Hey, liberals, leave our kids alone


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This isn't about education. It's about the leftist effort to force our kids to think a certain way.

In a supposed effort to push inclusiveness, liberals in schools are trying social experiments on our children.

They are banning the term 'best friend' because it excludes those that a child doesn't consider a best friend.

We all had best friends. We just tend to like some people better than others. And it's our right to choose who we want as friends. Honestly, I got along with most but there were a few people I couldn't stand to be around. Liberals would have forced me to play with the snotty girl or the boy who kept making nasty remarks. And they would pat themselves on the back for stripping me of rights and forcing me to do as they commanded. Even as a child, I would have been outraged at someone forcing me to do interact with people I was uncomfortable with and separating me from those I considered my friends.

This isn't a surprise. A few years ago, some liberals at schools stopped children from playing with their "best friends" on the playground. When they saw friendships forming, they separated the children. This despite numerous psychiatrists telling us for years that having a best friend growing up means a person is less likely to suffer depression.

Another school has told the students that while attending a school dance, they are not allowed to say no when asked to dance. Girls must say yes to all boys who ask them and vice versa. This sends the message that girls must be submissive and cannot tell a boy no. Boys will have to do what some girls say, too. It is teaching them they making their own choices or following their own instincts as to whether it's good to get close to someone is wrong.

They are using our children, and possibly doing harm to them, by using them as pawns in their social experiments. Enough already. It's not intriguing. It's creepy.

We all have the right to tell people no. We all have the right to be best friends with anyone we choose. We have the right to avoid people that make us uncomfortable in anyway. Even children have gut instincts and they should never be told to ignore them.

“There has been a movement in some American schools and European schools to ban the phrase ‘best friend,'” Greenberg said. “The idea of banning the phrase ‘best friends’ is a very intriguing social experiment.”
Aha! Right there! Did you catch that?! She called the whole thing a “social experiment.”

People aren’t “social experiments.” The only people that think that way are Socialists who try to control people’s thoughts, actions and feelings towards certain things. People are people, and the quicker these Socialists realize that, the quicker they will see the light that Socialism is a very dangerous game to play. "

Ugh! U.S. Schools Might Ban the Term 'Best Friend,' Not Inclusive Enough

"It’s a bad message, she says, especially in light of the “Me Too” sexual abuse and harassment movement currently dominating headlines. Telling a girl that she has to say “yes” to a boy’s dance request reinforces the message that “girls can’t say ‘no,'” she told the news outlet.

“Psychologically,” my daughter keeps coming to me and saying, ‘I can’t say no to a boy,’ ” said Richard, who went to the school’s principal with her concerns and was told that students had followed dance guidelines for years with no complaints. “That’s the message kids are getting.”

Utah Mom Complains After Elementary School Tells Kids They 'Can't Say No' When Asked to Dance
i always use a racial slur when speaking of and to my best friends,,,example,,,,Hey Sambo! Yo Brotha! Your my best black friend!,,,or...Yo Yo Yo Captain Wee Too Low! My best Chinese Friend!!,,,and of course,,,,Hey Hey Racheal,,My Bitch who thinks shes Black!!! Wazzup Bitch !!!!
Are liberal teachers teaching are kids that the pilgrims were all racists that constantly traded black jokes amongst themselves and hosed them down with high powered water hoses as if it was a sport?
MRCTV, LOL! Isn't that the fake news site that said BHO ordered the cull of bald eagles?

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