Trump leads Nikki Haley by 27 points in her home state of South Carolina where she was a 2 term governor

When Trump goes completely crazy, is convicted, has a heart attack, or Republicans turn on him, who are they going to run????

I'm sure that when President Trump becomes unable to serve at some point in the future, hopefully distant, someone will come forward. But it won't be an establishment Republican like Haley, unless the GOP is as committed to defeat as they were in 08 and 12 with weak links McCain and Romney.
I love how the Extreme Biden Cult Fucks ignore how Trump is CRUSHING it.

He is up 27 points on Haley….IN HER HOME FUCKING STATE.

That is fucking DESTRUCTION.

She needs to drop out. This is just stupid.

It leads me to believe she took the deal that Kari Lake turned down.

She took the BOD gig at Boeing in 2019…just before the 2020 campaign. She left politics for a few years and now she is back with big donor support.

The uniparty did not want Haley helping Trump in 2020.


Why does Haley want to lose by 27 points in her home state?
The point now is to just suck as much money away from any efforts that involve Orange Man and/or anyone supporting him.
I love that Pelosi clip from 2016

”Donald Trump is not going to be President of the United States. Take it to the bank. I guarantee it.”

Then she gives that evil grin.

:laughing0301: :clap: :auiqs.jpg:

Its the best.
Nicki Haley is like the person you scheme to figure out a way not to have to invite her to your party. What an annoying and egotistical bitch. So, I'm watching her speak right now in SC, and it looks like her audience is a bunch of young White girls and a couple pale White boys who seem to be there, looking to get laid. She's the biggest loser in all of politics.

She needs to drop out. This is just stupid.

It leads me to believe she took the deal that Kari Lake turned down.

She took the BOD gig at Boeing in 2019…just before the 2020 campaign. She left politics for a few years and now she is back with big donor support.

The uniparty did not want Haley helping Trump in 2020.


Why does Haley want to lose by 27 points in her home state?

Trump is a loser.

Keep on losing, loser!
I have a high school friend who lives in South Carolina, she told me Haley isn't liked much there. That entire Confederacy thing did her in
She did quite wll in context, and will be willing to assume the candidacy if and when he falls.
She did quite wll in context, and will be willing to assume the candidacy if and when he falls.
Not likely, the best she can do is not enough to secure the nomination. The RINOs don't have the influence to force her through. She's done, she needs to drop out and stop this childish antic. The only people she is impressing are idiot liberals who never vote for her anyway. Haley is just as clueless as they are.

She needs to drop out. This is just stupid.

It leads me to believe she took the deal that Kari Lake turned down.

She took the BOD gig at Boeing in 2019…just before the 2020 campaign. She left politics for a few years and now she is back with big donor support.

The uniparty did not want Haley helping Trump in 2020.


Why does Haley want to lose by 27 points in her home state?
There has to be more to this story. What did she do during her two terms to disenfranchise herself from the locals? I never followed South Carolina politics but I may look now.
Not likely, the best she can do is not enough to secure the nomination. The RINOs don't have the influence to force her through. She's done, she needs to drop out and stop this childish antic. The only people she is impressing are idiot liberals who never vote for her anyway. Haley is just as clueless as they are.
I think she's counting on the court system to shut Trump down and effectively remove him from the race before November.

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