDuggal to keep their alleged extramarital affairs with him a secret.
“There’s more fear, worry, almost mania in the White House,” Brooks said in his interview with News Hour . “They feel all the safety guard rails coming out,” he explained. “They really don’t know what’s going to happen.” ...
Brooks has frequently expressed admiration for President Barack Obama.
In regard to the 2016 election, Brooks spoke in support of Hillary Clinton, applauding her ability to be "competent" and "normal" in comparison to her Republican counterpart, Donald Trump.[71][72] In addition, Brooks noted that he believed Clinton would eventually be victorious in the election, as he foresaw that the general American public would become "sick of" Trump.[71][72]

When discussing the political emergence of Trump, Brooks has been strong in his critiques of the candidate, most notably by authoring a New York Times op-ed he titled "No, Not Trump, Not Ever". In this piece, Brooks attacked Trump by arguing he is "epically unprepared to be president" and by pointing out Trump's "steady obliviousness to accuracy"
AND he works for the ANTI Trump NYT and The Atlantic...this guy is NOT a conservative by ANY stretch of the imagination. Well maybe leftists imaginations.
He's on PBS news every Friday and I've followed some of his columns. He IS a conservative. You are confusing conservative with supporting Trump, and those are two very different things.
He is no conservative. He loves Obama,voted for a marxist bitch like Clinton,etc etc...not even close to conservative.
The fan and the feces are becoming very familiar with each other in Trumpland.

Donald Trump's layers of dirt are being laid bare revealing more dirt under the dirt.

Donald Trump will rue the day he decided to run for POTUS because he has so much he has tried to hide from investigators and the public which is now exposed to the world.

Donald Trump is so toxic nobody wants to take up his job offers.

Donald Trump will serve two terms. One in office and one in jail.

"A lot of Republicans" are starting to think Trump won't serve out his Term, a conservative commentator has said

BY JASON LEMON ON 12/9/18 AT 9:01 AM

Many GOP leaders and politicians have started to question whether President Donald Trump will serve out his entire term, conservative commentator David Brooks has said.

The right-leaning pundit, who is currently a columnist for The New York Times, pointed out that there is growing uncertainty among Republicans over Trump’s future during an interview with PBS News Hour . Brooks explained that politician’s from the president’s party have started to see his administration as losing “authority” and “failing.”

Appearing alongside liberal political commentator Mark Shields, Brooks said it seems like “a lot of Republicans are looking at this White House, and they’re seeing an administration under a lot of judicial and legal threat and a lot under political threat.”

"What we're seeing is the pace ramp up on a lot of fronts" in the special counsel's investigation, @nytdavidbrooks says.
7:34 AM - Dec 8, 2018

“What they call the membrane around Trump is failing, and the membrane is the group of people they put around Trump to protect him from himself,” the columnist said. “And over the years, the Hope Hickses of the world, and maybe in the next few days the John Kellys of the world are going and gone, and so you see a Trump unprotected from himself.”

Hicks formerly served as the White House Director of Communications until she announced her resignation earlier. She revealed the decision after she told the House Intelligence Committee that she sometimes told “white lies” in her work for the Trump administration. The president’s Chief of Staff John Kelly, who had been credited with establishing some order in a chaotic White House, will leave his position at the end of the year.
Brooks suggested that Republican lawmakers no longer think that Trump is necessarily their candidate in 2020.

“You’re beginning to see a lot of Republicans who are looking seriously at 2019, with a lot of Fridays like this one, and Trump really hurting himself, and maybe not serving out the term,” he said.

President Donald Trump waves as he takes his seat before the game between the Army Black Knights and the Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 8 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A sentencing memo by federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York revealed on Friday that Trump is alleged to have participated in federal crimes when he directed his former personal attorney Michael Cohen to commit campaign finance violations by paying off two women during his 2016 campaign. The document, which references Trump as “Individual 1,” says that the president led the criminal conspiracy to pay off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDuggal to keep their alleged extramarital affairs with him a secret.
“There’s more fear, worry, almost mania in the White House,” Brooks said in his interview with News Hour . “They feel all the safety guard rails coming out,” he explained. “They really don’t know what’s going to happen.” ...
Brooks has frequently expressed admiration for President Barack Obama.
In regard to the 2016 election, Brooks spoke in support of Hillary Clinton, applauding her ability to be "competent" and "normal" in comparison to her Republican counterpart, Donald Trump.[71][72] In addition, Brooks noted that he believed Clinton would eventually be victorious in the election, as he foresaw that the general American public would become "sick of" Trump.[71][72]

When discussing the political emergence of Trump, Brooks has been strong in his critiques of the candidate, most notably by authoring a New York Times op-ed he titled "No, Not Trump, Not Ever". In this piece, Brooks attacked Trump by arguing he is "epically unprepared to be president" and by pointing out Trump's "steady obliviousness to accuracy"
AND he works for the ANTI Trump NYT and The Atlantic...this guy is NOT a conservative by ANY stretch of the imagination. Well maybe leftists imaginations.
He's on PBS news every Friday and I've followed some of his columns. He IS a conservative. You are confusing conservative with supporting Trump, and those are two very different things.
He is no conservative. He loves Obama,voted for a marxist bitch like Clinton,etc etc...not even close to conservative.
He speaks well of everyone, Odium; he's a living example of a good Christian. His choice was to vote AGAINST Trump. Too bad you don't like it, but I've heard him talk about policy, and he has never said anything that was not moderately conservative.
...and he has never said anything that was not moderately conservative.

Moderation is not a Conservative principle. Neither is compromise. Anyone willing to Moderate or compromise is by definition NOT a Conservative.
The fan and the feces are becoming very familiar with each other in Trumpland.

Donald Trump's layers of dirt are being laid bare revealing more dirt under the dirt.

Donald Trump will rue the day he decided to run for POTUS because he has so much he has tried to hide from investigators and the public which is now exposed to the world.

Donald Trump is so toxic nobody wants to take up his job offers.

Donald Trump will serve two terms. One in office and one in jail.

"A lot of Republicans" are starting to think Trump won't serve out his Term, a conservative commentator has said

BY JASON LEMON ON 12/9/18 AT 9:01 AM

Many GOP leaders and politicians have started to question whether President Donald Trump will serve out his entire term, conservative commentator David Brooks has said.

The right-leaning pundit, who is currently a columnist for The New York Times, pointed out that there is growing uncertainty among Republicans over Trump’s future during an interview with PBS News Hour . Brooks explained that politician’s from the president’s party have started to see his administration as losing “authority” and “failing.”

Appearing alongside liberal political commentator Mark Shields, Brooks said it seems like “a lot of Republicans are looking at this White House, and they’re seeing an administration under a lot of judicial and legal threat and a lot under political threat.”

"What we're seeing is the pace ramp up on a lot of fronts" in the special counsel's investigation, @nytdavidbrooks says.
7:34 AM - Dec 8, 2018

“What they call the membrane around Trump is failing, and the membrane is the group of people they put around Trump to protect him from himself,” the columnist said. “And over the years, the Hope Hickses of the world, and maybe in the next few days the John Kellys of the world are going and gone, and so you see a Trump unprotected from himself.”

Hicks formerly served as the White House Director of Communications until she announced her resignation earlier. She revealed the decision after she told the House Intelligence Committee that she sometimes told “white lies” in her work for the Trump administration. The president’s Chief of Staff John Kelly, who had been credited with establishing some order in a chaotic White House, will leave his position at the end of the year.
Brooks suggested that Republican lawmakers no longer think that Trump is necessarily their candidate in 2020.

“You’re beginning to see a lot of Republicans who are looking seriously at 2019, with a lot of Fridays like this one, and Trump really hurting himself, and maybe not serving out the term,” he said.

President Donald Trump waves as he takes his seat before the game between the Army Black Knights and the Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 8 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A sentencing memo by federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York revealed on Friday that Trump is alleged to have participated in federal crimes when he directed his former personal attorney Michael Cohen to commit campaign finance violations by paying off two women during his 2016 campaign. The document, which references Trump as “Individual 1,” says that the president led the criminal conspiracy to pay off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDuggal to keep their alleged extramarital affairs with him a secret.
“There’s more fear, worry, almost mania in the White House,” Brooks said in his interview with News Hour . “They feel all the safety guard rails coming out,” he explained. “They really don’t know what’s going to happen.” ...
If there is One Big Lie that Trump has based his entire political persona on it is his fiction of being a self-made billionaire:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.."
Once the crimes start being exposed by the Democrats any non-deplorable support will vanish. Politicians know how to read polls. As Trump slips and even more crimes are exposed it will be easier for Republicans to #WalkAway. :04:
Yes, he’s a dope. But what Republican pundit isn’t?
Marginally republican..."Conservative" in pig's eye.
More conservative than Trump, who isn’t at all. Yet you support him. Funny that.

Who do you consider conservative?
Why would anyone support the commie leftard besides fellow commies?

^^^ Thinks name-calling is a winning argument. ^^^


Also pretty funny that the Russia-lovers are calling others ‘commies’.
Yes, he’s a dope. But what Republican pundit isn’t?
Marginally republican..."Conservative" in pig's eye.
More conservative than Trump, who isn’t at all. Yet you support him. Funny that.

Who do you consider conservative?
Why would anyone support the commie leftard besides fellow commies?

^^^ Thinks name-calling is a winning argument. ^^^


Also pretty funny that the Russia-lovers are calling others ‘commies’.

Saying AND proving that Trump and Russia never colluded to steal an election rigged in advance (or so they thought) for the Hildebeast makes one a "Russia lover"? Do tell? I will say this much....I have more respect for Putin than I ever did the Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast. Name-calling? Just speaking the truth and if the shoe fits, put them bitches on and lace 'em up.... (snicker)


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