Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

Hmm. Maybe that's what the appeal is. Interesting.

The irony is that those who resort to antics such as Trump's, and those who support such antics, are the ones who lack testosterone. They desperately feel a need to convince others.
I"m in Boston as we speak, my girlfriend needed an ID to go bowling. Thanks Democrats! My birthday was ruined since she doesn't drive and have an ID!



Cause nothing screams "masculine" quite like whining like a bitch and refusing to take responsibility for yourself, right?
We have laws that are unenforceable because of the loopholes in those laws that give both the courts and the administration wide discretion when it comes to enforcement. What few people realize is that one of the major benefits of immigration reform would have been to remove must of that discretion.

Agreed, but "immigration reform" (amnesty) is not the answer...Follow the procedures and enter legally.
Meanwhile the key word is "illegal"...anything that happens after that has to take THAT into account.

If the first action they perform is "illegal" (sneaking into the country) it should invalidate anything after that.

To deport all illegals or even a small percentage, you would have to change the immigration laws to require deportation. Currently, immigration judges are not required to deport anybody. You would also have to make it illegally not have proof of citizenship in your possession. Otherwise you would never be able to track illegals down, particular in sanctuary cities where neither local law enforcement or local communities would be of any assistance. Of course you have to abolish SCOTUS, because they would never let you do any of the above.

you better brace yourself, then.
Hey..I asked you a couple of times...

Do you think it would be ok if some random person off the street snuck into your house and moved into your spare bedroom and brought a few family members and a couple of friends and wanted you to feed them, clothe them and give them some of your money.

Would that be ok? Why or why not?

Gonna dodge again?
I don't waste my time answering rhetorical questions.
yeah..right..I knew you'd dodge....again..:laugh2:
I don't answer loaded questions.
Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

One sucker punch at a time.

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