The "Causality" Bluff: It is Not Up to Vaccine-Injured to Prove Cause Was Vax. The Burden is on Pharma to Prove That it Was Not.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Now this gets right to the heart of it. It's why so many scientists are amazed these things have not been shut down.

New Rules for COVID Vaccines, from “Prove That it’s Safe” to “Prove That it’s Not”​

The most often heard defense of the novel vaccines in the face of millions of “adverse events” worldwide is that “correlation does not equal causation,” like a mantra programmed into a cult victim. The problem is, in the science of clinical drug trials, it does. The burden is always on the innovator to prove to the FDA and the public that the drug is safe if someone dies. The burden is not on the public agencies to prove that it is not safe. But with the COVID products, the FDA has thrown out every principle it has previously operated by, and of good science.

In 2016, the FDA halted clinical trials of a new cancer drug after just three participant deaths, even though causation was not proven before the trials were suspended. The presumption was “better safe than sorry” until the issue of causation was settled.

Below: Screenshot, Gizmodo headline, 2016, trials suspended after just three deaths (source)


In August of 2021, the FDA halted trials of a gene therapy for a neurological disorder, after a participant developed a bone marrow disease. Although the therapy was not proven as the cause, the FDA acted, it said, “out of an abundance of caution.”

And in 1976 the Swine Flu vaccine roll-out was halted after well under 100 unexplained deaths were reported, which were not conclusively proven to be related, after 40 million Americans had been vaccinated.

The FDA’s “abundance of caution” is now an abundance of “reckless,” in the words of Dr. Yeadon. Over what is, in the words of even Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF,) “one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years.”

The recovery rate for COVID is 99.8% similar to flu, at 99.9%. The average age of the victim is about 80. Many doctors argue that had the safe drugs hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin not been suppressed, and had COVID patients not been transferred into nursing homes, US COVID deaths might have amounted to a very bad flu season.

Since the COVID vaccine roll-out, over 32,000 possibly directly-related deaths have been reported to VAERS, triple over all other vaccines combined over 30 years. A study in the peer-reviewed Toxicology Reports put the number of dead by the vaccines at many times that, in the hundreds of thousands. Since the Fall of 2021, non-COVID deaths of young people in the US have skyrocketed, by as much as 40%, even as COVID deaths have fallen drastically."
Correlation does not prove causation. No it does not. It is also irrelevant in new drug situations. If someone dies it must be assumed it was the new drug until proven otherwise.
Correlation does not prove causation. No it does not. It is also irrelevant in new drug situations. If someone dies it must be assumed it was the new drug until proven otherwise.

You clearly need a primer on Statistics and Logic as well as understanding the Bradford Hill criteria .

We are past the stage of accepting blind ignorance as an excuse to repeat Fake News that is dangerous --effectively Hate Speech -- because you clearly hate the truth .
You clearly need a primer on Statistics and Logic as well as understanding the Bradford Hill criteria .

We are past the stage of accepting blind ignorance as an excuse to repeat Fake News that is dangerous --effectively Hate Speech -- because you clearly hate the truth .

No don't even need the Bradford Hill Criteria. Autopsies have proven cause.

September 20th, 2021, Conference at Pathological institute in Reutlingen, Germany, “Cause of death after COVID-19 vaccination & Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines (view at Bitchute)

Autopsies Show Direct Causal Link Between Unexpected Deaths and COVID Vaccines
You clearly need a primer on Statistics and Logic as well as understanding the Bradford Hill criteria .

We are past the stage of accepting blind ignorance as an excuse to repeat Fake News that is dangerous --effectively Hate Speech -- because you clearly hate the truth .

Dr. Drew hates the truth?

On Dr. Drew, doctor says Covid vaccines are "natural born killers" (view at Rumble)

Now this gets right to the heart of it. It's why so many scientists are amazed these things have not been shut down.

New Rules for COVID Vaccines, from “Prove That it’s Safe” to “Prove That it’s Not”​

The most often heard defense of the novel vaccines in the face of millions of “adverse events” worldwide is that “correlation does not equal causation,” like a mantra programmed into a cult victim. The problem is, in the science of clinical drug trials, it does. The burden is always on the innovator to prove to the FDA and the public that the drug is safe if someone dies. The burden is not on the public agencies to prove that it is not safe. But with the COVID products, the FDA has thrown out every principle it has previously operated by, and of good science.

In 2016, the FDA halted clinical trials of a new cancer drug after just three participant deaths, even though causation was not proven before the trials were suspended. The presumption was “better safe than sorry” until the issue of causation was settled.

Below: Screenshot, Gizmodo headline, 2016, trials suspended after just three deaths (source)


In August of 2021, the FDA halted trials of a gene therapy for a neurological disorder, after a participant developed a bone marrow disease. Although the therapy was not proven as the cause, the FDA acted, it said, “out of an abundance of caution.”

And in 1976 the Swine Flu vaccine roll-out was halted after well under 100 unexplained deaths were reported, which were not conclusively proven to be related, after 40 million Americans had been vaccinated.

The FDA’s “abundance of caution” is now an abundance of “reckless,” in the words of Dr. Yeadon. Over what is, in the words of even Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF,) “one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years.”

The recovery rate for COVID is 99.8% similar to flu, at 99.9%. The average age of the victim is about 80. Many doctors argue that had the safe drugs hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin not been suppressed, and had COVID patients not been transferred into nursing homes, US COVID deaths might have amounted to a very bad flu season.

Since the COVID vaccine roll-out, over 32,000 possibly directly-related deaths have been reported to VAERS, triple over all other vaccines combined over 30 years. A study in the peer-reviewed Toxicology Reports put the number of dead by the vaccines at many times that, in the hundreds of thousands. Since the Fall of 2021, non-COVID deaths of young people in the US have skyrocketed, by as much as 40%, even as COVID deaths have fallen drastically."
Where are the lawsuits. Oh wait there aren't any.
No, the "vaxxed" cannot prove there was any virus infecting them unless they were tested post-vaxx. duh

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