Joe Biden, criminal imbecile unfit for the presidency


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Yep, too doddering to be charged, But fit for duty to be POTUS according to his Doctor's report.

We live in the Twilight Zone, where the MSM fails to tell the truth while peddling lies about Biden's opponent.

Joe Biden, criminal imbecile unfit for the presidency

The special counsel report concludes that Biden repeatedly violated the Espionage Act as senator, vice president, and a private citizen, but no charges brought because he's an imbecile. Of course, imbecility is not a defense, especially when the imbecile is running for president. Biden stole classified information as a senator and as vice president, and you used it criminally in those posts and as a private citizen. The difficulty for the Biden cultists in the media is that the fact of Biden's imbecility prevented his indictment, but that imbecility should disqualify him to serve as president.

As for the conclusion that Biden would not have been convicted in DC, that may well be true given that it is overwhelming a Democrat Party, one-party city. That said, as my friend Nat Lewin asked, would Biden be convicted in a red state? The obvious answer, given the enormous evidence of his guilt, the answer is yes.

The congressional Democrats argue that Biden was exonerated because he was not charged, despite the fact that the special prosecutor said repeatedly that isn't the case. So, they did all they could to smear him because that's what they do.

The real sellouts are what we saw yesterday. Schiff, Nadler, Cohen, Longren who watch their own families living great while denying others who think differently. They are of self-important superiority. And they look down on the inferior. Including their own. Privately they see Maxine Waters and others on their side as imbeciles. One of many used for their eventual design of complete power.
Yep, too doddering to be charged, But fit for duty to be POTUS according to his Doctor's report.

We live in the Twilight Zone, where the MSM fails to tell the truth while peddling lies about Biden's opponent.

Joe Biden, criminal imbecile unfit for the presidency
The special counsel report concludes that Biden repeatedly violated the Espionage Act as senator, vice president, and a private citizen, but no charges brought because he's an imbecile. Of course, imbecility is not a defense, especially when the imbecile is running for president. Biden stole classified information as a senator and as vice president, and you used it criminally in those posts and as a private citizen. The difficulty for the Biden cultists in the media is that the fact of Biden's imbecility prevented his indictment, but that imbecility should disqualify him to serve as president.
As for the conclusion that Biden would not have been convicted in DC, that may well be true given that it is overwhelming a Democrat Party, one-party city. That said, as my friend Nat Lewin asked, would Biden be convicted in a red state? The obvious answer, given the enormous evidence of his guilt, the answer is yes.
The congressional Democrats argue that Biden was exonerated because he was not charged, despite the fact that the special prosecutor said repeatedly that isn't the case. So, they did all they could to smear him because that's what they do.

Mark Levins speculation and lies are click bait ad revenue.

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