NFL national anthem protesters

You really should work on your reading comprehension. Never said that Kap was arrested.

Someone asked what is the point of having rights if you can't exercise them?

I replied "exactly" to the question, meaning that I was agreeing with them. I then pointed out that as far as I know there is no restriction on free speech from the NFL as far as I knew, and asked that if someone knew there was, to please link to it so I could learn myself.

I then told about how the military suspends many of the rights that Americans have as private citizens.

Nowhere did I say that Kap needed to be arrested for free speech. Matter of fact, the whole point was to illustrate that the ONLY place that I know of where they restrict your rights as an American citizen as a condition of employment was the military.
Its a ploy to deflect from her earlier claim that Kap made a display.
You really should work on your reading comprehension. Never said that Kap was arrested.

Someone asked what is the point of having rights if you can't exercise them?

I replied "exactly" to the question, meaning that I was agreeing with them. I then pointed out that as far as I know there is no restriction on free speech from the NFL as far as I knew, and asked that if someone knew there was, to please link to it so I could learn myself.

I then told about how the military suspends many of the rights that Americans have as private citizens.

Nowhere did I say that Kap needed to be arrested for free speech. Matter of fact, the whole point was to illustrate that the ONLY place that I know of where they restrict your rights as an American citizen as a condition of employment was the military.
Its a ploy to deflect from her earlier claim that Kap made a display.

he thought he was invisible?
Evidently he was invisible for 3 weeks before someone noticed. What does that have to do with your claim he held a press conference?

I never said "he held a press conference" Your assertion is a shit-mouth lie
Your claim that someone said he was invisible and your claim he made a display is a shit mouth lie. If you dont like how it feels then dont do it to others.

I have no problem with your idiot cyber fart. It is a matter of record------you lied--SHIT MOUTH, and I did not. You decided that an ACTION of Protest VISIBLE to thousands of people in a packed foot ball stadium is "not public" (ie not displayed before the public---to wit INVISIBLE) and you -------in your shit mouth lie manner INSISTED THAT I CLAIMED that he held a press conference-----why not own up to your filth? -------why press the issue with more shit mouth lies?
The NFL has control of what is shown on TV.

If the NFL would just stopped showing these attention whore national anthem protesters on TV they would stop doing it.

BTW it is America that made these ungrateful NFL players rich and famous, so it’s an offensive protest.

The NFL only has marginal control of what is shown on TV. If ESPN is running the broadcast, then it's folks in the ESPN editing room who decide which shots make it to their live feed, and those technicians in the editing room aren't NFL execs.

Honestly, I don't have a particularly strong opinion about these protests. If you've got a gripe with the country and you wanna sit for the anthem, whatever, no skin off my sack, and I'm never one to vilify the act of speaking out. I don't agree with the apparent motives and ideology of the protesters, but that's a different topic.

That said, from the view of the NFL, I could absolutely see why they would be pissed. I could see why individual team organizations might pass on Kap SPECIFICALLY because of the notoriety of his protests, just based on viewership. An insanely huge percentage of NFL fans are your average "red blooded American", patriotic/nationalistic types. You know, folks in flyover country. The protest being done in a manner specifically disrespectful to the USA creates obvious issues with the majority of the NFL's viewership.
But flying the confederate flag is ok?

The fact that the united states flag is no better than the confederate flag,dont see anything wrong with it especially since our forefathers were all racists themselves.our corrupt history classses leave out those little facts that the north were as much racists as the south was.
You know, I view this as a free speech issue. The players aren't paid for their political beliefs or standing, they are paid for their ability to play the game. If they wish to protest during the opening fanfare and ceremonies, I see no problem with it.

It's mind boggling how you guys have been told one billion times why this isn't a free speech issue and you still don't get it. Mind boggling. Oh....what's that? see no problem these dumb jocks speaking their mind..well guess what? You're not an nfl owner, so no offense, but who cares what you think? The owner's are perfectly within their rights to not hire him because they don't like what he saying.
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The NFL has control of what is shown on TV.

If the NFL would just stopped showing these attention whore national anthem protesters on TV they would stop doing it.

BTW it is America that made these ungrateful NFL players rich and famous, so it’s an offensive protest.
false argument. No one did it for attention. When Kap did it he made no fanfare of it. People spying on him freaked out and made it a media sensation. it was kind of weird to me because I never stand while that racist song is being played.

your behavior is rude and meaningless------as is that of kap et al. "spying on him"?---he thought
he was in the toilet? It was and is meant as a very public DISPLAY
Youre dumb. If he wanted it to be a display he would have held a press conference and said what he was doing. As it was it took them a couple of games to see what he was doing.

What a joke. Kapernick said he was protesting to raise awareness about problems blacks are having with popo
What exactly is the purpose of having rights if you can't exercise them.

Omg. Another idiot. Kapshit exercised his rights. That doesn't that there is no recourse for what you do and say just because execising your rights. I wish you guys would cut the charade. You don't give a fuck about free speech, you're standing up for kapshit because you agree with him and you have contempt for this country just like he does.
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What exactly is the purpose of having rights if you can't exercise them.

EXACTLY! Now, there are no restrictions on a person's right to free speech or expressing their views in the NFL that I am aware of. Yeah, they do have a morals clause which prevents you from doing things that are immoral or illegal, but free speech protest as far as I know doesn't have any restrictions. If anyone has a link to show where free speech is limited in the NFL, it would be appreciated.


If you join the military, about 50 to 75 percent of your rights as an American citizen are suspended while you are in the military. If you wish to express your free speech, you have to check with your PAO (Public Affairs Officer) and tell them where you are going, why you are protesting, and how you will appear before they give you permission. can't wear an official military uniform to a partisan rally to take part in the rally.

You're ignorant about Nfl contracts (and other things), but let me ask you this - where the fuck were you when Donald sterling was kicked out of the NBA for exercising his free speech in PRIVATE??? Don't say you stood up for sterling cuz you'd just be lying. You don't care about rights, you care politics and agenda.
The NFL has control of what is shown on TV.

If the NFL would just stopped showing these attention whore national anthem protesters on TV they would stop doing it.

BTW it is America that made these ungrateful NFL players rich and famous, so it’s an offensive protest.
I guess in America you're free as long as you conform.

I agree with the guy who asked why does the cameraman show them kneeling. But then people are in the stands
The fact that the united states flag is no better than the confederate flag,dont see anything wrong with it especially since our forefathers were all racists themselves.our corrupt history classses leave out those little facts that the north were as much racists as the south was.

And that's why I wish people like you would educate yourself rather than spout random nonsense and try and burn books and revise history to suit your story you'd like to hear. When the colonies came together the North wanted to end the slave trade and ban slavery. Thomas Jefferson's first draft of the Declaration of Independence called for the end of slavery. The Southern colonies wouldn't agree to that and it got rewritten and the North postponed that fight based on their need to stand as one against the British. Most northern states ended slavery and the slave trade DURING the Revolutionary war. Northern states fought AGAINST the expansion of slavery in the US. Northern states refused to return runaway slaves to their former masters. Northern states voted against the slave trade and got it banned.

And remind me. Which side Rebelled against the Federal government and tried to overthrow the USA, fighting the deadliest war against the US in our history for the right to own black people perpetually? Oh yeah. The south.

That's what I see wrong with the Confederate flags. Sure the US and our forefathers weren't perfect. They were flawed men in many ways. But they lived and died fighting to build this country I live in, and did a lot of good. The Confederacy was born to break it apart and end it and their entire existence was spent at war for slavery.

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