Mueller’s investigation needs end

Is Trump guilty of collusion?

  • yes

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • no

    Votes: 12 63.2%
  • no sure

    Votes: 1 5.3%

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  • Poll closed .
Conspiracy???? I thought it was collusion. Which is not a crime btw.

I believe it is a crime if you are knowingly using foreign assistance in a Federal election.

You mean like when Hillary took tens of millions from Saudi Arabia and Qatar?

When you end your post by stating a lie it becomes impossible to believe the rest of your post.
just a friendly reminder
no animosity intended or implied

You were saying?

"Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept"

Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at...

"The kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated more than $10 million. Through a foundation, so did the son-in-law of a former Ukrainian president whose government was widely criticized for corruption and the murder of journalists. A Lebanese-Nigerian developer with vast business interests contributed as much as $5 million."

Foundation Ties Bedevil Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign

Saudi Arabia and Qatar: We fund ISIS AND Hillary.
It says, "Clinton promised that the State Department’s ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns.".
So was the ethics official notified?

This is boring, its like a year ago.
Whats happening today is questioning of Russian oligarchs donation to campaign/inauguration.
The inauguration committee hasn't disclosed their finances.
Mueller has had over a year to investigate the Russian/2016 election. We all know Trump and friends are behind this, It is time he wraps this up, writes his report and let Congress do their job.
Sigh you are just as blind as the Trumpsters.

Whitewater took 4 years to complete- I want Mueller to continue his thorough investigation until it is complete without any rush to judgement either way.

Once again- I am hoping that what he finds is that there was no intentional criminal collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia- that would be horrible.

The only thing more horrible would be if there was such collusion- and it is successfully covered up.
Update: Two liberals chose they don't have the spine to admit they were strung along for a ride, as they're unable to cope with the Nov. 2016 loss.
Two honest liberals are better than none. I actually feel bad for some liberals because they put all this energy in to this and believed assholes like Schiff, Schummer, Pelosi and Waters and others who were knowingly lying to them for political gain.

And yes, they lied because they were all in the meetings of the 5-6 Investigations that all concluded there was No Collusion. Clinton knows there is No Collusion, and she is still lying about it to this day.

All of this from a guy who believes and trusts the king of Fake News- Donald Trump.
Mueller has had over a year to investigate the Russian/2016 election. We all know Trump and friends are behind this, It is time he wraps this up, writes his report and let Congress do their job.
It took four years for Ken Starr to investigate a blowjob.

Patience, grasshopper.

This investigation is about more than the conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians to interfere in our free electoral process.

It will go wherever the crimes and the money trail lead it.
Conspiracy???? I thought it was collusion. Which is not a crime btw.

conspiracy is the legal term. which is a crime btw.
Breakfast is not illegal.

Interfering in our free electoral system is. That's why there are 13 indictments.

All caught up now, idiot?
How did they alter the outcome of the election? By merely, supposedly, trying ?

This has been explained to you many times.

The tactic of repeatedly asking the same question over and over again and pretending that you've not been answered is lame. It doesn't result in you "winning" a debate and it doesn't alter the facts.
What has been "explained"many times is "they tried"
Never any example of how the election was actually effected

Now you are lying. That is even more boring.

How about being honest. Here is a simple yes or no question.

Were x number of voters influenced to vote for Trump or against Clinton by content placed on their personal FB feeds by Russian operatives?
Russian operatives? Are you suggesting that the Russian government was involved with the clickbait company?

'...The United States indictment is among the clearest documents yet in stating outright that Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, a businessman grown fabulously wealthy off government contracts, controls the agency despite denials from him and the Kremlin. He has long been linked to President Vladimir V. Putin, not least through his nickname, “Putin’s cook,” inspired by his catering company, which mushroomed from hosting state banquets to feeding much of the military....

Russian Trolls Were Sloppy, but Indictment Still ‘Points at the Kremlin’

'...The Internet Research Agency is a Russian troll farm in St. Petersburg—in essence a Kremlin-backed enterprise staffed with hundreds of people whose main job is to sow disinformation on the internet. The organization, which serves as a propaganda arm for Russian President Vladimir Putin, is at the heart of the indictments handed down Friday by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

The indictment alleges that IRA officials began targeting the United States in 2014 and continued until the November 2016 election that saw the election of President Trump. (The indictment does not allege collusion between these individuals and the Trump campaign.) The IRA, which is based in St. Petersburg, is funded by Evgeny Prigozhin, a Russian oligarch who is close to the Kremlin. He was among 13 people indicted Friday...'

What Is the Internet Research Agency?

How did they alter the outcome of the election? By merely, supposedly, trying ?

This has been explained to you many times.

The tactic of repeatedly asking the same question over and over again and pretending that you've not been answered is lame. It doesn't result in you "winning" a debate and it doesn't alter the facts.
What has been "explained"many times is "they tried"
Never any example of how the election was actually effected

Now you are lying. That is even more boring.

How about being honest. Here is a simple yes or no question.

Were x number of voters influenced to vote for Trump or against Clinton by content placed on their personal FB feeds by Russian operatives?
Russian operatives? Are you suggesting that the Russian government was involved with the clickbait company?

'...The United States indictment is among the clearest documents yet in stating outright that Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, a businessman grown fabulously wealthy off government contracts, controls the agency despite denials from him and the Kremlin. He has long been linked to President Vladimir V. Putin, not least through his nickname, “Putin’s cook,” inspired by his catering company, which mushroomed from hosting state banquets to feeding much of the military....

Russian Trolls Were Sloppy, but Indictment Still ‘Points at the Kremlin’

'...The Internet Research Agency is a Russian troll farm in St. Petersburg—in essence a Kremlin-backed enterprise staffed with hundreds of people whose main job is to sow disinformation on the internet. The organization, which serves as a propaganda arm for Russian President Vladimir Putin, is at the heart of the indictments handed down Friday by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

The indictment alleges that IRA officials began targeting the United States in 2014 and continued until the November 2016 election that saw the election of President Trump. (The indictment does not allege collusion between these individuals and the Trump campaign.) The IRA, which is based in St. Petersburg, is funded by Evgeny Prigozhin, a Russian oligarch who is close to the Kremlin. He was among 13 people indicted Friday...'

What Is the Internet Research Agency?


There has been no evidence whatsoever presented which indicates that the Russian government was involved.

The fact that you believe that the Russian government was involved, despite a total lack of evidence, is a testament to how easily your feeble mind was manipulated with a very basic brainwashing technique known as repeated messaging.

This board is chock full of feeble-minded party of slavery supporting jackasses.
Conspiracy???? I thought it was collusion. Which is not a crime btw.

I believe it is a crime if you are knowingly using foreign assistance in a Federal election.
So you are all for trying Clinton and Obama, Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, Baker, Page and the rest for Knowingly Purchasing Russian Propaganda, and then concealing that sourcing in a FISA Court to lobby for a Surveillance Warrant, and then leaking everything they could so as to directly use foreign assistance in an attempt to alter the results of a Federal Election?

Why isn't Mueller Investigating that?

Actually Trump isn't a target. Mueller is supposed to be investigating Russian interference in our elections, wherever that leads him.
"In a Feb. 4 interview on “Meet the Press,” Brennan was asked how U.S. intelligence obtained information about Papadopoulos.
Brennan responded that he was not “going to get into details about how it was acquired.”

Congressional Investigators ‘Trying To Get To The Bottom’ Of Brennan’s Role In Russia Investigation

It has since been revealed that the Aussie Diplomat who set Papa up, arranging the meeting then providing Comey with the information / tip, was / is a HUGE Hillary donor / supporter.

This is the 2nd incident / event that sure makes it look like the FBI, or at least Comey and McCabe (both of whose wives took large amounts of Clinton Cash), were working for Hillary Clinton:

1) The FBI used the Russian-Propaganda-Filled Report Hillary paid $12 million to a foreign spy working with the Russians for, given to them by Hillary, to illegally obtain FISA Warrants to spy on Hillary's political opponent in the 2016 election.

2) The FBI gets the tip / info on Papa from the Hillary supporter / donor that set Papa up in the 1st place.

The FBI declared that both the debunked dossier and the 'overheard drunken conversation in the bathroom of a British pub' between Papa and the Hillary donor were 'key' in acquiring the FISA warrants....'tools' they would otherwise not have gotten without Hillary and thus would never have gotten the FISA warrants (illegally).

Brennan, Obama's Director of the CIA - proven to have perpetrated Felony Perjury before Congress already, is the main focus in the article linked above. Brennan reportedly briefed Harry Reid on the 'critical' (NON-EXISTENT) link between the Trump administration and the Russians, who Brennan declared was interfering in the 2016 election. Brennan convinced Reid - the dumbass who was USED by Brennan - that it was of utmost 'URGENCY' that he pressure the FBI to star an investigation of Trump and his team based on the 'link' 'revealing' collusion. Reid went to Comey and DID pressure him to start an investigation.

Here is the evidence that another one of Barry's top 'Generals' / 'Traitors' lied and manipulated others to get the 'Witch Hunt' started....BASED ON NO EVIDENCE - WHICH BRENNAN FINALLY ADMITTED:

“I don’t know whether such collusion existed. I don’t know,” Brennan testified before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on May 23, 2017."

Brennan, when asked under oath what evidence he had that the Trump team engaged in illegal collusion, was forced to admit he had NONE. He admitted that he knew about the Russian actions - and thus OBAMA KNEW...and they did nothing about it except to run to Reid and take other 'Secret Society' actions to get the 'Witch Hunt' started. He also admitted that he did not have evidence of criminal activity involving Trump that warranted an investigation but still sold Reid on the idea that there was an immediate need to begin an investigation of Trump and his team.

Brennan, who should already be in jail for Perjury, should have his fat arse thrown in jail for his part in the sedition / treason perpetrated by the Obama administration and Hillary against the President. And AGAIN, although the Russians seem to have done quite a bit to divide the nation and therefore have an impact on the 2016 election, evidence continues to pour out exposing that Obama, his criminal administration / Cabinet, and Hillary did more to enable the Russians' effort - not STOP them - and effect the outcome of the election than the Russians did.
This has been explained to you many times.

The tactic of repeatedly asking the same question over and over again and pretending that you've not been answered is lame. It doesn't result in you "winning" a debate and it doesn't alter the facts.
What has been "explained"many times is "they tried"
Never any example of how the election was actually effected

Now you are lying. That is even more boring.

How about being honest. Here is a simple yes or no question.

Were x number of voters influenced to vote for Trump or against Clinton by content placed on their personal FB feeds by Russian operatives?
Russian operatives? Are you suggesting that the Russian government was involved with the clickbait company?

'...The United States indictment is among the clearest documents yet in stating outright that Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, a businessman grown fabulously wealthy off government contracts, controls the agency despite denials from him and the Kremlin. He has long been linked to President Vladimir V. Putin, not least through his nickname, “Putin’s cook,” inspired by his catering company, which mushroomed from hosting state banquets to feeding much of the military....

Russian Trolls Were Sloppy, but Indictment Still ‘Points at the Kremlin’

'...The Internet Research Agency is a Russian troll farm in St. Petersburg—in essence a Kremlin-backed enterprise staffed with hundreds of people whose main job is to sow disinformation on the internet. The organization, which serves as a propaganda arm for Russian President Vladimir Putin, is at the heart of the indictments handed down Friday by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

The indictment alleges that IRA officials began targeting the United States in 2014 and continued until the November 2016 election that saw the election of President Trump. (The indictment does not allege collusion between these individuals and the Trump campaign.) The IRA, which is based in St. Petersburg, is funded by Evgeny Prigozhin, a Russian oligarch who is close to the Kremlin. He was among 13 people indicted Friday...'

What Is the Internet Research Agency?


There has been no evidence whatsoever presented which indicates that the Russian government was involved.

The fact that you believe that the Russian government was involved, despite a total lack of evidence, is a testament to how easily your feeble mind was manipulated with a very basic brainwashing technique known as repeated messaging.

This board is chock full of feeble-minded party of slavery supporting jackasses.

pleas.... go on..... no tell me a story about a muslem born in kenya got the presidency...:auiqs.jpg:
The 'Conspiracy Theory' that Obama 'could' be a Kenyan-born Muslim never entered my mind and certainly did not worry me as much as his own admission that he was / is:

- The son of a Muslim Anti-Colonialist who hated the US and who wanted to see it lose its power and influence in the world

- The student of prominent Communist Frank Marshall Davis

- A student of Socialist Saul Alensky, who quoted a passage from his book 'Rules for Radicals' in his Inauguration speech

- The mentored 'padawan' of the racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright for a decade or more, despite what he spewed from his 'pulpit'

- Friend of unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers
The 'Conspiracy Theory' that Obama 'could' be a Kenyan-born Muslim never entered my mind and certainly did not worry me as much as his own admission that he was / is:

- The son of a Muslim Anti-Colonialist who hated the US and who wanted to see it lose its power and influence in the world

- The student of prominent Communist Frank Marshall Davis

- A student of Socialist Saul Alensky, who quoted a passage from his book 'Rules for Radicals' in his Inauguration speech

- The mentored 'padawan' of the racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright for a decade or more, despite what he spewed from his 'pulpit'

- Friend of unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers

^^^ :cuckoo: ^^^
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has either indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 19 people and three companies so far — with most of those being announced just in the past few weeks.

That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 13 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Five of these people have already pleaded guilty — the latest being former Trump campaign staffer Rick Gates, who signed a plea deal and committed to cooperate with Mueller’s investigation Friday.

now take a guess who is being investigated - :abgg2q.jpg:
The 'Conspiracy Theory' that Obama 'could' be a Kenyan-born Muslim never entered my mind and certainly did not worry me as much as his own admission that he was / is:

- The son of a Muslim Anti-Colonialist who hated the US and who wanted to see it lose its power and influence in the world

- The student of prominent Communist Frank Marshall Davis

- A student of Socialist Saul Alensky, who quoted a passage from his book 'Rules for Radicals' in his Inauguration speech

- The mentored 'padawan' of the racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright for a decade or more, despite what he spewed from his 'pulpit'

- Friend of unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers

^^^ :cuckoo: ^^^

These are documented facts....not that I expect someone who refuses to accept the outcome of the 2016 election to accept that / acknowledge that.

The 'Conspiracy Theory' that Obama 'could' be a Kenyan-born Muslim never entered my mind and certainly did not worry me as much as his own admission that he was / is:

- The son of a Muslim Anti-Colonialist who hated the US and who wanted to see it lose its power and influence in the world

- The student of prominent Communist Frank Marshall Davis

- A student of Socialist Saul Alensky, who quoted a passage from his book 'Rules for Radicals' in his Inauguration speech

- The mentored 'padawan' of the racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright for a decade or more, despite what he spewed from his 'pulpit'

- Friend of unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers

^^^ :cuckoo: ^^^

These are documented facts....not that I expect someone who refuses to accept the outcome of the 2016 election to accept that / acknowledge that.


false flag documentation doesn't count.

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