Non Essential government workers are laid off at Midnite EST

The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.
Make them work. They get back pay after the government is funded.
Private company employees are eliminated w/o notice, no pay. Pay is often reduced 10% w/o notice, can go on for years. Shutdowns happen, no work-no pay. Sometime UI comes in to play at greatly reduced pay......but I believe employers fund that? Out of pay you could be getting.

Why should they get paid if not working? 120, 000 DOJ + mule-team shut down. Free paid vacation time. Go get a real job like regular folks have to do.

They should get paid as a punishment to Congress as payment for being used as a hostage
Congress and all its paid staff should stop receiving their paychecks as long as the furloughed and unpaid workers do.
You do realize that was ruled an accidental shooting

Sure, by a San Francisco court that is very pro-illegal and very sympathetic to guys like Zarate who is beloved in that town.

I'm sure that the ruling would have been different if a Deplorable had decided to whack Ms. Steinle.

It was an accident

Why don’t you blame the officer who lost his gun for the shooting?

Accident my ass. Mr. Zarate knew that he was a convicted criminal and not supposed to possess a firearm.

The only reason he got off was that it happened in a Sanctuary City and he is an Illegal Alien. Ms. Steinle was just minding her own beeswax trying to avoid the piles of poo on the San Francisco sidewalks when she was capped.
He got off because the prosecutor made bizarre claims that the jury didn’t believe

What's "bizarre" about the fact that he capped the Steinle broad in cold blood.

The perp should have turned in the gun to the SFPD, as an Illegal in a sanctuary city, he would have not been in jeopardy of arrest.

She probably walked past the filthy bastard and he thought she looked at him in disgust or something. Then he fired at her. 1 trillion to one he dropped it and it went off or other accidental. Use common sense.
The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.

If you’re serious about the goes to the definition of essential. Having 4 pharmacy techs at the VA is non-essential when the workload is enough for three. However when there is a sickness or vacation, you need a fourth.

As the Trump shutdown lingers, the non-essential employees will be pressed into service. Also, in government monopolies like airport security or food inspection, the businesses and passengers that rely on Uncle Sam have nowhere else to turn so while it may not be essential to have five TSA screeners on duty, it’s preferable.
It doesn’t work like that

Pharmacy techs are either essential or nonessential. In this case, they are essential

An accountant is a highly paid and important position. But if you lose him for a week or ten days, you can probably catch up so he is nonessential

In one sense it does. If the question is why is it essential you have 4 techs instead of 3.

What you’re speaking of is urgency vs essential. One rung is higher on the ladder than the other.

Put another way, if you have 5 TSA screeners and 1000 passengers to screen, you can process them in x minutes. Theoretically 4 screeners can do the same 1k in x+20% of the time. Is the fifth screener essential?
Again, that is not how the government determines who is essential

Your way is too complex and still leaves you vulnerable if you fall short.
Positions are deemed to be essential or not
A TSA screener or air traffic controller is considered essential

An office worker is not
The government needs to run slow for a reason. The Founders were wise to set it up that way.
You do realize that was ruled an accidental shooting

Sure, by a San Francisco court that is very pro-illegal and very sympathetic to guys like Zarate who is beloved in that town.

I'm sure that the ruling would have been different if a Deplorable had decided to whack Ms. Steinle.

It was an accident

Why don’t you blame the officer who lost his gun for the shooting?

Accident my ass. Mr. Zarate knew that he was a convicted criminal and not supposed to possess a firearm.

The only reason he got off was that it happened in a Sanctuary City and he is an Illegal Alien. Ms. Steinle was just minding her own beeswax trying to avoid the piles of poo on the San Francisco sidewalks when she was capped.
He got off because the prosecutor made bizarre claims that the jury didn’t believe

What's "bizarre" about the fact that he capped the Steinle broad in cold blood.

The perp should have turned in the gun to the SFPD, as an Illegal in a sanctuary city, he would have not been in jeopardy of arrest.
The bullet ricocheted off the pavement from 50 feet away
Prosecution could never explain how this constituted a willful act
People transfer $56 billion a year to other countries. Put a 10% tax on all non business transfers and there you have it $5.6 billion for the wall. Fund the Wall Act.
"The Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018 (H.R. 7059) is a United States Congress bill to fund President Donald Trump's border wall along the Mexico–United States border and to follow federal immigration law. ... The American people want us to build the wall and enforce the law."
People transfer $56 billion a year to other countries. Put a 10% tax on all non business transfers and there you have it $5.6 billion for the wall. Fund the Wall Act.
"The Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018 (H.R. 7059) is a United States Congress bill to fund President Donald Trump's border wall along the Mexico–United States border and to follow federal immigration law. ... The American people want us to build the wall and enforce the law."
Why non business?

They send more money out of the country
People transfer $56 billion a year to other countries. Put a 10% tax on all non business transfers and there you have it $5.6 billion for the wall. Fund the Wall Act.
"The Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018 (H.R. 7059) is a United States Congress bill to fund President Donald Trump's border wall along the Mexico–United States border and to follow federal immigration law. ... The American people want us to build the wall and enforce the law."
Why non business?

They send more money out of the country
The point is to make the illegals pay for the wall not businesses.
People transfer $56 billion a year to other countries. Put a 10% tax on all non business transfers and there you have it $5.6 billion for the wall. Fund the Wall Act.
"The Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018 (H.R. 7059) is a United States Congress bill to fund President Donald Trump's border wall along the Mexico–United States border and to follow federal immigration law. ... The American people want us to build the wall and enforce the law."
Why non business?

They send more money out of the country
The point is to make the illegals pay for the wall not businesses.
So if a group of Mexicans form an LLC they can send money home for free as a business?
Yes but they will have to pay business taxes, get a business license, and pay themselves and pay all those taxes.
Yes but they will have to pay business taxes, get a business license, and pay themselves and pay all those taxes.
Small price to pay to process payments home for other Mexicans
The government shut down last night. Non essential personnel did not go to work today. But it's Saturday so they wouldn't be at work anyway. The government is shut down so non essential personnel won't go to work the next day either. But it's Sunday so they wouldn't be at work then either. The government is shut down. Non essential personnel won't be at work Monday either. But it's Christmas Eve. At best a skeleton crew will leave after half a day. The next day is Christmas. No one will be working shut down or not.

How long before anyone even notices?
The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.
Why do you guys ask this same stupid question every time the government is shut down?

Why don’t you look it up?

Who ask that questions? I hope Trump shuts it down for 6 months, so people lose their cars and homes


The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.
Why do you guys ask this same stupid question every time the government is shut down?

Why don’t you look it up?

Who ask that questions? I hope Trump shuts it down for 6 months, so people lose their cars and homes


Shut it down until people stop voting Democrat.
The government shut down last night. Non essential personnel did not go to work today. But it's Saturday so they wouldn't be at work anyway. The government is shut down so non essential personnel won't go to work the next day either. But it's Sunday so they wouldn't be at work then either. The government is shut down. Non essential personnel won't be at work Monday either. But it's Christmas Eve. At best a skeleton crew will leave after half a day. The next day is Christmas. No one will be working shut down or not.

How long before anyone even notices?

Trump gave Federal workers Monday off

Nobody reports till Wednesday. Senate won’t be back till Thursday

Not much happens the week between Christmas and New Years

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