ISIS seizes Saddam's chemical weapons

U.S. GAO - Iraq: U.S. Military Items Exported or Transferred to Iraq in the 1980s
GAO Investigation from 94 showing that we didn't arm them in the 80's
Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed U.S. military items exported to Iraq since 1980, focusing on: (1) the U.S. policy regarding U.S. military and related equipment sales to Iraq; (2) whether U.S. arms were diverted from the Middle East and three other countries to Iraq; and (3) whether a shipment of U.S.-origin mortar bomb fuses was diverted from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to Iraq.GAO found that: (1) U.S. foreign trade policy prohibited commercial sales of defense items to Iraq except when the items were for the protection of the head of state; (2) the Department of Defense (DOD) has not made any foreign military sales to Iraq since 1967; (3) between 1985 and 1990, the Department of Commerce approved export licenses for dual-use items totalling $1.5 billion; (4) U.S. foreign trade policy did not limit sales of dual-use items through national security or foreign policy controls; (5) two countries transferred various U.S. military items to Iraq without U.S. approval; (6) three other Middle East countries proposed to serve as transshipment points for Iraq-bound military equipment, but the proposals were rejected by the Department of State; (7) it was unable to determine whether U.S.-origin mortar bomb fuses shipped to UAE were diverted to Iraq because of sovereign political sensitivities and its inability to conduct an on-site physical inspection; and (8) although the U.S. Embassy in UAE reported that the U.S.-origin mortar bomb fuses shipped to UAE were not diverted to Iraq, it needs to find an alternative method of verifying that the fuses remain in UAE possession.
Just to be clear.....we are NOW fighting in Iraq those we ARMED in Syria.....

Most Americans don't realize that. We've been funding & arming these very questionable groups in Syria for a long time. And all because Obama and his cronies became hell-bent on killing Assad. It's just like Bush being so obsessed with getting Hussein. They're actually calling these groups the 'Good Guys' in Syria, but the 'Bad Guys' in Iraq. It's such a miserable failed Foreign Policy. When will we ever learn?

Hell at east it took 20 years for us to end up fighting those that Reagan armed.
Just to be clear.....we are NOW fighting in Iraq those we ARMED in Syria.....

Most Americans don't realize that. We've been funding & arming these very questionable groups in Syria for a long time. And all because Obama and his cronies became hell-bent on killing Assad. It's just like Bush being so obsessed with getting Hussein. They're actually calling these groups the 'Good Guys' in Syria, but the 'Bad Guys' in Iraq. It's such a miserable failed Foreign Policy. When will we ever learn?

Hell at east it took 20 years for us to end up fighting those that Reagan armed.

The us armed iraq - our ally - who was at war with our enemy - iran
Didnt you get that lesson in public school?
Of course not
Most Americans don't realize that. We've been funding & arming these very questionable groups in Syria for a long time. And all because Obama and his cronies became hell-bent on killing Assad. It's just like Bush being so obsessed with getting Hussein. They're actually calling these groups the 'Good Guys' in Syria, but the 'Bad Guys' in Iraq. It's such a miserable failed Foreign Policy. When will we ever learn?

Hell at east it took 20 years for us to end up fighting those that Reagan armed.

The us armed iraq - our ally - who was at war with our enemy - iran
Didnt you get that lesson in public school?
Of course not
Reagan also armed Iran. And the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan. Yes, I learned this in public school from a Republican teacher.

The Iran-Contra Affair, 1983-1988
Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War
Hell at east it took 20 years for us to end up fighting those that Reagan armed.

The us armed iraq - our ally - who was at war with our enemy - iran
Didnt you get that lesson in public school?
Of course not
Reagan also armed Iran. And the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan. Yes, I learned this in public school from a Republican teacher.

The Iran-Contra Affair, 1983-1988
Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War

And of course the far left will believe anything from a far left source.

Then again the far left in Congress sent weapons to Iraq in the 80's..

Something the far left always fails to mention when they bring up this topic..
Yes, the far left was involved with Reagan's secret White House meetings.

Fuck your party loyalty. Face reality. Reagan was a piece of shit who armed terrorists.
Yes, the far left was involved with Reagan's secret White House meetings.

Fuck your party loyalty. Face reality. Reagan was a piece of shit who armed terrorists.

Reagan has been out office and, oh yeah, dead for many years. What's cute is that your boy is continuing the tradition.

(cue the racist card)
Yes, the far left was involved with Reagan's secret White House meetings.

Fuck your party loyalty. Face reality. Reagan was a piece of shit who armed terrorists.

Oh my the far left does not want someone to be loyal to the opposition and against that they incestuously support. Go figure that one.
Yes, the far left was involved with Reagan's secret White House meetings.

Fuck your party loyalty. Face reality. Reagan was a piece of shit who armed terrorists.

Oh my the far left does not want someone to be loyal to the opposition and against that they incestuously support. Go figure that one.
Was that supposed to be English?

Look, it isn't difficult to understand. That's why you can't understand it. It's still way above you. That's why you call yourselves Conservatives. Thinking is bad, right?

Let's see if we can make it even easier.......

History does not start over when a new President is elected. What one President does effects what happens during the next Presidents' terms. Case in point, the criminal Richard Nixon started the war on drugs right after the Shafer Commission concluded that marijuana should be legalized. Every President since then has kept the war on drugs going. This means that what Reagan did during his term can still have an effect on what happens to other Presidents, such as 9/11 which was caused by terrorists who were funded and trained by the Reagan administration.

"Reagan has been out office and, oh yeah, dead for many years. What's cute is that your boy is continuing the tradition." How has Obama proven that he's a "leftist liberal"? Which of his policies are "Marxist"? You people don't even have the slightest clue what any of these terms mean but you keep throwing them out there to try to be right. You're not right. You're wrong. You're lying to yourselves, just like Bush lied when he lied to invade Iraq over lies.

Obama is not a "leftist" Marxist Sharia Kenyan. He is a political tool of the neo-liberal oligarchy. You know, your favorite super-rich scumbags who don't care at all about you? Obama works for them, not for us, but since he doesn't have an R after his name, he's a marxist sharia kenyan jewslim or whatever.

Go play in your sandbox.
REPORT: Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death – Captured & Executed by ISIS

Several Arab News websites are reporting the news.
Al-Mesyroon reported (translated)

There were reports of the execution of Iraqi judge, Raouf Abdel-Rahman, who sentenced Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to death, according to confirmed the pages on the social networking site, without official confirmation from the Iraqi government.

The pages on social networking sites, including Page MP Jordanian Khalil Attieh on the site “Facebook” to “revolutionaries Iraqis arrested him and sentenced him to death in retaliation for the death of the martyr Saddam Hussein,” he said, adding that Rauf tried to escape from Baghdad after wearing uniforms dancers. She page Izzat al-Douri, vice-president Saddam Hussein, the “Facebook” to the rebels Iraqis were able to arrest the Kurdish judge Rauf Rashid, who issued a death sentence against the former Iraqi leader, which is currently in the “grip of the soldiers of the Islamic State and the men of the Baath Party.”

REPORT: Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death ? Captured & Executed by ISIS | The Gateway Pundit
What about Republicans' "red line" bullshit argument? Even if Obama did something right for a change, you people would still cry foul.

Just how many countries total do you Republicans think that the US should invade and occupy indefinitely? How many permanent military bases do we have to set up around the world before we can win the unwinnable war of terror?

Obama's big blunder was funding & arming these terror-linked groups in Syria. We should have stayed out of it. We're suffering the Blow Back on that now.

And the 'War on Terror' isn't supposed to be winnable. It's supposed to go on forever. That's the point. How else can you get a Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive NSA domestic spying? You have to have a Boogeyman that will never go away. And that's the 'War on Terror.'

Seems that there is plenty of blame to go round.

McCain was happy to arm them.


Funding was authorized by Congress and the CIA apparently provided logistics.

Yeah, McCain lost it a long time ago. But he's not the President. Obama shouldn't have supported any groups in Syria. We had no business getting involved.
Obama's big blunder was funding & arming these terror-linked groups in Syria. We should have stayed out of it. We're suffering the Blow Back on that now.

And the 'War on Terror' isn't supposed to be winnable. It's supposed to go on forever. That's the point. How else can you get a Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive NSA domestic spying? You have to have a Boogeyman that will never go away. And that's the 'War on Terror.'

Seems that there is plenty of blame to go round.

McCain was happy to arm them.


Funding was authorized by Congress and the CIA apparently provided logistics.

Yeah, McCain lost it a long time ago. But he's not the President. Obama shouldn't have supported any groups in Syria. We had no business getting involved.

Agree completely. There is a reason I never voted for McCain. He was more Democrat than Republican back in 2008, and he certainly hasn't gotten much better since.

But the real answer is, Obama is President. We should not have been involved in Syria at all. Period.
I keep thinking about WHAT chemical weapons.

Now I understand. The ones that the liberal element suddenly has come believe might actually exist despite their denials that any existed when Bush set out to prevent their use. THOSE chemical weapons! Of course they're apologizing for all the crap they spouted back then.

Aren't they?
From the article:

Meanwhile, fighting continues in Iraq, where ISIS militants have seized control of a Saddam-Hussein-era chemical weapons store. The insurgents now have access to hundreds of tons of unused sarin, mustard and other deadly gases, although much of the material is considered unusable in its current state. The CIA reported in 2007 that the complex holds "a stockpile of old damaged and contaminated chemical munitions (sealed in bunkers)." The report continues:

[al-Muthanna is] a wasteland full of destroyed chemical munitions, razed structures, and unusable war-ravaged facilities... Some of the bunkers contained large quantities of unfilled chemical munitions, conventional munitions, one-ton shipping containers, old disabled production equipment and other hazardous industrial chemicals.

One expert told the Telegraph that though the militants likely won't be able to utilize the chemical weapons as intended, but that they could use the supplies to build explosive devices. However, one U.S. official contends that the people most likely to be harmed by the chemicals are ISIS, as the militants themselves would become contaminated should they try to move them.
It never happened.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

The liberals have been insisting on it for years.
He had no wmd's whose smoking gun would be a Mushroom Cloud....that could hit us in 45 minutes....etc etc etc.

We knew he had chemical weapons, we supplied him with some of them, decades back, and he USED chemical weapons more than once on his own people....

but there was never a threat that he possessed nuclear wmds............ that the Smoking Gun would be us waking up to a Mushroom Cloud, as was said by the administration and its talking heads.

and on the topic...I wonder why when we were in Iraq, and before we left, we would not have destroyed any and all of the chemical weapons manufacturing facilities before we left?

They should have been removed or neutralized, long before "Mission Accomplished". :mad:
Yes, the far left was involved with Reagan's secret White House meetings.

Fuck your party loyalty. Face reality. Reagan was a piece of shit who armed terrorists.

Oh my the far left does not want someone to be loyal to the opposition and against that they incestuously support. Go figure that one.
Was that supposed to be English?

Look, it isn't difficult to understand. That's why you can't understand it. It's still way above you. That's why you call yourselves Conservatives. Thinking is bad, right?

Let's see if we can make it even easier.......

History does not start over when a new President is elected. What one President does effects what happens during the next Presidents' terms. Case in point, the criminal Richard Nixon started the war on drugs right after the Shafer Commission concluded that marijuana should be legalized. Every President since then has kept the war on drugs going. This means that what Reagan did during his term can still have an effect on what happens to other Presidents, such as 9/11 which was caused by terrorists who were funded and trained by the Reagan administration.

"Reagan has been out office and, oh yeah, dead for many years. What's cute is that your boy is continuing the tradition." How has Obama proven that he's a "leftist liberal"? Which of his policies are "Marxist"? You people don't even have the slightest clue what any of these terms mean but you keep throwing them out there to try to be right. You're not right. You're wrong. You're lying to yourselves, just like Bush lied when he lied to invade Iraq over lies.

Obama is not a "leftist" Marxist Sharia Kenyan. He is a political tool of the neo-liberal oligarchy. You know, your favorite super-rich scumbags who don't care at all about you? Obama works for them, not for us, but since he doesn't have an R after his name, he's a marxist sharia kenyan jewslim or whatever.

Go play in your sandbox.

More far left propaganda when face with the fact that they are the real problem.

If you can not handle backing someone worse than Bush (Obama) that is not my problem, it is something you have to work out. Well I doubt your far left Obama drone programming will let you do that.

You can only post in far left talking points and propaganda and proof that you are incapable of understanding anything beyond your programming.
ISIS is another awful American Frankenstein creation. It's being reported they were funded & trained in Jordan, then sent to Syria to fight Assad. Another terrible Interventionist blunder. Now our Government will demand more Tax Dollars and lives, to kill their Frankenstein. Sadly, this permenent state of War drags on.

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