Foreign Govt Requests & Twitter Compliance for Censorship Accelerating- The World Is Becoming Less Free


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Did you know that Musk is a former WEF Future Global Leader like Zuckerberg, Trudeau & Gavin Newsome?
Most people don't.

Many newer foreign laws on censorship & "hate speech" are driving increased requests & higher compliance rates since Elon took over the twits.
Most of these requests have come from Turkey (491 out of 971 total) & Germany (255).
Maybe his hands are tied by these new laws & court orders that seem to show the world moving away from freedom of speech & respect for dissenting opinions.

I don't know what's going on other than worldwide, many govts have definitely moved leftward towards authoritarianism & away from individual rights.
Is Elon a good guy trying to do what's right while walking a tightrope or is he just part of the puppet show to keep us distracted & divided?
Personally, I guard my trust closely if I don't know you personally.

To put the data in context, Rest of World compared Lumen reports from Twitter’s Musk era (October 2022 to April 2023) against the previous two six-month spans. The results show government requests to Twitter more than doubling, from 348 to 971, when we compare Musk’s first six months to the same period a year earlier. There’s no similar increase in the number of resisted requests over that same period.
The rise in overall requests may have been driven by forces outside Twitter’s control. The bulk of the recent requests come from countries that have recently passed restrictive speech laws — most notably, India, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. Germany, which generated 255 requests, recently increased enforcement after revisions to a 2017 law prohibiting hate speech and extremism.
Under previous ownership, Twitter actively resisted requests from many of these same regimes. For two weeks in 2014, the platform was banned from Turkey, in part due to its refusal to globally block a post accusing a former government official of corruption. (The executive who led that charge was Vijaya Gadde, one of the first executives fired after Musk took over.) In July 2022, the company sued the Indian government over an order to restrict the visibility of specific tweets. After Musk’s takeover, however, Twitter complied with more than 100 block orders from the country, including those against journalists, foreign politicians, and the poet Rupi Kaur.

“We can’t go beyond the laws of a country,” he said in a recent interview with the BBC. “If we have a choice of either our people go to prison or we comply with the laws, we’ll comply with the laws.”

The only time a human has true freedom on the planet is when no other humans exist.
BS. Our Creator gave us all free will & free will is the foundation of true freedom.
We may face consequences for our choices but that doesn't negate free will.
Some choose to conform to whatever keeps them from facing consequences but that is also a product of free will.
BS. Our Creator gave us all free will & free will is the foundation of true freedom.
We may face consequences for our choices but that doesn't negate free will.
Some choose to conform to whatever keeps them from facing consequences but that is also a product of free will.

Why does anyone even respond to that filthy troll? Why is it not booted out of this board because, unlike you, it never actually contributes anything of value to any conversation here?

Sincere thanks for all of your thought provoking posts.

BS. Our Creator gave us all free will & free will is the foundation of true freedom.
We may face consequences for our choices but that doesn't negate free will.
Some choose to conform to whatever keeps them from facing consequences but that is also a product of free will.
Yes, though our creator is the earth itself, not an anthropomorphized entity hovering in the ethers. Stupidity and the propensity for fairy tales and illusions are also a free-will choice.
Mimicking Musk: Censoring the Early Colonies

' the first half of the eighteenth century....books and news still emanated from England, but the colonies were slowly developing a press of their own. Unfortunately, the press was long hobbled by tight government regulation, expressed first through prior licensing, then through the law a seditious libel and parliamentary privilege.

Effective control of the press was also exercised through lucrative contracts for public printing, and by the valuable and ever-necessary tie-in of the press with the royal postmasters, who had the power to exclude all papers but their own from the mails. Control through the important postal service was assured at the turn of the eighteenth century by the compulsory monopolization of the post in the hands of the Crown.
In 1591 the Crown had issued a proclamation granting itself the monopoly of all foreign mail, and in 1609 the Crown's proclamation extended to its own monopoly to all mail, foreign or domestic. The purpose of this postal monopoly was quite simple: to enable governmental officials to read the letters of private citizens in order to discover and suppress "treason" and "sedition."....The first government meddling in the postal service in America came as early as 1639 in Massachusetts.'
(Rothbard M, Conceived in Liberty, pp. 639-40)

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