More fake news by Rachel Maddow & MSNBC

The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.

MSNBC knows Trump's TWEET Is true

:rolleyes: No they do not know that.

In fact no one except ignorant nuts like you knows that to be true. Sane, informed people know the opposite to be true because FBI and even Trump tools like Nunez said in fairly plain, straight forward terms that Trump's allegations of Obama wiretapping him are without any basis in fact.

There has been NO ONE of any prominence, Democrat or Republican that to this day took up the position that Trump didn't lie in those tweets.

All your ad hominem responses to everyone and false naratives without any refutation to discussions is an admission of defeat.
I use the analogy of a child losing in chess who throws the chess board to the ground after he or she loses. Hillary and the crew did this, the media who backed her did this, and you are doing it to. The Schools giving you play-doh to calm down is proof of this child like behavior. :)
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The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.
Fake news is where you GET your news. This is why everything you know is wrong.

Said the guy who is convinced that poor Russians are being framed for hacking DNC.
You have yet to show 1 piece of physical proof Russia the Gov't were the hackers since Wikileaks denies it being a Russian or a gov't who gave them the emails.

This is what physical proof looks like:
Platte River Networks of Denver, Colorado, was a 'mom and pop' IT company Hillary Clinton chose to maintain her server emails.
Paul Combetta one of the IT guys who bleachbit the drive even is caught online asking Reddit for info on how to wipe a server drive.
CLAIM: Hillary’s Bleachbit Guy, Paul Combetta, Asked Reddit Users How to Clean a Server - Trading with The Fly

Clintons paid for him can be construed as hush money.
Paul Combetta may have stayed tethered to Clintons through legal reimbursements

Physical proof of a crime being premeditated:
Regarding the OP time line missdirection of fake news:
Podesta was worried about foreign hackers all the way in April 2015 before Trump was a candidate.
Time Lines are important, and not knowing time line context exposes people to deception. It's how Rome fooled the world by changing times and holidays to fit their narative on Jesus.

released by Wikileaks
From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 2015-04-15 03:35
Subject: The Democracy Alliance meeting
Dear John,
I am following up on our very brief discussion, held as you were leaving the DA meeting, about Hillary Clinton's emails.
I've included a summary of the issues and a precautionary step that I think should be taken. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
Regards, Barbara
The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.
What they BELIEVE to be true.
That's what the investigation is all about, who unmasked whom illegally.

oh for fucks sakes THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION IS ABOUT. The investigation is about Russian interference in our elections.

To say that it is about unmasking is like saying that Watergate was about Deep Throat. I know Nixon Trump would like you to believe that, BUT IT IS NOT SO.

If, for example, Flynn had a conversation with a Russian but didn't commit a crime (like say he was going to kill the president), then there is no way we should be talking about it and he should never had gotten in trouble over it.

Total horseshit. If Flynn, a civilian at the time, discussed Russian sanctions and undermined current president Obama, that is AGAINST THE LAW. Flynn then went on to LIE about it.
Russian interference was a made up thing, so that lying scumbag politicians could monitor their opponents.

At some point you have to learn that you saying things does not make them so.

Russian break-in into DNC servers is at this point well documented and accepted fact by FBI, CIA, security experts and both political parties currently conducting investigations. So when you say what you just did, it is in contradiction to well established facts and makes you look like a total nutter idiot. You can go ahead and carry on embarrassing yourself with all that insight you gain at Breitbart , but don't think for a second that what you say has any credibility at all.
Lies lies and more lies. Why do you always lie?

There is no proof Russia broke into the scummy DNC servers....why lie?

You are insane. Straight up bonkers, to keep claiming it to this day. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Analysis | Here’s what we learned from the Senate hearing on Russia

There is a HUGE amount of evidence proving that the Big Ears administration surveilled Trump. We know from Farkus and Rice, Trump people were surveilled and even unmasked.

Remember when Trump first twitted about this??????? Remember how all your buddies in the DNC media SCREAMED no FUCKING way did Big Ears do that.....NOW WE KNOW IT HAPPENED, BUT YOU STILL CLING TO YOUR PARTISAN STUPIDITY.

....did you hear? Trump and Russia colluded...LMFAO!!!
Just when you thought thought it couldn't get any better..........

MSNBC now saying the Rice story is "racist":2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I am surprised it took the fake news MSNBC this long to pull the race card! :p Fake news CNN will no doubt follow, although their strategy lately is to pretend The Obama Surveillance Scandal doesn't exist. In regards to Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, I surfed to the transgender's show when there was a commercial on Tucker's show and folks Blinky is the most deranged, butthurt broadcaster on MSNBC IMO!
I am surprised it took the fake news MSNBC this long to pull the race card! :p Fake news CNN will no doubt follow, although their strategy lately is to pretend The Obama Surveillance Scandal doesn't exist. In regards to Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, I surfed to the transgender's show when there was a commercial on Tucker's show and folks Blinky is the most deranged, butthurt broadcaster on MSNBC IMO!

These assholes cant help themselves......did the identity politics thing for months in 2016 and the DUMS got their clocks cleaned in the election. Go........go...........:2up:
The whole point about this thread is fake news

Do you even understand what FAKE NEWS is?

It is a story publisher of which MAKES IT UP and knows it to be false.

Like them or not MSNBC publishes what they believe to be true and there has never been a reason to think that any of their reporting is somehow FAKE.

Incorrect or inaccurate on some things? Maybe, and that's open for discussion but it is absolutely REAL.
Fake news is where you GET your news. This is why everything you know is wrong.

Said the guy who is convinced that poor Russians are being framed for hacking DNC.
You have yet to show 1 piece of physical proof Russia the Gov't were the hackers since Wikileaks denies it being a Russian or a gov't who gave them the emails.

You are full of shit, this has been posted like 20 times by now. How is it possible that you still don't know this? Are you a paid shill? Come clean.

This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyber activity by RIS as GRIZZLY STEPPE. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

And Assange denying Russian source? Even if he is not lying his ass off, how the fuck would he know? You are seriously going to tell me that Russian intelligence hasn't yet learned how to pass documents without getting exposed?

Dumbass, it was Russians and our intelligence even has pretty good idea by now who exactly did it.
CIA Identifies Russians Who Gave DNC Emails to WikiLeaks
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