Militia-backed Shiite cleric vows to battle ISIL in Iraq


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
The Big Cheese has now chimed in. In this case, I hope he is able o do something against ISIL in Iraq.

Militia-backed Shiite cleric vows to battle ISIL in Iraq

Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr okays ‘international support from non-occupying states’ in struggle against jihadists

BY PRASHANT RAO June 26, 2014

Iraq (AFP) — Powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has vowed to “shake the ground” under the feet of advancing Sunni militants, as Iraqi premier Nouri al-Maliki warned rivals against exploiting the crisis to sideline him.

Sadr, whose movement long battled US forces during Washington’s nearly nine-year war in Iraq, also voiced opposition Wednesday to American military advisers meeting with Iraqi commanders.

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Militia-backed Shiite cleric vows to battle ISIL in Iraq | The Times of Israel

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