Proof that I've been right regarding the idiocy of closing schools!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Atlas wrote that he “explained with numbers” that children did not have a significant risk of illness or death from the virus and cited statistics from New York City, California, and elsewhere documenting that while also noting data from Sweden showing zero deaths despite schools not closing and also not imposing mask mandates.
Dr. Scott Atlas blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and former CDC Director Robert Redfield in a new book saying that he was “disgusted” by their dismissal of scientific data he presented to them.
In the book, “A Plague Upon Our House” which Fox News Digital obtained an advance copy of, Atlas says he presented data and studies showing that schools should be reopened and that children are not significant spreaders of the coronavirus but was virtually ignored by Fauci and others on the team.
“The icing on the cake was the evidence that almost all coronavirus transmission to children comes from adults, not the other way around,” Atlas wrote. “That was not a predicate for opening schools, given the massive harms to kids if they were closed. But that evidence was already shown by contact tracing and other studies in Iceland, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Switzerland, and elsewhere. Opened schools and childcare centers did not show significant dangers to children, adults, or teachers…”They found zero instances of a child passing the infection to an adult.”

As I've repeatedly pointed out the common sense proven by "following the science", shows that the VAST majority of kids do NOT
have the "comorbidities" that actually are the death causes.


The simultaneous presence of 2+ morbid conditions or diseases in the same Pt, which ma
Older people especially above 50 are diabetic, are obese, have heart and breathing problems all factors that make COVID more serious and "deadly" for people over 50!
By closing the schools though the "science" is showing how harmful to children that action was.
Suicides by under 18...

Suicide attempts among adolescent girls surged by more than 50% during pandemic, CDC says​

So not only were children NOT spreaders or had deaths (Of the 73 million children in the U.S., fewer than 700 have died of COVID-19 during the course of the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

So please folks, follow the science that while children may get COVID, BUT ... because they have fewer "Comorbidity.. The simultaneous presence of 2+ morbid conditions or diseases in the same Patient".. they don't die.!

Atlas wrote that he “explained with numbers” that children did not have a significant risk of illness or death from the virus and cited statistics from New York City, California, and elsewhere documenting that while also noting data from Sweden showing zero deaths despite schools not closing and also not imposing mask mandates.
Dr. Scott Atlas blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and former CDC Director Robert Redfield in a new book saying that he was “disgusted” by their dismissal of scientific data he presented to them.
In the book, “A Plague Upon Our House” which Fox News Digital obtained an advance copy of, Atlas says he presented data and studies showing that schools should be reopened and that children are not significant spreaders of the coronavirus but was virtually ignored by Fauci and others on the team.
“The icing on the cake was the evidence that almost all coronavirus transmission to children comes from adults, not the other way around,” Atlas wrote. “That was not a predicate for opening schools, given the massive harms to kids if they were closed. But that evidence was already shown by contact tracing and other studies in Iceland, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Switzerland, and elsewhere. Opened schools and childcare centers did not show significant dangers to children, adults, or teachers…”They found zero instances of a child passing the infection to an adult.”

As I've repeatedly pointed out the common sense proven by "following the science", shows that the VAST majority of kids do NOT
have the "comorbidities" that actually are the death causes.


The simultaneous presence of 2+ morbid conditions or diseases in the same Pt, which ma
Older people especially above 50 are diabetic, are obese, have heart and breathing problems all factors that make COVID more serious and "deadly" for people over 50!
By closing the schools though the "science" is showing how harmful to children that action was.
Suicides by under 18...

Suicide attempts among adolescent girls surged by more than 50% during pandemic, CDC says​

So not only were children NOT spreaders or had deaths (Of the 73 million children in the U.S., fewer than 700 have died of COVID-19 during the course of the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

So please folks, follow the science that while children may get COVID, BUT ... because they have fewer "Comorbidity.. The simultaneous presence of 2+ morbid conditions or diseases in the same Patient".. they don't die.!

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Kids are not the only people who occupy school buildings.
Kids are not the only people who occupy school buildings.
DUH!!!! OK dummy follow this if you can!

Teachers that average age of a teacher is 42 in the USA
Screen Shot 2021-11-13 at 10.14.59 AM.png

and the chances of DEATH of 40 to 44 year olds from COVID???
COVID deaths of age 40-44 ....19,484 deaths out of 19,584,000 or 0.099489379%!
Less than 1%! Again where is YOUR science? YOUR FACTS???
So who else would there be and "DUH" wear a f...king mask dummy! But the kids are NOT going to die and
they're wearing masks and even more stupid the closing of schools is totally not a "scientific" requirement!
But more importantly WHERE is YOUR proof???




In medicine, comorbidity is the presence of one or more additional conditions often co-occurring with a primary condition. Comorbidity describes the effect of all other conditions an individual patient might have other than the primary condition of interest, and can be physiological or psychological. Wikipedia

trying to keep up......... :oops: ~S~
The OP is quoting Scott Atlas.

That should be enough to dismiss his opinion.

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