Ex-Proud Boys organizer sentenced to 17 years in prison for plot to keep Trump in power

Explain how.
Ask the hundreds of people going to jail for their participation in Jan 6th. Ask Trump's 18 codefendants in the Georgia case against their attempt to turn over the 2020 election. Ask Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, Rick Gates, George Nader, George Papadopulous, John Bolton, the two Georgia election workers, the hundreds of people who were defrauded by Trump University. You could go on and on. Trump uses people and then throws them away.
He called for people to stop the steal.
Yes he did. The way to stop the steal was to stop the way our government functions and dictate a new set of laws that would give Trump the Presidency.

The steal has been disproven by Trump and his clowns not being able to provide proven evidence of a steal. Giuliani even admitted they lied. Those who believe there was a stolen election put Trump over our country. A cult.
You can't do more than five or ten years these days for violent felonies but this guy gets 17 years for a "plot"? Didn't senator Schumer organize a plot to intimidate and encourage the assassinations of Supreme Court Justices?
Nope...Schumer did no such thing.

There is no consistent, honest rationale that can condemn Trump for his alleged part in inciting an “insurrection” or any of what happened on 06 January 2021*; and not equally condemn Schumer for his part in inciting riots and assassination attempts.

If Trump is guilty of any crime, here, then Schumer is at least as guilty of the same crime.

* As far as I am concerned, if I had stopped where the asterisk is, I would still have been entirely correct. But your blatant double-standard only serves to illustrate just how correct I already was, by that point.
And all of these creeps are PRAYING that Trump gets elected and pardons them.

Problem is...he can't run a third time so he doesn't need to "satisfy his base".
If Trump is elected, he's likely to pardon himself - just to piss you people off.
Like we don’t know that already?

He lives now for his petty revenge, to “own the libs” and try to salvage his reputation and soothe his ego. Oh, and of course to stay out of jail!

He has no concern for the greater interests of the country as a whole, nor even for helping his poor deluded followers.
Longer sentences than actual rapists, carjackers, home invaders, drive-by shooters, child traffickers, and other violent goons.

But it's all good, because ORANGE MAN BAD!

Trump is indeed very bad and largely responsible for this whole criminal mess. But these people are being tried for their own criminal actions.

As for sentences, only a few of the worst actors, like Proud Boy & Oath Keeper organizers convicted of seditious conspiracy, received sentences of over a decade, which will probably be reduced by parole boards if they show remorse in prison. The vast majority of the more than 1,000 charged for rioting and invading the Capitol, violently confronting police, or just trespass and disrupting a central government activity, received much shorter sentences. A few were genuine criminals like one receiving 10 years in prison, having previously been convicted for 38 felonies! Most admitted their guilt to felony crimes on Jan. 6th and received fairly light sentences. Some, like the “antler horn” nut is out of prison already.

The video evidence for these flagrant crimes was so extensive there was little need or possibility for “plea bargaining,” another major factor. Of course the very nature of these crimes were that they constituted a threat to the peaceful transfer of power and to the life and limb of police, as well as of our people’s elected representatives.

The prosecutors and the state itself were rightly, in my opinion, sending a clear message — to those willing to hear — that any violent obstruction of the electoral process will not be lightly forgiven in the future.
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Trump is indeed very bad and largely responsible for this whole criminal mess. But these people are being tried for their own criminal actions.

As for sentences, only a few of the worst actors, like Proud Boy & Oath Keeper organizers convicted of seditious conspiracy, received sentences of over a decade, which will probably be reduced by parole boards if they show remorse in prison. The vast majority of the more than 1,000 charged for rioting and invading the Capitol, violently confronting police, or just trespass and disrupting a central government activity, received much shorter sentences. A few were genuine criminals like one receiving 10 years in prison, having previously been convicted for 38 felonies! Most admitted their guilt to felony crimes on Jan. 6th and received fairly light sentences. Some, like the “antler horn” nut is out of prison already.

The video evidence for these flagrant crimes was so extensive there was little need or possibility for “plea bargaining,” another major factor. Of course the very nature of these crimes were that they constituted a threat to the peaceful transfer of power and to the life and limb of police, as well as of our people’s elected representatives.

The prosecutors and the state itself were rightly, in my opinion, sending a clear message — to those willing to hear — that any violent obstruction of the electoral process will not be lightly forgiven in the future.
Fucking fascist.
So..he caught a break, good for him~

A former organizer of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced on Thursday to 17 years in prison for spearheading an attack on the U.S. Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 presidential election.
Federal prosecutors had recommended a 33-year prison sentence for Joseph Biggs, who helped lead dozens of Proud Boys members and associates in marching to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Biggs and other Proud Boys joined the mob that broke through police lines and forced lawmakers to flee, disrupting the joint session of Congress for certifying the electoral victory by Biden, a Democrat.
Longer sentences than actual rapists, carjackers, home invaders, drive-by shooters, child traffickers, and other violent goons.

But it's all good, because ORANGE MAN BAD!

Trump is bad because only of his orangeness. All the indictments are nothing but orange orange orange.

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