Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Ask the people run over by Trump's "fine" people in Chsrlottesville, one killed.
Oh...you mean the thugs that were assaulting people? Yeah, I remember them. Damn shame that more than one wasn't killed. Wish it had been upwards of 30.
Who was the woman he killed assaulting?
Actually Antifa did NOT have any permit, as declared by the leader of the group who also openly stated they showed up with the intention of starting the violence. Again, this was reported by numerous media.

The Leftists / Snowflakes initially attacked Trump for daring to claim that blame for the violence being shared.....then the facts came out proving this to be the case.

The Leftists / Snowflakes then claimed the White Supremacists initiated the violence...until the Antifa leader publicly declared they had showed up with the intent to do so...and did.

The Leftists and snowflakes were trying to make every excuse in the book FOR Antifa, but Antifa kept contradicting them by telling the truth!


Like with the 2016 election results, some Leftists / snowflakes still don't want to accept reality / let it go....
The had a permit.

Trump wrong that counter-protesters had no permit

And the supremacists came looking for blood as I pointed out. Both sides had factions ready to rumble.

Own it.
Both sides had factions ready to rumble.
That’s the first time in this thread that you’ve said something that was accurate.

But...the difference is...the right had spent 2 years being horribly assualted. They had had enough of being violently attacked. I’ll never understand why they didn’t fight back sooner.

Like all that "non-existent violence" that has happened at the inauguration and several times in Berkeley?

Or that "non-existent" bicycle lock that a lunatic college prof was clobbering people with?

Or all that "nonexistent" pepper spray that antifa goons have been spraying on innocent onlookers?

This shit is ridiculous, even by WaPo's already low standards.
What about the baseball field shooter? Had the house GOP whip not been there with his two DCPD security detail, he would’ve killed like 10% of GOP congress or something like that. The biggest takeaway MSM got out of that was “oh my, one of the security details was a lesbian.” Um, what about the part where this guy who worked with Bernie’s campaign was screaming “this is for healthcare” Bernie was saying in the weeks leading up to this how the GOP healthcare bill was going to kill people...so why don’t we hear media blaming Bernie for his rhetoric on that?
Bernie was saying in the weeks leading up to this how the GOP healthcare bill was going to kill people...so why don’t we hear media blaming Bernie for his rhetoric on that?

Yeah, alleging that eliminating health care coverage for those with pre-existing conditions would result in premature deaths is such an abomination, why on earth wouldn't the "media" blare from the rooftops what egregious a behavior that really is? After all, foregoing medical treatment for potentially life-threatening diseases never killed anyone, and Bernie should be ashamed of himself.
Both sides had factions ready to rumble.
That’s the first time in this thread that you’ve said something that was accurate.

But...the difference is...the right had spent 2 years being horribly assualted. They had had enough of being violently attacked. I’ll never understand why they didn’t fight back sooner.
Good grief, you are making excuses for the right killing people? Hate to tell you but the right has been busy assaulting, harassing and attacking people over the past decade. No one innocent.
Like all that "non-existent violence" that has happened at the inauguration and several times in Berkeley?

Or that "non-existent" bicycle lock that a lunatic college prof was clobbering people with?

Or all that "nonexistent" pepper spray that antifa goons have been spraying on innocent onlookers?

This shit is ridiculous, even by WaPo's already low standards.
What about the baseball field shooter? Had the house GOP whip not been there with his two DCPD security detail, he would’ve killed like 10% of GOP congress or something like that. The biggest takeaway MSM got out of that was “oh my, one of the security details was a lesbian.” Um, what about the part where this guy who worked with Bernie’s campaign was screaming “this is for healthcare” Bernie was saying in the weeks leading up to this how the GOP healthcare bill was going to kill people...so why don’t we hear media blaming Bernie for his rhetoric on that?
I heard the rightwing media going on an on blaming the Dems for that nutter.
Hate to tell you but the right has been busy assaulting, harassing and attacking people over the past decade.
Really? Uh. You’d think the radically left-wing media would have covered that at some point.
Like all that "non-existent violence" that has happened at the inauguration and several times in Berkeley?

Or that "non-existent" bicycle lock that a lunatic college prof was clobbering people with?

Or all that "nonexistent" pepper spray that antifa goons have been spraying on innocent onlookers?

This shit is ridiculous, even by WaPo's already low standards.
What about the baseball field shooter? Had the house GOP whip not been there with his two DCPD security detail, he would’ve killed like 10% of GOP congress or something like that. The biggest takeaway MSM got out of that was “oh my, one of the security details was a lesbian.” Um, what about the part where this guy who worked with Bernie’s campaign was screaming “this is for healthcare” Bernie was saying in the weeks leading up to this how the GOP healthcare bill was going to kill people...so why don’t we hear media blaming Bernie for his rhetoric on that?
I heard the rightwing media going on an on blaming the Dems for that nutter.
Who? And in any level close to how the left is blaming trump for a guy making hoax bombs?
Bernie was saying in the weeks leading up to this how the GOP healthcare bill was going to kill people...so why don’t we hear media blaming Bernie for his rhetoric on that?

Yeah, alleging that eliminating health care coverage for those with pre-existing conditions would result in premature deaths is such an abomination, why on earth wouldn't the "media" blare from the rooftops what egregious a behavior that really is? After all, foregoing medical treatment for potentially life-threatening diseases never killed anyone, and Bernie should be ashamed of himself.
Do you even know what the GOP bill did? That’s rhetorical, you clearly don’t. All it did was eliminate the ACA mandate that people purchase insurance or face a fine. Does that sound like eliminating coverage to you? So, how many people died prematurely? Do you think Bernie was being even a little histrionic? Does the left have anything besides straw man to offer in debates? Should Bernie be blamed for a psycho? Should trump be blamed for a psycho?
Do you even know what the GOP bill did? That’s rhetorical, you clearly don’t. All it did was eliminate the ACA mandate that people purchase insurance or face a fine. Does that sound like eliminating coverage to you? So, how many people died prematurely? Do you think Bernie was being even a little histrionic? Does the left have anything besides straw man to offer in debates? Should Bernie be blamed for a psycho? Should trump be blamed for a psycho?

That's two statements, both false, and seven questions, and not much worthy of anyone's attention.

For anyone actually interested in the truth about the GOP bill, as opposed to regurgitated propaganda lies, there are dozens of changes, but hey:

How many people will have insurance under the plan, as compared with the ACA?

House bill: The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the legislation, as passed by the House, would lead to 14 million fewer people having insurance in 2018 and 23 million fewer insured in 2026, compared with current law under the ACA.​

And yes, 14 / 23 million fewer people with health care means some people are going to die, and many more are needlessly going to suffer.

Whoever decries individuals, or groups in demeaning, dehumanizing, demonizing terms, declares a group of people the "enemy of the people", and, on top of that, openly endorses and praises violence (punch them in the face, body slam), bears a good deal of responsibility in case the occasional crackpot takes it upon himself to act upon that depiction, and defends "the people".
Like all that "non-existent violence" that has happened at the inauguration and several times in Berkeley?

Or that "non-existent" bicycle lock that a lunatic college prof was clobbering people with?

Or all that "nonexistent" pepper spray that antifa goons have been spraying on innocent onlookers?

This shit is ridiculous, even by WaPo's already low standards.
What about the baseball field shooter? Had the house GOP whip not been there with his two DCPD security detail, he would’ve killed like 10% of GOP congress or something like that. The biggest takeaway MSM got out of that was “oh my, one of the security details was a lesbian.” Um, what about the part where this guy who worked with Bernie’s campaign was screaming “this is for healthcare” Bernie was saying in the weeks leading up to this how the GOP healthcare bill was going to kill people...so why don’t we hear media blaming Bernie for his rhetoric on that?
I heard the rightwing media going on an on blaming the Dems for that nutter.
People were speculating..............making guesses and nothing more.................Just as your side was sure it was a right wing nut.............we just thought it was a counter threaded nut..............LOL
Do you even know what the GOP bill did? That’s rhetorical, you clearly don’t. All it did was eliminate the ACA mandate that people purchase insurance or face a fine. Does that sound like eliminating coverage to you? So, how many people died prematurely? Do you think Bernie was being even a little histrionic? Does the left have anything besides straw man to offer in debates? Should Bernie be blamed for a psycho? Should trump be blamed for a psycho?

That's two statements, both false, and seven questions, and not much worthy of anyone's attention.

For anyone actually interested in the truth about the GOP bill, as opposed to regurgitated propaganda lies, there are dozens of changes, but hey:

How many people will have insurance under the plan, as compared with the ACA?

House bill: The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the legislation, as passed by the House, would lead to 14 million fewer people having insurance in 2018 and 23 million fewer insured in 2026, compared with current law under the ACA.​

And yes, 14 / 23 million fewer people with health care means some people are going to die, and many more are needlessly going to suffer.

Whoever decries individuals, or groups in demeaning, dehumanizing, demonizing terms, declares a group of people the "enemy of the people", and, on top of that, openly endorses and praises violence (punch them in the face, body slam), bears a good deal of responsibility in case the occasional crackpot takes it upon himself to act upon that depiction, and defends "the people".
Consider this me snapping and waving my fingers in your face. “Yoo-hoo, anybody home?” What does a mandate mean to you? Focus now. A mandate means something that is enforced, usually by a fine. In this case, you were required to buy insurance or face a fine, and not a small one for that matter. So when you no longer have a mandate, and people are no longer are forced to pay for something they may not want (whether or not you agree with their choice), they are still choosing not too. They are not being kicked off their insurance. The term “loosing insurance” is incredibly, and purposefully misleading.

Now I am open to a universal system (not to be confused with single payer) like there is in Switzerland. They have a mandate, but they also have a much freer market system, with scores of options for coverage and cost. If you can afford a Champaign plan, you can go for that. If you’re young, single, and healthy and only want cheaper emergency coverage you can get that. Then there’s thousands of other options to choose from in between, from dozens and dozens of insurance companies. The problem with the ACA is we got the worst of both worlds, we got the not at all, misnomered free-market solution with high regulation, and limited options designed to have those who are young and/or can afford coverage to cover the cost of the unhealthier and/or those who cannot afford. In other words, this is like having the people who drive minivans with good driving records charged extra to subsidize the cost for those who drive Ferrari’s, have bad driving records, or can’t afford car insurance. So instead of being able to fit into a plan that fits your needs, you are given a few options of plans since you’re subsidizing, and it doesn’t really matter anyway. Now insurance companies generally only run a 2% profit. Not a lot of room for error there. So with these new ACA regulations, not only did they have to raise premiums, they also drastically raised deductibles (or in other words lost coverage). My pops has a business, has employees he offers insurance too. All their premiums went up, and on top of that he broke his hand about 2 years ago. He wound up paying 10,000 in deductibles to get 2 different surgeries on his hand. Some of his younger healthier employees decided “well shit l, if something happens and I’m going to have to pay 10,000, why the hell am I paying for this premium that has already gone up by 20%.” They decided to drop their insurance, since the insurance they were paying for was a plan that basically stated “don’t get sick”. So if the average joes are dealing with plans where they still can’t afford to get sick...how is it they aren’t going to be dying prematurely from not getting care they need, but can’t afford even with insurance? This is coming from the people who previously could afford insurance with actual coverage. We aren’t even talking about all the people who got “covered” under ACA that previously couldn’t afford it, do you think they feel any different from my dad and his employees about not getting sick? Remember after the passing of the ACA, we actually saw our first drop in life expectancy in like 75 years or something crazy like that. That’s a move in the wrong direction.

You cannot make the mistake of conflating health insurance with health care. They are not the same things. There are problems with our system, the ACA most certainly did not help. I don’t think it was ever even meant to help. It was a bill that those who pushed it could pat themselves on the back for by saying “see we got all this people on health insurance, how great is that.” And that’s the only thing they’d brag about when discussing it (even though they had to lie left and right to get it past). What they left out of their talking points it was insurance that they couldn’t afford if they actually got sick/injured (while still paying a monthly premium they previously were not paying for), not only for the people who previously did not have insurance, but also for the low-mid middle class folks who could afford insurance that actually helped them in a bind. Always be wary of those who tout only one aspect of a complicated issue that they claimed to have improve...just like “we added 15 million on insurance”. More like we made 100,000 peoples lives harder than it was before.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence
Perhaps the left should stop it's threats and attacks then, huh?
Sure...and rein in your president and the white suoremacists while your at it please.
What white supremacists.....all 5 in the country?
you guys are hilarious

maybe you guys need to tone down ANTIFA or the Pussyhat gang........I wear my MAGA hat just waiting for someone to try and knock it off my head......

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