More Stuff You Didn't Know

ā€œā€¦Obama was cleverly giving a green light for illegal voting while giving himself plausible deniability that he was not doing so. Note that he didnā€™t take issue with Rodriguezā€™ absurd notion that the mere fact of being present in the country and ā€œcontributing,ā€ whatever that means (others would say ā€œleechingā€), makes one a ā€œcitizen.ā€ Given this, Obamaā€™s statement that ā€œwhen you vote, you are a citizen yourselfā€ could be taken to mean that the mere act of ā€œparticipatingā€ in our civic life makes you a citizen in spirit.

Note also that Obama subsequently said that you have even more of a reason to cast a ballot if you have relatives who ā€œcanā€™t legally voteā€ (emphasis added). Does this imply that they ā€œcanā€ ā€” a word denoting capability, not what one should do ethically ā€” vote illegally? After all, they certainly can, given that illegals can obtain driverā€™s licenses in many states, and proof of citizenship may not be a prerequisite for voting. Realize, too, that Obama has been flooding the US with illegals, ordering they not be deported and that the border patrol stand down. Itā€™s logical to assume heā€™s doing this for a reason.ā€ Undermining America: Did Obama Just Encourage Illegals to Vote?
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.
so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?
A better question would be how many voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania were influenced by the Russian hacking that Trump had publicly called for:

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

"Before the hearings, Facebookā€™s chairman and C.E.O., Mark Zuckerberg, had maintained that the amount of Russian content that had been disseminated on social media was too small to matter.

"But evidence presented to the Senate committee revealed that material generated by the Kremlin had reached a hundred and twenty-six million American Facebook users, leading Senator Dianne Feinstein to call the cyberattack 'cataclysmic.'"

"But evidence presented to the Senate committee revealed that material generated by the Kremlin had reached a hundred and twenty-six million American Facebook users, leading Senator Dianne Feinstein to call the cyberattack 'cataclysmic.'"

You such thing happened.

"Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate werenā€™t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign."
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K ā€“ TechCrunch

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sourcesā€¦ā€¦out of billions of adsā€¦.

What's the percentage?

Further, it is impossible for any foreign power to alter our elections.
A pity you never read a book.....

Even when their survival depended on it....the Russians had zero ability to move the vote.

Now, once upon a timeā€¦.there was a candidate that the Kremlin feared, a military threat, they were actually convinced that a certain candidate for President was planning a first strike on Russia.
And they went all out to prevent his electionā€¦..with the conscious and active support of elected Democrats, the Liberal Lion, Ted Kennedy....

Ronald Reagan.

Vasili Mitrokhin worked for 30 years in the foreign intelligence archives of the KGB. In 1972 he was made responsible for moving the entire archives to new headquarters in Moscow. But Mitrokhin spent over a decade making notes and transcripts of these classified files. In 1992, British Secret Intelligence Service exfiltrated the defector, and his presence in the west remained secret until the publication of this book.

His book:


ā€˜The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,ā€ by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.

Mitrokhin outlines the full-court press that the Soviet power structure used to prevent a Reagan presidencyā€¦.with, of course the joyful aid of such Democrat luminaries as Ted Kennedy.
ā€œā€¦chairman of the KGBā€¦.all foreign intelligence officersā€¦.active measures to ensure Reaganā€™s defeatā€¦.ā€
Mitrokhin, Op. Cit., p. 243

ā€œReagan won a forty-nine state landslide. The entire Soviet government, working hand-in-hand with [the Democrat hierarchy] and Americaā€™s most influential newspaper, couldnā€™t put a dent a US electionā€¦ā€
Coulter, ā€œResistance Is Futile,ā€p. 44-45

Gads, you're a moron.

ā€œRep Mark Meadows Just Blew Up the Trump-Russia Scam With One Comment About Super Tuesday

Congressional Democrats have been selling the exhaustively debunked theory about Donald Trump being a Russian secret agent and using Russian President Vladimir Putin's help to win office in 2016.

Two investigations so far have shown that there was no Russian collusion with Trump. The Mueller investigation indictments showed that, to the extent there was interference in the 2016 election, it involved Russian troll farms buying about $100,000 in Facebook ads and setting up Facebook accounts to sow discord among U.S. voters.

Congressman Mark Meadows, an expert on the evidence in the collusion allegations, watched Super Tuesday's contests with more than a little interest. And when Mike Bloomberg got out of the presidential race, Meadows had this bracing take:

Mark Meadows


Michael Bloomberg could barely win a delegate in a primary with $500+ millionā€”but if you ask Washington Democrats, a few Russian trolls spending 100K on Facebook ads swung the entire 2016 election. Got it. #CollusionHoax

Meadows wrote:

"Michael Bloomberg could barely win a delegate in a primary with $500+ millionā€”but if you ask Washington Democrats, a few Russian trolls spending 100K on Facebook ads swung the entire 2016 election. Got it. #CollusionHoax"

The AP reports that Bloomberg ended the contest with 51 delegates. A quick, back-of-the-envelope calculation shows that Bloomberg spent $9,803,921.57 per delegate. The Daily Caller also found that Bloomberg had paid Democratic "superdelegates" $149,000 to give him their vote if the convention went to a second vote.

Money talks but it can't get you over the finish line.

Rep Mark Meadows Just Blew Up the Trump-Russia Scam With One Comment About Super Tuesday
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Iā€™m curious exactly what route $149,000.00 takes from the Bloomer to the ā€œsupers,ā€ the negotiations surrounding such transfers, what they expect to reap as a result, etc., etc.

Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s something like somewhere to facilitate such buying?
Iā€™m curious exactly what route $149,000.00 takes from the Bloomer to the ā€œsupers,ā€ the negotiations surrounding such transfers, what they expect to reap as a result, etc., etc.

Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s something like somewhere to facilitate such buying?

maybe Hillary can tell you, she was very good at it
Iā€™m curious exactly what route $149,000.00 takes from the Bloomer to the ā€œsupers,ā€ the negotiations surrounding such transfers, what they expect to reap as a result, etc., etc.

Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s something like somewhere to facilitate such buying?

Iā€™m curious exactly what route $149,000.00 takes from the Bloomer to the ā€œsupers,ā€ the negotiations surrounding such transfers, what they expect to reap as a result, etc., etc.

Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s something like somewhere to facilitate such buying?

maybe Hillary can tell you, she was very good at it


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