Police will not enforce Trump's deportation plans

I read in THE TIMES of last Wednesday that the mayors of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia say they will reuse to co-operate with Donald Trump's plan to deport at least two million immigrants. Charlie Beck, the Los Angeles police chief, said that his officers would stand by their decision of refusing to enforce some federal immigration policies, as they are obliged to do by some Californian laws and regulations. Chief Beck said that the LAPD was "not going to engage in law enforcement activities solely based on somebody's immigration status. We are not going to work with Homeland Security on deportation efforts. That is not our job, nor will I make it our job."
LAPD Chief Beck on deportation: 'That is not our job'

Charlie Beck -- a good cop

A law is only as effective as how it is policed. Trump has met his match if he wants to take-on American cops.

They'll change their minds when the feds take back all the funding and equipment they are parking in those states. Starting with FOODSTAMPS and LAW ENFORCEMENT $$$$
are you in favor of more, local taxes?
I read in THE TIMES of last Wednesday that the mayors of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia say they will reuse to co-operate with Donald Trump's plan to deport at least two million immigrants. Charlie Beck, the Los Angeles police chief, said that his officers would stand by their decision of refusing to enforce some federal immigration policies, as they are obliged to do by some Californian laws and regulations. Chief Beck said that the LAPD was "not going to engage in law enforcement activities solely based on somebody's immigration status. We are not going to work with Homeland Security on deportation efforts. That is not our job, nor will I make it our job."
LAPD Chief Beck on deportation: 'That is not our job'

Charlie Beck -- a good cop

A law is only as effective as how it is policed. Trump has met his match if he wants to take-on American cops.

They'll change their minds when the feds take back all the funding and equipment they are parking in those states. Starting with FOODSTAMPS and LAW ENFORCEMENT $$$$
Federal entitlements cannot be denied on the basis of states refusing to do the federal government's job for it.
Federal Funds can be cut because a State does not do what the Federal Government tells it to do or did we forget the libs cutting funding to States for speed limits?
It has to do with the internal police power of a State. besides, paying the Debts of the several United States is a federal Obligation.
I read in THE TIMES of last Wednesday that the mayors of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia say they will reuse to co-operate with Donald Trump's plan to deport at least two million immigrants. Charlie Beck, the Los Angeles police chief, said that his officers would stand by their decision of refusing to enforce some federal immigration policies, as they are obliged to do by some Californian laws and regulations. Chief Beck said that the LAPD was "not going to engage in law enforcement activities solely based on somebody's immigration status. We are not going to work with Homeland Security on deportation efforts. That is not our job, nor will I make it our job."
LAPD Chief Beck on deportation: 'That is not our job'

Charlie Beck -- a good cop

A law is only as effective as how it is policed. Trump has met his match if he wants to take-on American cops.

They'll change their minds when the feds take back all the funding and equipment they are parking in those states. Starting with FOODSTAMPS and LAW ENFORCEMENT $$$$
Federal entitlements cannot be denied on the basis of states refusing to do the federal government's job for it.
Federal Funds can be cut because a State does not do what the Federal Government tells it to do or did we forget the libs cutting funding to States for speed limits?
Speed limits are necessary all over the United States which has a responsibility for certain interstate highways.
It is not the Us Federal Governments job to decide speed limits but the point stands the Federal Government CAN deny funds for failure to follow dictates from the Federal Government.
fixing Standards for the Union is a federal responsibility.

i believe we should be getting better infrastructure at lower cost when possible.

our rail roads, for example, should up upgraded to 100mph, minimum.
I think they can't do that because they have the legal duty to obey orders.
So if Trump administration tell them to deport they have to do it.
Am I right? :eusa_think:
Order for what? Immigration into the Union is a federal responsibility. The several and sovereign States have no authority over immigration since 1808.

And, States are sovereign regarding their internal police power. It is a fundamental doctrine of separation of powers.

The War of Northern Aggression overturned state sovereignty.
Only rebels with their War of Rebellion, say that. It was to simply prove the supremacy of our Second Amendment; Only well regulated Militia of the United States may not be Infringed when keeping and bearing Arms for their State or our more perfect Union.
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