Democrats Committing Subversion!

The outrageousness of this letter should motivate every person who believes in the Constitution to vote Republican. Trump needs to start firing people immediately.

It's subversion when the President goes against the laws of the US and people stand up to this?

Do you have a clue who is in charge of the Executive branch? The Legislative branch has no authority to tell underlings in another branch of government to hide things from their boss. This is appalling and further evidence that the deep state exists.
The outrageousness of this letter should motivate every person who believes in the Constitution to vote Republican. Trump needs to start firing people immediately.

It's subversion when the President goes against the laws of the US and people stand up to this?

Do you have a clue who is in charge of the Executive branch? The Legislative branch has no authority to tell underlings in another branch of government to hide things from their boss. This is appalling and further evidence that the deep state exists.

The checks and balances of the US political system mean that different branches have power over other branches.

This isn't about "hiding things", if you have any understand of how the legal system works, you'd know that somethings can't be reported in case they jeopardize a legal case.

This has been legal practice in the US for a long time.

Can Social Media Damage Your Right to a Fair Trial?

Two years ago a murder trial was halted after a judge decided that prejudicial comments made online about the accused meant it was impossible for them to have a fair trial.

He concluded that the jurors would not be able to deliver a verdict solely based on the evidence presented in court, and a fresh trial was ordered."

Releasing information can mean someone doesn't get a fair trial.

If Trump releases information to the public, how can any member of the public be an impartial juror?
Sounds to me like some really stupid congresscritters need to figure out they ain't the damn President and they have zero say in how he runs the executive branch. The four pieces of shit that signed that letter still haven't realized they are in the minority in congress so they have no say in how congress is operated either.

The stupid asses keep harping about the democratic institutions acting like the democrat party owns the government. They may own the majority of the deep state, but those are American institutions and Trump was hired to clean house. Let those freaks enter into a conspiracy to undermine the executive branch, they may just find that yes, sedition is a thing.

So basically they need to sit down and shut the fuck up, they are irrelevant for at least the rest of the year.

It's subversion when the President goes against the laws of the US and people stand up to this?

The President defeated Hillary, a proven felon, traitor, and criminal who - even after rigging primaries, cheating in debates, election fraud, violating election and campaign finance laws - could not win her party's nomination - it still had to be GIVEN to her....

...and even with the criminal traitorous effort of the Obama administration helping her try to take down and defeat Trump she STILL LOST.

For 2 years now threats to our democracy who refuse to accept election results have been throwing one giant traitorous hissy-fit, perpetrating obstruction, perjury, sedition, and even treason to affect a political coup against the man America chose over their felon.

The Democrats have done NOTHING positive.

The Democrats have done NOTHING for this country or the American people, only for themselves.

They have not attempted to offer anything up to the American people to convince anyone they have anything to offer .... except hypocrisy, corruption, perjury, obstruction, hate, sedition, treason, a lack of honesty, a loss of integrity, a lack of morals, etc...
The outrageousness of this letter should motivate every person who believes in the Constitution to vote Republican. Trump needs to start firing people immediately.

It's subversion when the President goes against the laws of the US and people stand up to this?

Do you have a clue who is in charge of the Executive branch? The Legislative branch has no authority to tell underlings in another branch of government to hide things from their boss. This is appalling and further evidence that the deep state exists.

The checks and balances of the US political system mean that different branches have power over other branches.

This isn't about "hiding things", if you have any understand of how the legal system works, you'd know that somethings can't be reported in case they jeopardize a legal case.

This has been legal practice in the US for a long time.

Can Social Media Damage Your Right to a Fair Trial?

Two years ago a murder trial was halted after a judge decided that prejudicial comments made online about the accused meant it was impossible for them to have a fair trial.

He concluded that the jurors would not be able to deliver a verdict solely based on the evidence presented in court, and a fresh trial was ordered."

Releasing information can mean someone doesn't get a fair trial.

If Trump releases information to the public, how can any member of the public be an impartial juror?

The FISA documents are more that 2 years old, they concerned a guy that hasn't had any accusations leveled against him, much less actual charges. Mueller has gotten everything he's going to get, he's just trying to figure out a way to step aside gracefully.

The outrageousness of this letter should motivate every person who believes in the Constitution to vote Republican. Trump needs to start firing people immediately.

It's subversion when the President goes against the laws of the US and people stand up to this?

Do you have a clue who is in charge of the Executive branch? The Legislative branch has no authority to tell underlings in another branch of government to hide things from their boss. This is appalling and further evidence that the deep state exists.

The checks and balances of the US political system mean that different branches have power over other branches.

This isn't about "hiding things", if you have any understand of how the legal system works, you'd know that somethings can't be reported in case they jeopardize a legal case.

This has been legal practice in the US for a long time.

Can Social Media Damage Your Right to a Fair Trial?

Two years ago a murder trial was halted after a judge decided that prejudicial comments made online about the accused meant it was impossible for them to have a fair trial.

He concluded that the jurors would not be able to deliver a verdict solely based on the evidence presented in court, and a fresh trial was ordered."

Releasing information can mean someone doesn't get a fair trial.

If Trump releases information to the public, how can any member of the public be an impartial juror?

The checks and balances of the US political system mean that different branches have power over other branches.

Say what the fuck?

You seriously didn't mean what you just posted right??...???????????

The outrageousness of this letter should motivate every person who believes in the Constitution to vote Republican. Trump needs to start firing people immediately.

It's subversion when the President goes against the laws of the US and people stand up to this?

What laws is he going against? According to the law, the president has the authority to declassify any document he wishes to declassify.
The outrageousness of this letter should motivate every person who believes in the Constitution to vote Republican. Trump needs to start firing people immediately.

It's subversion when the President goes against the laws of the US and people stand up to this?

Do you have a clue who is in charge of the Executive branch? The Legislative branch has no authority to tell underlings in another branch of government to hide things from their boss. This is appalling and further evidence that the deep state exists.

The checks and balances of the US political system mean that different branches have power over other branches.

This isn't about "hiding things", if you have any understand of how the legal system works, you'd know that somethings can't be reported in case they jeopardize a legal case.

This has been legal practice in the US for a long time.

Can Social Media Damage Your Right to a Fair Trial?

Two years ago a murder trial was halted after a judge decided that prejudicial comments made online about the accused meant it was impossible for them to have a fair trial.

He concluded that the jurors would not be able to deliver a verdict solely based on the evidence presented in court, and a fresh trial was ordered."

Releasing information can mean someone doesn't get a fair trial.

If Trump releases information to the public, how can any member of the public be an impartial juror?

The checks and balances of the US political system mean that different branches have power over other branches.

Say what the fuck?

You seriously didn't mean what you just posted right??...???????????


Foreigners generally deeply understand our system, even when they think they do. I once had a foreigner tell me that, because we have "separation of church and state", it is ILLEGAL for US congress critters to vote on legislation with their religious beliefs in mind.

Yeah. Wrap your head around that. So if you're a Christian Senator and you're morally opposed to abortion because you're Catholic, nope, it's "illegal" to vote with that in mind. According to foreigner.

Head. Desk.

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