The Definition of Obstruction of Justice--question

So, the meeting on the tarmac in phenoix would qualify too. Yes?

Come on Slick and Lynch just chatted about family and showed grandchildren pics. (-: Funny thing is that might actually be true because there was no way before that meeting that Lynch was going to allow Hillary to be indicted. If Slick had shown the tiniest bit of decorum he'd never have gotten out of his plane and Hillary would be potus. He's lucky to be ALIVE. LOL
So Trump could dismiss everyone in the FBI from the Director down to the janitor and close the offices down from coast to coast and he would still not be violating any laws whatsoever, right?
Theoretically, yes.
Well, he should go on Television and explain to the public that he is above the law because he can fire anyone who comes to arrest him.

Only those who think Trump University was legitimate will agree with him (or you).

Once again, he was not a target of an investigation, so why would anyone be coming to arrest him? Your willful ignorance and partisan hackery is starting to get old. Get back to me when you have something real.

This is politics. Nothing is real.

The goal here is to damage Trump so that congressional Republicans won't help him push his agenda, and to make strides in 2018 & 2020.

Fer fuck's sake, let's just be honest about this. This is the only play the Dems have, and they're doing a pretty good job. They've got an easy target.

If the GOP were in the same position, they'd be doing precisely the same thing.

Which, of course, is the problem.

True or false, if the GOP, at least in part, didn't want the Senate to have this hearing tomorrow, they wouldn't be having a hearing. They do, after all, control the agenda and if a full committee has hearings or not. That is why Sandra Fluke had to testify to Democrats only.
True................but Trump didn't use executive powers to stop it now did he....................He wanted this out in the open for everyone to see so hopefully this Witch Hunt will end......................

After the hearing...............NO COLLUSION.................

If comey thought the conversation was an attempt to Obstruct Justice after meeting with Trump............he should have immediately went to the DOJ and the Attorney General.

He didn't do it now did he..........................

and then admitted he released memos of this to the public after being fired...........yet would release that Trump was Not under investigation..............



Comey may now very well need a lawyer..............:dig:
People have been saying that is has been Trump's associates who have been persons of interest, not Trump, who have been watched.

Trump, though, may have opened himself up for obstruction of justice.

Watch the GOP Senators' questions tomorrow. If they are not showing concern for the President, his political capital has been almost completely spent.

That probably happened when he said "he likes people who weren't captured", gave away fellow Senator's cell phone numbers, called one of them "little Marco" etc...

But yet little Marco has had dinner with Trump at least two times, one being last night. Little Marco should have declined the night before the hearings.
I am not sure that we saw testimony that could serve as evidence for "intent" to obstruct justice. Trump's directed removal of Sessions from the room in one of the meetings is very suggestive the Pres knew he was doing some questionable.

But it certainly gives Mueller an opening for the chisel and hammer of special counsel investigation.

The testimony can be fashioned to create impeachment charges if the Dems take the Senate and the House next year. They won't take both, I think.
People have been saying that is has been Trump's associates who have been persons of interest, not Trump, who have been watched.

Trump, though, may have opened himself up for obstruction of justice.

Watch the GOP Senators' questions tomorrow. If they are not showing concern for the President, his political capital has been almost completely spent.

That probably happened when he said "he likes people who weren't captured", gave away fellow Senator's cell phone numbers, called one of them "little Marco" etc...

But yet little Marco has had dinner with Trump at least two times, one being last night. Little Marco should have declined the night before the hearings.

Oh he did? Wow. Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall with these two. Rubio is what, 40 and Trump is 75 and lived in a bubble his entire life?

"Nice gravy boat Mr. President. Serves 8-10?"
"What's that?"
"Oh, nothing." *snickers under breath*

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