Is Sanders Retarded or Insane?

So, NASA, the US Armed Forces, etc. are all fascist/socialistic enterprises?

They are obviously socialist.
The fact that you believe NASA is socialist makes me laugh.

Nothing could be more obvious. Does the government run it? If the government owned and ran General Motors, would it be socialist? Of course it would.

The fact that you can't believe it only shows that you're a dumbass socialist.
Socialism is indeed for dummies. The stupidity of advocating for something that has failed time and time again would be.

Oh, but you don't understand. Socialism didn't fail all those times because it's an inherent unrealistic and unworkable system that goes against human nature; no, it failed because it wasn't being run by the liberal geniuses in this society who advocate it. If THEY were just in charge, socialism would be Heaven.


Sorry. I just couldn't keep a straight face any longer.
Since you're more then likely like bripat and believe anything related to the government is socialism and have no basic understanding of history, well, what a stupid statement, it would seem all first World Countries are socialist in some way.

Yes, that's pretty much true. But that's no endorsement of socialism, if that's what your thinking. All advanced countries were monarchies 200 years ago.
while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!

Well, to be "fair" right wing politicians are just paying back those donations that got them elected in the first place......Whores have to pay back the pimps, after all.

(The above does NOT mean that some democrats aren't just s crooked, but all in all, slightly less crooked.)

FYI, utter refusal of the Democrat base to prosecute corruption in their politicians, or even acknowledge it, does not constitute "not crooked".

some democrats are crooks but so are some republicans...
At least Sanders does not appear to have converted to Islam.


It COULD help him beat out Biden for the Democrat Party Nomination.....
Sanders is probably the sanest person currently running on issues of economics and education. He cares about the other 95% of this country,,,while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!

Oh, dear Christ. Most people who reach legal adulthood learn long before that intentions don't equal results. You don't get brownie points for saying, "But I CARE!" if your results end up being harmful, as the results of leftist policies always do.
What leftist policies are harmful? Please, back up which ones you're whining about. Social security? Food stamps, which help bring people out of poverty and feed kids, legal abortion?

All of them. They're all forms of theft and based on compulsion.
while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!

Well, to be "fair" right wing politicians are just paying back those donations that got them elected in the first place......Whores have to pay back the pimps, after all.

(The above does NOT mean that some democrats aren't just s crooked, but all in all, slightly less crooked.)

FYI, utter refusal of the Democrat base to prosecute corruption in their politicians, or even acknowledge it, does not constitute "not crooked".

some democrats are crooks but so are some republicans...

All Democrats are crooks.
I will only vote for people that support infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage, going to mars, taxing the rich and common sense regulations.

People have to show that they support this.

Did you know that not everyone WANTS the vote of twits like you? Or that there are other people who refuse to vote for someone who insists on "Spending! More spending! Ehrmagerd, the government doesn't do enough!"?
while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!

Well, to be "fair" right wing politicians are just paying back those donations that got them elected in the first place......Whores have to pay back the pimps, after all.

(The above does NOT mean that some democrats aren't just s crooked, but all in all, slightly less crooked.)

FYI, utter refusal of the Democrat base to prosecute corruption in their politicians, or even acknowledge it, does not constitute "not crooked".

some democrats are crooks but so are some republicans...

All Democrats are crooks.

I have to disagree. Some are just deluded dumbasses.
while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!

Well, to be "fair" right wing politicians are just paying back those donations that got them elected in the first place......Whores have to pay back the pimps, after all.

(The above does NOT mean that some democrats aren't just s crooked, but all in all, slightly less crooked.)

FYI, utter refusal of the Democrat base to prosecute corruption in their politicians, or even acknowledge it, does not constitute "not crooked".

some democrats are crooks but so are some republicans...

All Democrats are crooks.
This is a fine example of the partisan hackery that is destroying the political landscape in america.
You say that like you think they aren't.

I'd need my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher what this nitwit writes,

Thanks, but I don't require you to translate your posts into English for me. Just go ahead and talk like you always do.

The nit-wit wants to cut, slash and burn!! The nit-wit wants no government as they're anti-government.

They're idiots.

Gosh, that would be a huge burn . . . if it had anything to do with my real positions, rather than being your personal delusion about what I believe.

Basically, you really kicked ass on your own hallucination.
Somalia is a capitalist paradise, no regulations, no taxes, a truly free market.
That's anarchy, not capitalism. You're an idiot, that's why you believe what you do.
Anarchism is essentially socialism, idiot. Anarchism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
He calls me an idiot then uses a Wikipedia! LOL.

No, retardo, the different words mean different things. No wonder you're a goddamn socialist!
I'm proposing democratic socialism in the first world, workplace democracy, the third world needs to violently rise up and push out the imperialist dogs.
I'm proposing that you get laughed off the board for being the biggest idiot here.

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