Holy Cannibalism, Bat Man: Liberals Are Eating Liberals


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Townhall.com ^ | May 19, 2013 | Doug Giles

Grab some popcorn, folks. Pull up a chair. Get yourself a 6 pack. No … a 12pack and join with me and other liberty-minded folks as we watch the Left finally sink their comedic and inquisitive teeth into the rotted flesh of the Hope & Crap Machine that we’ve been caterwauling about for the last five, seems like twenty, years.

I don’t know about you guys but last week was a little gift from God as we got to see the Lame Stream Media get a modicum of game and finally call Obama and his ilk out on the carpet for their Benghazi Bullsmack, their egregious bullying of patriotic non-profits by the IRS and the Department of Just-Us’ tawdry hacking of the AP’s iPhones.

Chief amongst my joys during the previous seven days was watching John Stewart slam dance Obama, night after night, for BHO’s Eddie Haskellesque prevarications, his Clintonian verb parsing and his OJ-like blame-shifting.

Read more and enjoy @ Holy Cannibalism, Bat Man: Liberals Are Eating Liberals

Of course, Redneck Liberals will do everything they can to deflect from this story.

And they will go even more gaga over this little piece:

Here are 176 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, government waste, and other misdeeds

In the 2008 United States election, I wrote in Ron Paul for President. In the 2012 election, I voted for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson. Those who are of a more leftist persuasion than myself might want to consider voting for the Green Party in future elections.

And read each one – with links - @ Here are 176 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism...

And I dare Redneck Liberals to disprove a single charge!!!:eusa_whistle:

The recent actions of Attorney General Eric Holder only mean the scandals involving the Obama White House are far from over. (Photo: Examiner file)

Liberals turn on Holder

Friday, May 24, 2013

Just one week ago, the Washington Post‘s Ezra Klein confidently assured his readers that “the scandals are falling apart.” Now, after another week of tough Congressional hearings and media reporting, it’s doubtful anybody believes that is true.

Emerging from a White House meeting Tuesday, Klein himself wrote Wednesday that “heads should roll at the IRS.” But because Obama failed to appoint a head of the IRS before the scandal broke, there was no one readily fireable once the scope of the problem became known. Now liberals, including Klein, are calling for the head of career civil servant Lois Lerner, who had a well-established history of using government power to harass conservatives long before she came to the IRS.

Post Continues on washingtonexaminer.com

Read more: Liberals turn on Holder - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update


We know the IRS commissioner wasn't telling the truth in March 2012, when he testified: "There's absolutely no targeting." We have learned that Lois Lerner lied when she claimed she had spontaneously admitted the targeting in a Q-and-A at a Washington meeting. It was part of a spin operation in which she'd planted the question with a friend. We know the tax-exempt bureau Ms. Lerner ran did not simply make mistakes because it was overwhelmed with requests—the targeting began before a surge in applications. And Ms. Lerner did not learn about the targeting in 2012—the IRS audit timeline shows she was briefed in June 2011. She said the targeting was the work of rogue agents in the Cincinnati office. But the Washington Post spoke to an IRS worker there, who said: "Everything comes from the top."

We know that Lois Lerner this week announced she'd done nothing wrong, and then took the Fifth.


A Battering Ram Becomes a Stonewall - WSJ.com
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m0IfrBt2Ug]IRS Scandal: Lois Lerner In her own words - YouTube[/ame]
Excellent. Too bad they aren't doing it literally.

They're not aborting themselves fast enough.

Maybe we can convince them to legalize retroactive abortion.

The recent actions of Attorney General Eric Holder only mean the scandals involving the Obama White House are far from over. (Photo: Examiner file)

Liberals turn on Holder

Friday, May 24, 2013

Just one week ago, the Washington Post‘s Ezra Klein confidently assured his readers that “the scandals are falling apart.” Now, after another week of tough Congressional hearings and media reporting, it’s doubtful anybody believes that is true.

Emerging from a White House meeting Tuesday, Klein himself wrote Wednesday that “heads should roll at the IRS.” But because Obama failed to appoint a head of the IRS before the scandal broke, there was no one readily fireable once the scope of the problem became known. Now liberals, including Klein, are calling for the head of career civil servant Lois Lerner, who had a well-established history of using government power to harass conservatives long before she came to the IRS.

Post Continues on washingtonexaminer.com

Read more: Liberals turn on Holder - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update


We know the IRS commissioner wasn't telling the truth in March 2012, when he testified: "There's absolutely no targeting." We have learned that Lois Lerner lied when she claimed she had spontaneously admitted the targeting in a Q-and-A at a Washington meeting. It was part of a spin operation in which she'd planted the question with a friend. We know the tax-exempt bureau Ms. Lerner ran did not simply make mistakes because it was overwhelmed with requests—the targeting began before a surge in applications. And Ms. Lerner did not learn about the targeting in 2012—the IRS audit timeline shows she was briefed in June 2011. She said the targeting was the work of rogue agents in the Cincinnati office. But the Washington Post spoke to an IRS worker there, who said: "Everything comes from the top."

We know that Lois Lerner this week announced she'd done nothing wrong, and then took the Fifth.


A Battering Ram Becomes a Stonewall - WSJ.com

Surely you jest.

She's been flushed out of her tenure at FEC. This goes to her bullying. Trickle down bullies. Top down.
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I was shocked that Lois Lerner took the Fifth! That means she's guilty, that's the point of taking the Fifth, so you don't incriminate yourself.

Very hard to tell what was going on, but nobody takes the Fifth who is innocent of the charges.
I was shocked that Lois Lerner took the Fifth! That means she's guilty, that's the point of taking the Fifth, so you don't incriminate yourself.

Very hard to tell what was going on, but nobody takes the Fifth who is innocent of the charges.

I'm not so sure about that.

I think she's defending herself from being scapegoated. She might have done things that are in retrospect illegal, but she didn't do this in a vacuum. However if she admits her own wrongdoing, she probably fears that those above her will blame her and pretend that she was the problem.
I was shocked that Lois Lerner took the Fifth! That means she's guilty, that's the point of taking the Fifth, so you don't incriminate yourself.

Very hard to tell what was going on, but nobody takes the Fifth who is innocent of the charges.

Apparently you don't know shit about law.

The Last Word
I was shocked that Lois Lerner took the Fifth! That means she's guilty, that's the point of taking the Fifth, so you don't incriminate yourself.

Very hard to tell what was going on, but nobody takes the Fifth who is innocent of the charges.

Apparently you don't know shit about law.

I know about people taking the Fifth. It means they are guilty. Otherwise they wouldn't take the Fifth. Everybody knows that much.

And they immediately tried to force Lerner's resignation, and when she refused, put her on administrative leave.

They've already named her successor, I read today.

So the administration knows she's guilty or they wouldn't be getting rid of her so fast.
Townhall.com ^ | May 19, 2013 | Doug Giles

Grab some popcorn, folks. Pull up a chair. Get yourself a 6 pack. No … a 12pack and join with me and other liberty-minded folks as we watch the Left finally sink their comedic and inquisitive teeth into the rotted flesh of the Hope & Crap Machine that we’ve been caterwauling about for the last five, seems like twenty, years.

I don’t know about you guys but last week was a little gift from God as we got to see the Lame Stream Media get a modicum of game and finally call Obama and his ilk out on the carpet for their Benghazi Bullsmack, their egregious bullying of patriotic non-profits by the IRS and the Department of Just-Us’ tawdry hacking of the AP’s iPhones.

Chief amongst my joys during the previous seven days was watching John Stewart slam dance Obama, night after night, for BHO’s Eddie Haskellesque prevarications, his Clintonian verb parsing and his OJ-like blame-shifting.

Read more and enjoy @ Holy Cannibalism, Bat Man: Liberals Are Eating Liberals

Of course, Redneck Liberals will do everything they can to deflect from this story.

And they will go even more gaga over this little piece:

Here are 176 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, government waste, and other misdeeds

In the 2008 United States election, I wrote in Ron Paul for President. In the 2012 election, I voted for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson. Those who are of a more leftist persuasion than myself might want to consider voting for the Green Party in future elections.

And read each one – with links - @ Here are 176 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism...

And I dare Redneck Liberals to disprove a single charge!!!:eusa_whistle:

The minor transgressions of the Obama administration are nothing compared to bushreagannixon. Not that you teabagging link posters understand criminality of course. Just yapping about minor stuff like a bunch of hyenas.
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“I have not done anything wrong,” she said. “I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations. And I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee.”

On the advice of counsel, she said, she would not answer further questions.

- The Washington Post
Excellent. Too bad they aren't doing it literally.

They're not aborting themselves fast enough.

Maybe we can convince them to legalize retroactive abortion.

Raise their cigarette/wine tax and watch-em blow like Lakihola...:smoke:
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Liberals now eating their own, beginning with Obama and Holder

May 22, 2013 by Michael Dorstewitz

When president Barack Obama has lost the support of uber-left Bloomberg columnist Al Hunt, you know it pretty bad. And that’s just what happened.


“They have gone after – they being Eric Holder – have gone after more reporters and leakers than John Mitchell, Ed Meese and John Ashcroft combined. When you throw those names in, they get a little bit rattled. It’s just outrageous! And people say who’s at fault here? It reflects the President.”

“It’s a culture, right?” Scarborough asked.

“It does raise serious questions, I think, along with a number of other matters about the competency of the Attorney General to continue to hold office,” Hunt said.

Can it be that the liberal mainstream press has finally removed its head from its posterior?

Regress race relations to pre-1960s and the press remains silent. Ass $5 trillion to the national and they turn a blind eye. Engage in a gun-walking scheme that eventually results in the death of a border agent and it’s swept under the rug. Benghazi? Isn’t that the name of an Italian designer?

But go after a fellow-journalist — even if from Fox News — and there is hell to pay.

Liberals now eating their own, beginning with Obama and Holder - BizPac Review
“I have not done anything wrong,” she said. “I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations. And I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee.”

On the advice of counsel, she said, she would not answer further questions.

- The Washington Post

So it's not illegal to target people based on party affiliation and ideology at the IRS?
Read more and enjoy @ Holy Cannibalism, Bat Man: Liberals Are Eating Liberals

Kudos to Stewart for being even handed when finding fault with the current regime.

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