The End Is Near....The Final Curtain

Is this liberal nation, founding using liberalism, annoying you again, Korean girl?

You fascists democrats are not "liberal," you are Stalinists. You have nothing in common with Jefferson, Mason or Payne. You are identical in view to Mao, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin. You call the founding fathers "old dead white guys" as you spit on the liberal notions they espoused, while you rush to embrace the feudal structures of a government that owns all and rules over an enslaved peasantry.

You are a totalitarian thug, the polar opposite of "liberal."
And it's Paine, he was mostly a socialist to you, and I doubt you mean Mason (who wouldn't sign the Constitution). As for Jefferson, he took a knife to the Gospels to remove all the BS about Jesus.

Paine a socialist? :lmao:

{His basic contention was that the enormous increase in taxation suffered by the people of England in the past few centuries was due to "extravagance, corruption, and intrigue." Maintaining that of the total annual tax bill of 17 million pounds, only one million and a half was necessary, he proceeded to show how the remaining taxes should be disposed of. First of all his plan provided subsidies for children so they might be sent to school, provision for aged persons, payment to families for childbirths and marriages, funeral payments, and accident benefits.

Paine said that the tax on houses and windows should be abolished, and also the commutation tax because these placed heavy burdens upon persons least able to bear them. Instead of the small indirect taxes which lay so heavily on the poor, he thought the principle of the luxury tax should be applied to incomes. He said, "Admitting that any annual sum, say, for instance, a thousand pounds, is necessary to support a family, consequently the second thousand is in the nature of a luxury, the third still more so, and by proceeding on we shall arrive at a sum that may not improperly be called a prohibitable luxury. It would be impolitic to set bounds to property acquired by industry, and therefore it is right to place the prohibition beyond the probable acquisition to which industry can extend; but there ought to be a limit to property or the accumulation of it by bequest." He then proposed a system of graduated taxes upon incomes. The object of such a tax in Paine's mind was twofold: It would first of all eliminate those arduous duties imposed on the poor by the rich which has been screened too much, and secondly it would break up the large estates and return their substance to all the heirs and heiresses which "hitherto the Aristocracy have quartered . . . upon the public in useless posts, places and offices."}
Thomas Paine and Income Taxes ~ ECONOMIC THEORIES

George Mason was a staunch advocate of economic liberty. So much so that a university is named for him.
Agrarian Justice - Wikipedia

And someone who refused to sign the document that founded this nation means - he's not a Founder.

You are calling property tax "socialism?" :eek:

Are you insane?

Why did Mason refuse to back the Constitution? Do you know sparky? I'll give you a hint, the issue caused a civil war later when you filthy scum democrats refused to give it up....
The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
Who was hacked?

I'm not sure anyone was successfully hacked. The NSA says the 31 states have been subjected to spear phishing attacks, but then name one person who has email who has NOT been the target of the same? Most of us are smart enough not to give our bank routing numbers to the Nigerian prince - Russian Agent John Podesta is just a bit dumber than the average person.

Good point.

And one must question why, if there was hacking, wouldn't the DNC allow the FBI to look at their servers?
And why the FBI took 'no' for an answer.

1. "Washington (CNN)The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election, a senior law enforcement official told CNN Thursday."

2. The DNC actually insisted that the FBI rely on a firm that the DNC hired....
"The FBI instead relied on the assessment from a third-party security company called CrowdStrIke."
FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers -

3. "What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

4. Soooo....if the FBI and CrowdStrike work for the DNC.....

....guess who they work against.

Crowdstrike is thoroughly discredited as dishonest and unethical.

Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking ReportU.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented data published by an influential British think tank.

As you can see, Crowdstrike lied. This should be a huge story at WaPo, which relies upon Crowdstrike to offer them quotes about Russia in dozens of articles. At the very least, these accusations should be disclosed to readers in future coverage.

Indeed it was Crowdstrike that blamed Russia for the DNC leaks, a claim WaPo gladly spread far and wide.}

WaPo in Pay-for-Play Scandal — Phony Experts Given Free PR, Leading to Questions about Money…
The candidate who has shown a life-time of 'changing in a NY minute' based on bribes is the one you supported.

It is, in fact, the very reason why Putin and the Kremlin wanted her as President.

Wise up.
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
Who was hacked?

I'm not sure anyone was successfully hacked. The NSA says the 31 states have been subjected to spear phishing attacks, but then name one person who has email who has NOT been the target of the same? Most of us are smart enough not to give our bank routing numbers to the Nigerian prince - Russian Agent John Podesta is just a bit dumber than the average person.

Good point.

And one must question why, if there was hacking, wouldn't the DNC allow the FBI to look at their servers?
And why the FBI took 'no' for an answer.

1. "Washington (CNN)The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election, a senior law enforcement official told CNN Thursday."

2. The DNC actually insisted that the FBI rely on a firm that the DNC hired....
"The FBI instead relied on the assessment from a third-party security company called CrowdStrIke."
FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers -

3. "What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

4. Soooo....if the FBI and CrowdStrike work for the DNC.....

....guess who they work against.
Maybe you in all your brilliance can tell us why the pos in our wh is trying to protect flynn?
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
Who was hacked?

I'm not sure anyone was successfully hacked. The NSA says the 31 states have been subjected to spear phishing attacks, but then name one person who has email who has NOT been the target of the same? Most of us are smart enough not to give our bank routing numbers to the Nigerian prince - Russian Agent John Podesta is just a bit dumber than the average person.

Good point.

And one must question why, if there was hacking, wouldn't the DNC allow the FBI to look at their servers?
And why the FBI took 'no' for an answer.

1. "Washington (CNN)The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election, a senior law enforcement official told CNN Thursday."

2. The DNC actually insisted that the FBI rely on a firm that the DNC hired....
"The FBI instead relied on the assessment from a third-party security company called CrowdStrIke."
FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers -

3. "What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

4. Soooo....if the FBI and CrowdStrike work for the DNC.....

....guess who they work against.
Maybe you in all your brilliance can tell us why the pos in our wh is trying to protect flynn?

1. First of all, brilliance is the least of it.
I should have warned you: You can go blind from my pure awesomeness!

2. What did Flynn do other than lie to the vice-president....for which he was fired.
Are you asking for a prison sentence for that?

eddie....I'm worrying about're becoming rabid.
Try to regain some level of stability.
We are not stupid enough to believe this. The hacking proved that you are wrong.

You must have evidence of same....or you wouldn't claim it.

Do you?

None of the agencies claim to have......
Who was hacked?

I'm not sure anyone was successfully hacked. The NSA says the 31 states have been subjected to spear phishing attacks, but then name one person who has email who has NOT been the target of the same? Most of us are smart enough not to give our bank routing numbers to the Nigerian prince - Russian Agent John Podesta is just a bit dumber than the average person.

Good point.

And one must question why, if there was hacking, wouldn't the DNC allow the FBI to look at their servers?
And why the FBI took 'no' for an answer.

1. "Washington (CNN)The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election, a senior law enforcement official told CNN Thursday."

2. The DNC actually insisted that the FBI rely on a firm that the DNC hired....
"The FBI instead relied on the assessment from a third-party security company called CrowdStrIke."
FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers -

3. "What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

4. Soooo....if the FBI and CrowdStrike work for the DNC.....

....guess who they work against.

Crowdstrike is thoroughly discredited as dishonest and unethical.

Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking ReportU.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented data published by an influential British think tank.

As you can see, Crowdstrike lied. This should be a huge story at WaPo, which relies upon Crowdstrike to offer them quotes about Russia in dozens of articles. At the very least, these accusations should be disclosed to readers in future coverage.

Indeed it was Crowdstrike that blamed Russia for the DNC leaks, a claim WaPo gladly spread far and wide.}

WaPo in Pay-for-Play Scandal — Phony Experts Given Free PR, Leading to Questions about Money…

My question remains....why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI to see the servers, and used the failed Crowdstike, that had to admit that it got the task wrong....

...and would the FBI claim hacking on your computer or mine if we refused it access to same.
Pessimist that I am, I note how close communists Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders came to assuming the highest offices in their two nations.

Imagine how many voters is each nation are ready to subvert their heritage.

7. Bernie Sanders, a Marxist, a modern day proponent of the view that slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children...yet it's met with a shrug by most of our Democrats/Liberals. The history is no secret.....these trained seals just don't care.

When I pointed this out, about the atrocities the communists were responsible for, this was the response from a board Leftist:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

What sort of country have we become when alleged Americans subscribe to this: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

These Democrats/Liberals/Marxists are not men.....

"The creatures I had seen were not men, had never been men. They were animals, humanised animals,—triumphs of vivisection."
H.G. Wells (1866–1946). The Island of Doctor Moreau. 1896.

The End Is Near....The Final Curtain....may very well be an Iron Curtain.
America, it seems, no longer turns out Americans.
Is this liberal nation, founding using liberalism, annoying you again, Korean girl?
Of course, the regressives would be screaming RACIST if a right winger had said something like that.

KG is a true American. RT would be more at home in North Korea.
You two are true idiots. Let me when you grow up and will stand up for - liberty.
He's a troll. Not much there.
He's Pathetic

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