Schiff's whistleblower named, and it's a doozy

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.
The Jooooooooooooooooooooossssssssss are to blame! :lol:
The Jooooooooooooooooooooossssssssss are to blame! :lol:
Great argument, Shlomo. And, yeah, in this case, they are. Schiff is a Jew. Schumer is a Jew. Soros is a Jew. Bezos is a Jew. Schulzberger is a Jew. Read the article.
If you NOTICE that ALL of those LYING to try to IMPEACH President Trump are JEWISH, you are worthy of a huge card toss...

and a THANK YOU from those who actually appreciate TRUTH.... and are patriotic to America, not ISRAEL....

wow. the level of corruption here is amazing. remove the names and do the math, these people were corrupt as shit. but people will keep the names in play and make excuses for THEIR guys and work to diminish what THEIR guys did, or just scream FAKE NEWS or that this guy is lying.

what an amazing time we live in.
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.
Fake news.
My personal guess is that of the $1 billion in foreign aid to Ukraine, more than half, around $600 million, was "kicked back." Hunter Biden is just a small part of it, and plenty of the POST 1998 GOP have their hands in this cookie jar, because

the post 1998 GOP isn't fiscally conservative or patriotic to America, it is 100% about ISRAEL and JUST ISRAEL.
Two years ago, (that is already under President Trump) the United States began to investigate the allocation of 3 billion dollars; it was allocated in 2014, in 2015, in 2016; one billion dollars per year. The investigation showed that the documents were falsified, the money was transferred to Ukraine, and stolen. The investigators tracked each payment, discovered where the money went, where it was spent and how it was stolen.

As a result, in October 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice opened a criminal case for “Abuse of power and embezzlement of American taxpayers’ money”. Among the accused there are two consecutive Finance Ministers of the Ukraine, Mrs Natalie Ann Jaresko who served 2014-2016 and Mr Alexander Daniluk who served 2016-2018, and three US banks. The investigation caused the USAID to cease issuing grants since August 2019. As Trump said, now the US does not give away money and does not impose democracy.
no wonder the left wants trump gone at all costs.
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.

a debunked conspiracy started by trump....

We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.

a debunked conspiracy started by trump....

all you got is "fake news" - every single time.

did we give them a billion a year? did an investigation get opened up? you post shit but don't back it up. the facts presented in the story are very real and can be verified.

you know, verification is the process you and many on the extreme left seem to hate. just cry FAKE and keep the $$$ rolling in.
Every single entity behind the Nixon Impeachment was Jewish, right down to Deep Throat...

Nixon was a threat to tell the American people the truth about Israel....
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.

a debunked conspiracy started by trump....

all you got is "fake news" - every single time.

did we give them a billion a year? did an investigation get opened up? you post shit but don't back it up. the facts presented in the story are very real and can be verified.

you know, verification is the process you and many on the extreme left seem to hate. just cry FAKE and keep the $$$ rolling in.

I didnt say a word about fake news, so suck it-

then suck this -

Trump's own staff repeatedly warned him that his theory about Democrats and Ukraine had been debunked
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.

a debunked conspiracy started by trump....

all you got is "fake news" - every single time.

did we give them a billion a year? did an investigation get opened up? you post shit but don't back it up. the facts presented in the story are very real and can be verified.

you know, verification is the process you and many on the extreme left seem to hate. just cry FAKE and keep the $$$ rolling in.

I didnt say a word about fake news, so suck it-

then suck this -

Trump's own staff repeatedly warned him that his theory about Democrats and Ukraine had been debunked
you didn't have to. you just reek of it.

so tell me, how come YOUR article is correct and this one is wrong? OTHER than you just want it that way.

do more legwork, foo.
so tell me, how come YOUR article is correct and this one is wrong?

The Unz Review is a questionable source listed as extreme right biased. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2014, the webzine is an "outlet for certain writers to attack Israel and Jews." It has also been described as "an alternative conservative website," and "a mix of far-right and far-left anti-Semitic crackpottery."

Business Insider is listed as left-center biased, meaning generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.
According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2014, the webzine is an "outlet for certain writers to attack Israel and Jews."

The ADL gave its "highest award" in 2005 to George Tenet. Maybe you can tell us what Tenet did that was worthy of the award....

‘9/11 Was Good For Israel’ – Netanyahu

News Punch is a questionable source listed as extreme right biased based on promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news
Oh, I see, so BenJY didn't really say that.... OK..... if you and your CHOSEN REAR say so...

let's see.... who else is "fake news" meaning unCENSORED TRUTH about ZIONISM.....

Netanyahu Says 9/11 Was Good For Israel

Netanyahu Says 9/11 Good for Israel - Ahmadinejad Calls 9/11 - 911Truth.Org %

Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Has Been Good for Israel | Democracy Now!

"The Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv has reported that Israel’s former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly said the September 11 attacks have been good for Israel."

Gosh, that Israeli media, "lying" about Gaddafi and Benji.... except they aren't lying, our media and Zionist Traitors are....
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.

quite simply ask this...why did the Obama administration overthrow the elected government of Ukraine which led to thousands of deaths, a million refugees and the country partitioned.
Answer that and you throw light on a whole lot of what’s going on in this country

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