Hitler’s 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch” and Trump’s 2021 “Capitol Invasion” Compared

You prove my point that you have zero historical understanding of what terms like communist, socialist, social democracy, traditional liberalism, right or left authoritarianism or fascism really mean.

I remarked to a similar hysterical attack on Liberal Democrats in comment #78:

… and sure enough here you are, now describing the Democratic Party as “fascist,” or to be more partisan specific … “demofascist.”

As I said, “Whatever works, eh”?



In fact both major parties of American capitalism can act in terrible ways, and do so fairly regularly. Especially from the point of view of foreign victims of American invasions, there may seem precious little difference between a Republican or Democratic or a fascist bomb falling on their heads, even if Americans argue as they often have wrongly that they were bombing or invading for “freedom” and “democracy”!

But that doesn’t change the nature of the two capitalist parties into “fascist” parties in fact, anymore than the prosecutions of Donald Trump or his attempts to stay in power illegally after he lost the election make either party … “fascist.”

It's the other way around, bub.

Try reading up on the Fabian Socialists and their century long effort to brainwash people like you.

And, in your case, they have been successful.
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Try reading up on the Fabian Socialists and their century long effort to brainwash people like you.
Like you know more about the history or significance of Fabian Socialism then I do?


… you are consistently a misinformed conspiracy theorist on almost every historical topic you raise. I don’t even understand what point you think you are making here. What does the Fabian Society have to do with the historical points my OP discusses?
Like you know more about the history or significance of Fabian Socialism then I do?


… you are consistently a misinformed conspiracy theorist on almost every historical topic you raise. I don’t even understand what point you think you are making here. What does the Fabian Society have to do with the historical points my OP discusses?

Yeah, clearly I do considering you spew their propaganda like a good little simpleton stooge.
Hitler’s armed “Beer Hall Putsch” in 1923 was in some ways just as shambolic as Trump’s failed Jan. 6th attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Hitler’s coup attempt failed to take any government buildings in Munich, let alone follow up with a march on Berlin to seize the German central government.

The situations in Germany then and the U.S. today were VERY different. The U.S. has had over two centuries of republican constitutional government, which most Americans in both parties still vociferously claim to defend. Most of the violent Capitol protesters in D.C., even those with Confederate flags, body armor and pepper spray … were not fully developed ideological fascists.

Many of the invaders of the Capitol were just angry Trump fanatics who swallowed their leader’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. Trump was in fact U.S. “Commander in Chief” on Jan. 6th, though a lame duck. Hitler was only 34 years old, still an extremist nobody in 1923. Trump was seeking only to prevent the reading of the state-verified electoral votes so that the election would be thrown into a specially constituted House assembly — where he expected a Republican majority would allow him to stay in power “Constitutionally.”

Both Jan. 6th and Munich were high stakes gambles — “dress rehearsals” and “propaganda spectacles.” Hitler gained notoriety from his failed coup, used his trial to denounce the Weimar government of “Liberals, Jews and Communists,” and was jailed for less than a year (where he wrote Mein Kampf). Just ten years later he was put in power … Constitutionally. Trump hopes to be re-elected in 2024.

As crazy as Trump is, as crazy as many of his fanatic followers talk, Trump and they are only harbingers of things to come — they are certainly not now full-fledged fascists like Adolph Hitler was.
Thomas Paine would piss in your face for defrauding him like you're doing.
Is there anybody here who actually believes this laughingstock of a moron called westwall knows more about modern European history, British Labour history, the anti-Marxist Fabian Society, Marxism, the Labour Party, Social-Democracy, fascism or similar subjects than I? I laugh at him because he is a laugh-worthy fool.
Hitler’s armed “Beer Hall Putsch” in 1923 was in some ways just as shambolic as Trump’s failed Jan. 6th attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Hitler’s coup attempt failed to take any government buildings in Munich, let alone follow up with a march on Berlin to seize the German central government.

The situations in Germany then and the U.S. today were VERY different. The U.S. has had over two centuries of republican constitutional government, which most Americans in both parties still vociferously claim to defend. Most of the violent Capitol protesters in D.C., even those with Confederate flags, body armor and pepper spray … were not fully developed ideological fascists.

Many of the invaders of the Capitol were just angry Trump fanatics who swallowed their leader’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. Trump was in fact U.S. “Commander in Chief” on Jan. 6th, though a lame duck. Hitler was only 34 years old, still an extremist nobody in 1923. Trump was seeking only to prevent the reading of the state-verified electoral votes so that the election would be thrown into a specially constituted House assembly — where he expected a Republican majority would allow him to stay in power “Constitutionally.”

Both Jan. 6th and Munich were high stakes gambles — “dress rehearsals” and “propaganda spectacles.” Hitler gained notoriety from his failed coup, used his trial to denounce the Weimar government of “Liberals, Jews and Communists,” and was jailed for less than a year (where he wrote Mein Kampf). Just ten years later he was put in power … Constitutionally. Trump hopes to be re-elected in 2024.

As crazy as Trump is, as crazy as many of his fanatic followers talk, Trump and they are only harbingers of things to come — they are certainly not now full-fledged fascists like Adolph Hitler was.
Is there anybody here who actually believes this laughingstock of a moron called westwall knows more about modern European history, British Labour history, the anti-Marxist Fabian Society, Marxism, the Labour Party, Social-Democracy, fascism or similar subjects than I? I laugh at him because he is a laugh-worthy fool.
Fabian Socialist says what?!

That one's fer Dale, bitch!
Is there anybody here who actually believes this laughingstock of a moron called westwall knows more about modern European history, British Labour history, the anti-Marxist Fabian Society, Marxism, the Labour Party, Social-Democracy, fascism or similar subjects than I? I laugh at him because he is a laugh-worthy fool.

Yes, it is quite clear I know more than you, a common propagandist.
Look it up yourself, moron. It has, as I said, nothing to do with this OP.
Oh look!

Who's a Brit Commie? You, bitch! :finger3:

Are you too stupid to realize it, er wut? :rolleyes-41:
Oh look! … Who's a Brit Commie? You, bitch! :finger3:
Are you too stupid to realize it, er wut? :rolleyes-41:
Typical ignorant statement of a typical vulgar USMB commenter…

The Fabian socialists were post-Marxist / anti-Marxist British intellectuals who generally supported the British Empire. Of course they were denounced by Marxists and Lenin himself in vitriolic terms. They advocated various social reforms, and based themselves mostly on the economic thinking of popular 19th-century American political economist Henry George.

They were basically just a socialist “talk shop” of a few thousand middle & upper-class British intellectuals, trying at first to influence British bourgeois “radicals” and later after its founding the Labour Party. They advocated “peaceful reform” and democracy rather than “Revolution” and at different times attracted some famous intellectuals like playwright George Bernard Shaw, Aldous Huxley, and Bertrand Russell.

Scottish-born Ramsay MacDonald was the most prominent politician associated with the tiny Fabian Society. He was actually elected and served as Prime Minister in two minority Labour governments in 1924 and again in 1929-1931. The prominent Indian politician Nehru was also at one time a prominent member of this small group.

As I have said repeatedly, there is no direct connection between this mainly British social-democratic and democratic-socialist “Think Tank” with the issues I have been raising in this OP / historical study.
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Hitler’s armed “Beer Hall Putsch” in 1923 was in some ways just as shambolic as Trump’s failed Jan. 6th attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Hitler’s coup attempt failed to take any government buildings in Munich, let alone follow up with a march on Berlin to seize the German central government.

The situations in Germany then and the U.S. today were VERY different. The U.S. has had over two centuries of republican constitutional government, which most Americans in both parties still vociferously claim to defend. Most of the violent Capitol protesters in D.C., even those with Confederate flags, body armor and pepper spray … were not fully developed ideological fascists.

Many of the invaders of the Capitol were just angry Trump fanatics who swallowed their leader’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. Trump was in fact U.S. “Commander in Chief” on Jan. 6th, though a lame duck. Hitler was only 34 years old, still an extremist nobody in 1923. Trump was seeking only to prevent the reading of the state-verified electoral votes so that the election would be thrown into a specially constituted House assembly — where he expected a Republican majority would allow him to stay in power “Constitutionally.”

Both Jan. 6th and Munich were high stakes gambles — “dress rehearsals” and “propaganda spectacles.” Hitler gained notoriety from his failed coup, used his trial to denounce the Weimar government of “Liberals, Jews and Communists,” and was jailed for less than a year (where he wrote Mein Kampf). Just ten years later he was put in power … Constitutionally. Trump hopes to be re-elected in 2024.

As crazy as Trump is, as crazy as many of his fanatic followers talk, Trump and they are only harbingers of things to come — they are certainly not now full-fledged fascists like Adolph Hitler was.
Hitler’s armed “Beer Hall Putsch” in 1923 was in some ways just as shambolic as Trump’s failed Jan. 6th attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Hitler’s coup attempt failed to take any government buildings in Munich, let alone follow up with a march on Berlin to seize the German central government.

The situations in Germany then and the U.S. today were VERY different. The U.S. has had over two centuries of republican constitutional government, which most Americans in both parties still vociferously claim to defend. Most of the violent Capitol protesters in D.C., even those with Confederate flags, body armor and pepper spray … were not fully developed ideological fascists.

Many of the invaders of the Capitol were just angry Trump fanatics who swallowed their leader’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. Trump was in fact U.S. “Commander in Chief” on Jan. 6th, though a lame duck. Hitler was only 34 years old, still an extremist nobody in 1923. Trump was seeking only to prevent the reading of the state-verified electoral votes so that the election would be thrown into a specially constituted House assembly — where he expected a Republican majority would allow him to stay in power “Constitutionally.”

Both Jan. 6th and Munich were high stakes gambles — “dress rehearsals” and “propaganda spectacles.” Hitler gained notoriety from his failed coup, used his trial to denounce the Weimar government of “Liberals, Jews and Communists,” and was jailed for less than a year (where he wrote Mein Kampf). Just ten years later he was put in power … Constitutionally. Trump hopes to be re-elected in 2024.

As crazy as Trump is, as crazy as many of his fanatic followers talk, Trump and they are only harbingers of things to come — they are certainly not now full-fledged fascists like Adolph Hitler was.
Fucking fascist bitch

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