Romney deliberately lost election


VIP Member
Sep 4, 2013
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud

I realized that "the first black president" wasn't going to be a one term president, and I started betting money that Obama would win.(and I collected)

the media reported that there was record republican turn-out in the swing states(they're telling you the election was a fraud), but somehow, Obama won anyways.

Romney passed the state prototype of Obamacare in his state.
the republican party selected Romney for that reason, to make sure that no matter what happens, the bill will become law.

the election was as fake as Bush vs. Kerry.
Romney's son saying he wanted to punch Obama, ...all showmanship

Gingrich took money to run in the south to get rid of Santorum
I think the theory makes a lot of sense, you'll notice critics don't have substantive criticism, just empty insults.
It might be true. Obamacare is a far cry from national healthcare, and I don't see much difference between Obama's policies and those of Bush. Both parties exist to maintain corporate capitalism and to suppress worker wages.
It might be true. Obamacare is a far cry from national healthcare, and I don't see much difference between Obama's policies and those of Bush. Both parties exist to maintain corporate capitalism and to suppress worker wages.

you are exactly right

further, in an atmosphere like that of the post financial collapse, Romney was a great target for those who wanted to vote against an elitist while diverting attention from just what a patsy Obama was and is.
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud

Why not? What did he have to lose? He sure had a lot to gain, eh?

Bain Capital Owns Clear Channel (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Etc.)
Clear Channel owns more radio stations (850) than anyone else in the United States. They also own Premiere Radio Networks, the company that syndicates the radio shows of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, among others. Needless to say, Clear Channel basically owns conservative talk radio in the United States. So who owns Clear Channel? Well, it turns out that Bain Capital is one of the primary owners of Clear Channel. Yes, you read that correctly. The company that Mitt Romney ran for so long is one of the “big bosses” over virtually all conservative talk radio in America. Of course Mitt Romney is not running Bain Capital anymore. He is a “retired partner”, but he still has a huge financial stake in Bain Capital. We’re talking about millions upon millions of dollars. If you doubt this, just check out page 34 of this public financial disclosure report.

So let's put on our big boy thinking caps and follow the money shall we? Do these conservative talk radio stations have more listeners, and hence more ad revenue with a progressive president, or a "conservative" president? Would this investment have made him more money if he had won or lost? :eek:

Right, that doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out.

Another thing to point out is both Romney's "religion", and the POTUS's "religion." (As if either gives a shit about their soul or eternity or any that crap.) OF course they are both radically different, however, one has been known, because of it's regimented organization, to have been infiltrated by the Jesuits. And well, Liberation Theology may not have been founded Jesuits, but rather by a Dominican? Franciscan? Benedictine? that was traveling with Christopher Columbus when he "discovered" the new world. However, that is just it's ancient roots. More commonly, it is known as for it's Jesuit origins, for they are the ones that took up the mantle as a useful tool for societal engineering and control.

What Do Bill de Blasio and Pope Francis Have in Common?
Liberation theology, a movement that began in Latin America in the 1950s and '60s in reaction to extreme inequality there, happened to be in the news already, thanks to Pope Francis, who recently met with one of the movement's leaders at the Vatican — something his predecessor would not have done. Pope Francis has made waves for his recent remarks urging the church to back off an obsessive focus on homosexuality, abortion, and birth control, and to instead focus on serving the poor. It's a focus that the South American Catholic Church, out of which Francis comes, has had for years, thanks to the massive influence of liberation theology. Pope Francis has been extremely careful to make it clear that he doesn't ascribe to the more hardline, Marxist version of liberation theology, that of Father Gustavo Gutierrez. He is merely sympathetic to the viewpoint — which means a lot, clearly, in real practical terms about how he organizes the priorities of the Church.

Funny how the last Pope stepped down right after the "Anointed One" got elected to his next term in office. Mind you, THE FIRST JESUIT POPE IN HISTORY! Will there be a financial crises of unrivaled proportions necessitating that the POTUS use his emergency powers and cancel the next Presidential election? :eek: My god man, can you imagine how much $$$ Romney's stations would make then !!!! :lol:


It is still the influences and contacts with people that were and are oppressed that led and still lead the Jesuits to the belief by Rome that it was and is their duty to control and rule the world. This whether people want their minds, souls and freedom taken from them or not. This belief is echoed in the poor and middle class neighborhoods throughout the world. It matters not who they use to accomplish their goals. Mormons? Fine. Masons? Just as good. Zionists? They'll fit the bill nicely. Commie's in China wiping out the so called corporatists in America by dumping Treasuries? That works. Lately the atheists have been a fine and handy tool, as well as those pesky "Terrorists" created by D.C.'s own self-proclaimed Lusifarians who think they have only as much control as the leash they are allowed to hang themselves by.

Oh, and let's not forget one last group. The last group is the bulk of America. The ones who drink entirely too much fluoridated water and have their critical thinking skills compromised. The ones who believe there is a dimes worth of difference between the choices in political candidates we are given and that the choice in policy that the controlled media give us are what is all we have to choose from.

Yeah, how's that for a conspiracy theory? :eusa_shhh:

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country, the United States of America are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."

~Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general who served in under the command of GeneralGeorge Washington during the American Revolutionary War)

President Lincoln told Catholic priest, Charles Chiniquy (whom as a lawyer, Lincoln had defended against the Catholic Church; defeated them, revealed great scandal in the Chicago diocese, which led the Vatican and its military intelligence/assassins [the Jesuits] to become Lincoln's mortal enemy!) Abraham Lincoln's views on the Jesuits:

"So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed ... But can we expect that God will make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not. The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood that Henry IV (king of France who was assassinated by the Jesuit Revaillac for giving liberty to his people,) said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he did all he could to protect himself. My escape from their hands, since the letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis has sharpened a million of daggers to pierce my breast, would be more that a miracle. I know that Jesuits never forget nor forsake (never give up). Man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty."
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For the intellectual content of your post ---


actually the last part of his section is dead on about the two party system being a fraud.there is no difference between the two parties,they are both corrupt.Its actually a one party system designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.fools around here dont get it that romeny is no different than Obama or Obama is any different than Bush.Obama has contiuned all of Bushs policys and Romney was one of the first people to sign Obamacare,yep lots of differences there according to some sheople here.:cuckoo:
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud

Why not? What did he have to lose? He sure had a lot to gain, eh?

Bain Capital Owns Clear Channel (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Etc.)
Clear Channel owns more radio stations (850) than anyone else in the United States. They also own Premiere Radio Networks, the company that syndicates the radio shows of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, among others. Needless to say, Clear Channel basically owns conservative talk radio in the United States. So who owns Clear Channel? Well, it turns out that Bain Capital is one of the primary owners of Clear Channel. Yes, you read that correctly. The company that Mitt Romney ran for so long is one of the “big bosses” over virtually all conservative talk radio in America. Of course Mitt Romney is not running Bain Capital anymore. He is a “retired partner”, but he still has a huge financial stake in Bain Capital. We’re talking about millions upon millions of dollars. If you doubt this, just check out page 34 of this public financial disclosure report.

So let's put on our big boy thinking caps and follow the money shall we? Do these conservative talk radio stations have more listeners, and hence more ad revenue with a progressive president, or a "conservative" president? Would this investment have made him more money if he had won or lost? :eek:

Right, that doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out.

Another thing to point out is both Romney's "religion", and the POTUS's "religion." (As if either gives a shit about their soul or eternity or any that crap.) OF course they are both radically different, however, one has been known, because of it's regimented organization, to have been infiltrated by the Jesuits. And well, Liberation Theology may not have been founded Jesuits, but rather by a Dominican? Franciscan? Benedictine? that was traveling with Christopher Columbus when he "discovered" the new world. However, that is just it's ancient roots. More commonly, it is known as for it's Jesuit origins, for they are the ones that took up the mantle as a useful tool for societal engineering and control.

What Do Bill de Blasio and Pope Francis Have in Common?
Liberation theology, a movement that began in Latin America in the 1950s and '60s in reaction to extreme inequality there, happened to be in the news already, thanks to Pope Francis, who recently met with one of the movement's leaders at the Vatican — something his predecessor would not have done. Pope Francis has made waves for his recent remarks urging the church to back off an obsessive focus on homosexuality, abortion, and birth control, and to instead focus on serving the poor. It's a focus that the South American Catholic Church, out of which Francis comes, has had for years, thanks to the massive influence of liberation theology. Pope Francis has been extremely careful to make it clear that he doesn't ascribe to the more hardline, Marxist version of liberation theology, that of Father Gustavo Gutierrez. He is merely sympathetic to the viewpoint — which means a lot, clearly, in real practical terms about how he organizes the priorities of the Church.

Funny how the last Pope stepped down right after the "Anointed One" got elected to his next term in office. Mind you, THE FIRST JESUIT POPE IN HISTORY! Will there be a financial crises of unrivaled proportions necessitating that the POTUS use his emergency powers and cancel the next Presidential election? :eek: My god man, can you imagine how much $$$ Romney's stations would make then !!!! :lol:


It is still the influences and contacts with people that were and are oppressed that led and still lead the Jesuits to the belief by Rome that it was and is their duty to control and rule the world. This whether people want their minds, souls and freedom taken from them or not. This belief is echoed in the poor and middle class neighborhoods throughout the world. It matters not who they use to accomplish their goals. Mormons? Fine. Masons? Just as good. Zionists? They'll fit the bill nicely. Commie's in China wiping out the so called corporatists in America by dumping Treasuries? That works. Lately the atheists have been a fine and handy tool, as well as those pesky "Terrorists" created by D.C.'s own self-proclaimed Lusifarians who think they have only as much control as the leash they are allowed to hang themselves by.

Oh, and let's not forget one last group. The last group is the bulk of America. The ones who drink entirely too much fluoridated water and have their critical thinking skills compromised. The ones who believe there is a dimes worth of difference between the choices in political candidates we are given and that the choice in policy that the controlled media give us are what is all we have to choose from.

Yeah, how's that for a conspiracy theory? :eusa_shhh:

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country, the United States of America are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."

~Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general who served in under the command of GeneralGeorge Washington during the American Revolutionary War)

President Lincoln told Catholic priest, Charles Chiniquy (whom as a lawyer, Lincoln had defended against the Catholic Church; defeated them, revealed great scandal in the Chicago diocese, which led the Vatican and its military intelligence/assassins [the Jesuits] to become Lincoln's mortal enemy!) Abraham Lincoln's views on the Jesuits:

"So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed ... But can we expect that God will make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not. The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood that Henry IV (king of France who was assassinated by the Jesuit Revaillac for giving liberty to his people,) said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he did all he could to protect himself. My escape from their hands, since the letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis has sharpened a million of daggers to pierce my breast, would be more that a miracle. I know that Jesuits never forget nor forsake (never give up). Man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty."

for two people who allegedly have different views,funny they are hanging out and joking with the same people isnt it?
Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud

I realized that "the first black president" wasn't going to be a one term president, and I started betting money that Obama would win.(and I collected)

the media reported that there was record republican turn-out in the swing states(they're telling you the election was a fraud), but somehow, Obama won anyways.

Romney passed the state prototype of Obamacare in his state.
the republican party selected Romney for that reason, to make sure that no matter what happens, the bill will become law.

the election was as fake as Bush vs. Kerry.
Romney's son saying he wanted to punch Obama, ...all showmanship

Gingrich took money to run in the south to get rid of Santorum

I knew beyond a doubt he was going to get reelected.we dont put telect these people and put them in office,they are selected by the establishment.They were very pleased with Obamas atrocities he committed against the american people so he was rewarded a second term for it just like Bush and Clinton were.

The corrupt always get reelected,its the good ones that never get reelected.Bush sr is the only corrupt president in recent years who did not get reelected.He didnt care,he was actually running the country under Reagan.

He was just OFFICIALLY the president from 88 to 92 so he was ready to let some new puppet take over after being in office for just one term.He didnt care.He knew the establishment was going to make his son the next president in the future after Clinton got out.
I think Bush Srs tax increases actually helped Clinton briefly balance budget, and helped lead to his re-election.
I think the theory makes a lot of sense, you'll notice critics don't have substantive criticism, just empty insults.
Hah hah! You are really leaning on people for not providing anything substantive, when your initial post consisted of this:

Romney deliberately lost election to protect insurance companies and Romney/Obama care

the 2-party system is a fraud

That is some funny shit.
How would Romney be able to control how people voted?

That is some funny shit.

yeah chuckle chuckle it is kind-of funny

how? Well, just as in a genuine campaign, he does some polling, then blows the money where he doesnt need to,on states where hes already ahead, perhaps on overpriced contractors/consultants that kick back a bit. Maybe even hes clued in on an upset videographer and makes an insane 47% comment...for the record.

the Candidate doesnt even have to be in on it. McCain had two admitted "uncomfortable"campaign helpers now working for MSNBC Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace. I can easily see them selling out to banksters who were also uncomfortable with McCain's lackluster approach to TARP.
Hospitals losing money on welfare cases was the main reason for the ACA.

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