Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

This is what I'm saying when I tell lowlife statist bootlicks like FrancoHGW and Blindboo to shut up:


You're sexual degenerates, murderers and thugs. .
Conservatives always lie about liberals.

No, leftists lie to themselves.

Noted liberal Bill Maher had Milo and the other guy antifa rioted against on his show and their speech was not suppressed.

You can't be a liberal and do illiberal things like riot or threaten violence to suppress the right to speak at a venue where they were duly invited.

Maher had Milo on, with two other libs, to help shout him down, three to one. It was pathetic and cowardly of Bill.

They never shouted him down, and he gave a good as he got.

They talked over him and never got into real depth, to much, jumping from subject to subject as a new lib was tagged in.

Maher was cowardly in not doing an one on one with Milo.

That was the overtime portion, done on the web. The broadcast that night began with the one on one.
Yet Ringtone, who posted it, said to me: "Shut the hell up, you lowlife, leftist piece of shit. "

Isn't that the proverbial kettle calling the pot black?

Ahhhhhhhh, shut up, you lowlife, leftist piece of shit. Everybody on this board knows I'm expressing my disgust for you barbaric leftist thugs, for your absurd, disingenuous reactions, your pathetic and dishonest excuses for the behavior of the typically hysterical, vicious, vulgar and violent behavior of leftists students on college campuses everywhere . . . not literally telling you to shut up as if I could make you shut up.

Do a search on Youtube under conservative students and then under leftist/liberal students, and see the voluminou examples of crazy you get under the latter.

The former are typically well-mannered and groomed, articulate and informed, while the latter are typically . . . well, madcow disease, indeed, vicious and hysterical skanks and simps.

Lefty, you are the fascist, the nazi, the racist, the thug, the animal, the two-bit punk, statist bootlick. These brainwashed barbarians can't even see what they are.

The political left is morally and intellectually insane. The only thing you depraved scum will ever understand about truth and decency and the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun aimed at your stupid heads.

I love you guys. You make me laugh
No, leftists lie to themselves.

Noted liberal Bill Maher had Milo and the other guy antifa rioted against on his show and their speech was not suppressed.

You can't be a liberal and do illiberal things like riot or threaten violence to suppress the right to speak at a venue where they were duly invited.

Maher had Milo on, with two other libs, to help shout him down, three to one. It was pathetic and cowardly of Bill.

They never shouted him down, and he gave a good as he got.

They talked over him and never got into real depth, to much, jumping from subject to subject as a new lib was tagged in.

Maher was cowardly in not doing an one on one with Milo.

That was the overtime portion, done on the web. The broadcast that night began with the one on one.

i watched the whole interview. BIll Maher stacked the deck because he was afraid that Milo would make him his bitch.
FREE SPEECH: Judge rules in favor of student and his Trump-mural school parking space.

Seniors at Pine Junior-Senior High School in the Washington Parish School District are permitted to personalize their assigned parking spot for a $25 fee. Ned Thomas opted to paint President Trump donned in stars and stripes sunglasses and a bandana.

Thomas’s painting was approved by Pine’s principal as the image did not violate the “Senior Paint Your Parking Space” policy. This policy prohibits profanity, lewd images and other students’ names, according to

However, Superintendent Frances Varnado and the school board decided the mural was “too political.” Varnado cited the “divisive” campaign season and claimed the painting “would cause further division and disruption among students.”

She had Mr. Trump painted over with gray paint.

Varnado added her decision was “meant to avoid controversy, not stir it up.” Interestingly, Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the parish by 36 points in the 2016 election.

From the story:

U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, wrote that the Trump portrait is the kind of “pure political speech” that is not subject to limitations a school may impose on, say, vulgarity.
“The painting of President Trump cannot reasonably be described as obscene or plainly offensive on its face, nor can it be construed as school-sponsored speech,” Fallon wrote, ticking off other categories of student speech with limits.
To remove it, the judge wrote, the school system would have to show the painting would be “materially disruptive” or confound school activities. But Fallon said he couldn’t make out the disruption in Trump’s face.
The painting, “while it is certainly a stylized and colorful image, depicts the sitting President of the United States,” he wrote. “This is not a case involving a symbol such as a Confederate flag, which has an established meaning as a ‘symbol of racism and intolerance, regardless of whatever other meanings may be associated with it.’”
He ruled that, “ultimately, it is clear that school officials in this case acted based upon ‘an urgent wish to avoid controversy which might result from the expression.’”
Fallon relied on the US Supreme Court decision in Tinker, the 7-2 ruling which established students “do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Or, in this case, the school parking lot.

Thomas’s attorney said he “understood” the school district will not appeal Fallon’s ruling, and that Thomas plans to have his parking spot repainted next week.

A federal judge has ruled a Louisiana school superintendent and her school board violated a student’s First Amendment rights by painting over his school parking spot — which had included a large mural of President Trump.
FREE SPEECH: Judge rules in favor of student and his Trump-mural school parking space.

Seniors at Pine Junior-Senior High School in the Washington Parish School District are permitted to personalize their assigned parking spot for a $25 fee. Ned Thomas opted to paint President Trump donned in stars and stripes sunglasses and a bandana.

Thomas’s painting was approved by Pine’s principal as the image did not violate the “Senior Paint Your Parking Space” policy. This policy prohibits profanity, lewd images and other students’ names, according to

However, Superintendent Frances Varnado and the school board decided the mural was “too political.” Varnado cited the “divisive” campaign season and claimed the painting “would cause further division and disruption among students.”

She had Mr. Trump painted over with gray paint.

Varnado added her decision was “meant to avoid controversy, not stir it up.” Interestingly, Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the parish by 36 points in the 2016 election.

From the story:

U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, wrote that the Trump portrait is the kind of “pure political speech” that is not subject to limitations a school may impose on, say, vulgarity.
“The painting of President Trump cannot reasonably be described as obscene or plainly offensive on its face, nor can it be construed as school-sponsored speech,” Fallon wrote, ticking off other categories of student speech with limits.
To remove it, the judge wrote, the school system would have to show the painting would be “materially disruptive” or confound school activities. But Fallon said he couldn’t make out the disruption in Trump’s face.
The painting, “while it is certainly a stylized and colorful image, depicts the sitting President of the United States,” he wrote. “This is not a case involving a symbol such as a Confederate flag, which has an established meaning as a ‘symbol of racism and intolerance, regardless of whatever other meanings may be associated with it.’”
He ruled that, “ultimately, it is clear that school officials in this case acted based upon ‘an urgent wish to avoid controversy which might result from the expression.’”
Fallon relied on the US Supreme Court decision in Tinker, the 7-2 ruling which established students “do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Or, in this case, the school parking lot.

Thomas’s attorney said he “understood” the school district will not appeal Fallon’s ruling, and that Thomas plans to have his parking spot repainted next week.

A federal judge has ruled a Louisiana school superintendent and her school board violated a student’s First Amendment rights by painting over his school parking spot — which had included a large mural of President Trump.

The Superintendent should be sued personally for such an obvious tramping of the student's first amendment rights.
I don't really think that was appropriate on public tax payer funded property.
FREE SPEECH: Judge rules in favor of student and his Trump-mural school parking space.

Seniors at Pine Junior-Senior High School in the Washington Parish School District are permitted to personalize their assigned parking spot for a $25 fee. Ned Thomas opted to paint President Trump donned in stars and stripes sunglasses and a bandana.

Thomas’s painting was approved by Pine’s principal as the image did not violate the “Senior Paint Your Parking Space” policy. This policy prohibits profanity, lewd images and other students’ names, according to

However, Superintendent Frances Varnado and the school board decided the mural was “too political.” Varnado cited the “divisive” campaign season and claimed the painting “would cause further division and disruption among students.”

She had Mr. Trump painted over with gray paint.

Varnado added her decision was “meant to avoid controversy, not stir it up.” Interestingly, Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the parish by 36 points in the 2016 election.

From the story:

U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, wrote that the Trump portrait is the kind of “pure political speech” that is not subject to limitations a school may impose on, say, vulgarity.
“The painting of President Trump cannot reasonably be described as obscene or plainly offensive on its face, nor can it be construed as school-sponsored speech,” Fallon wrote, ticking off other categories of student speech with limits.
To remove it, the judge wrote, the school system would have to show the painting would be “materially disruptive” or confound school activities. But Fallon said he couldn’t make out the disruption in Trump’s face.
The painting, “while it is certainly a stylized and colorful image, depicts the sitting President of the United States,” he wrote. “This is not a case involving a symbol such as a Confederate flag, which has an established meaning as a ‘symbol of racism and intolerance, regardless of whatever other meanings may be associated with it.’”
He ruled that, “ultimately, it is clear that school officials in this case acted based upon ‘an urgent wish to avoid controversy which might result from the expression.’”
Fallon relied on the US Supreme Court decision in Tinker, the 7-2 ruling which established students “do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Or, in this case, the school parking lot.

Thomas’s attorney said he “understood” the school district will not appeal Fallon’s ruling, and that Thomas plans to have his parking spot repainted next week.

A federal judge has ruled a Louisiana school superintendent and her school board violated a student’s First Amendment rights by painting over his school parking spot — which had included a large mural of President Trump.

Typical leftists. They consider freedom, particularly the freedoms of the First Amendment, to be evil and dangerous, and the only possible way to achieve peace and harmony to be through censoring and oppressing people into silent, interchangeable drones. God forbid we achieve peace and harmony through teaching people to respect the rights of others to disagree with us, and to engage in communication and dialogue.
FREE SPEECH: Judge rules in favor of student and his Trump-mural school parking space.

Seniors at Pine Junior-Senior High School in the Washington Parish School District are permitted to personalize their assigned parking spot for a $25 fee. Ned Thomas opted to paint President Trump donned in stars and stripes sunglasses and a bandana.

Thomas’s painting was approved by Pine’s principal as the image did not violate the “Senior Paint Your Parking Space” policy. This policy prohibits profanity, lewd images and other students’ names, according to

However, Superintendent Frances Varnado and the school board decided the mural was “too political.” Varnado cited the “divisive” campaign season and claimed the painting “would cause further division and disruption among students.”

She had Mr. Trump painted over with gray paint.

Varnado added her decision was “meant to avoid controversy, not stir it up.” Interestingly, Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the parish by 36 points in the 2016 election.

From the story:

U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, wrote that the Trump portrait is the kind of “pure political speech” that is not subject to limitations a school may impose on, say, vulgarity.
“The painting of President Trump cannot reasonably be described as obscene or plainly offensive on its face, nor can it be construed as school-sponsored speech,” Fallon wrote, ticking off other categories of student speech with limits.
To remove it, the judge wrote, the school system would have to show the painting would be “materially disruptive” or confound school activities. But Fallon said he couldn’t make out the disruption in Trump’s face.
The painting, “while it is certainly a stylized and colorful image, depicts the sitting President of the United States,” he wrote. “This is not a case involving a symbol such as a Confederate flag, which has an established meaning as a ‘symbol of racism and intolerance, regardless of whatever other meanings may be associated with it.’”
He ruled that, “ultimately, it is clear that school officials in this case acted based upon ‘an urgent wish to avoid controversy which might result from the expression.’”
Fallon relied on the US Supreme Court decision in Tinker, the 7-2 ruling which established students “do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Or, in this case, the school parking lot.

Thomas’s attorney said he “understood” the school district will not appeal Fallon’s ruling, and that Thomas plans to have his parking spot repainted next week.

A federal judge has ruled a Louisiana school superintendent and her school board violated a student’s First Amendment rights by painting over his school parking spot — which had included a large mural of President Trump.

Typical leftists. They consider freedom, particularly the freedoms of the First Amendment, to be evil and dangerous, and the only possible way to achieve peace and harmony to be through censoring and oppressing people into silent, interchangeable drones. God forbid we achieve peace and harmony through teaching people to respect the rights of others to disagree with us, and to engage in communication and dialogue.

There is a difference between the right to free speech, and tolerating obnoxious lies that are easily proven to be lies. Trump supporters and the right can't see that difference.
FREE SPEECH: Judge rules in favor of student and his Trump-mural school parking space.

Seniors at Pine Junior-Senior High School in the Washington Parish School District are permitted to personalize their assigned parking spot for a $25 fee. Ned Thomas opted to paint President Trump donned in stars and stripes sunglasses and a bandana.

Thomas’s painting was approved by Pine’s principal as the image did not violate the “Senior Paint Your Parking Space” policy. This policy prohibits profanity, lewd images and other students’ names, according to

However, Superintendent Frances Varnado and the school board decided the mural was “too political.” Varnado cited the “divisive” campaign season and claimed the painting “would cause further division and disruption among students.”

She had Mr. Trump painted over with gray paint.

Varnado added her decision was “meant to avoid controversy, not stir it up.” Interestingly, Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the parish by 36 points in the 2016 election.

From the story:

U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, wrote that the Trump portrait is the kind of “pure political speech” that is not subject to limitations a school may impose on, say, vulgarity.
“The painting of President Trump cannot reasonably be described as obscene or plainly offensive on its face, nor can it be construed as school-sponsored speech,” Fallon wrote, ticking off other categories of student speech with limits.
To remove it, the judge wrote, the school system would have to show the painting would be “materially disruptive” or confound school activities. But Fallon said he couldn’t make out the disruption in Trump’s face.
The painting, “while it is certainly a stylized and colorful image, depicts the sitting President of the United States,” he wrote. “This is not a case involving a symbol such as a Confederate flag, which has an established meaning as a ‘symbol of racism and intolerance, regardless of whatever other meanings may be associated with it.’”
He ruled that, “ultimately, it is clear that school officials in this case acted based upon ‘an urgent wish to avoid controversy which might result from the expression.’”
Fallon relied on the US Supreme Court decision in Tinker, the 7-2 ruling which established students “do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Or, in this case, the school parking lot.

Thomas’s attorney said he “understood” the school district will not appeal Fallon’s ruling, and that Thomas plans to have his parking spot repainted next week.

A federal judge has ruled a Louisiana school superintendent and her school board violated a student’s First Amendment rights by painting over his school parking spot — which had included a large mural of President Trump.

Typical leftists. They consider freedom, particularly the freedoms of the First Amendment, to be evil and dangerous, and the only possible way to achieve peace and harmony to be through censoring and oppressing people into silent, interchangeable drones. God forbid we achieve peace and harmony through teaching people to respect the rights of others to disagree with us, and to engage in communication and dialogue.

There is a difference between the right to free speech, and tolerating obnoxious lies that are easily proven to be lies. Trump supporters and the right can't see that difference.

The school set the rules, the kid followed them, yet the liberals in charge silenced the speech they did not like.

That is censorship.
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.



That's the idea, why are you bitching? Oh wait Christians, Conservatives and you Fascists are on equal footing now
FREE SPEECH: Judge rules in favor of student and his Trump-mural school parking space.

Seniors at Pine Junior-Senior High School in the Washington Parish School District are permitted to personalize their assigned parking spot for a $25 fee. Ned Thomas opted to paint President Trump donned in stars and stripes sunglasses and a bandana.

Thomas’s painting was approved by Pine’s principal as the image did not violate the “Senior Paint Your Parking Space” policy. This policy prohibits profanity, lewd images and other students’ names, according to

However, Superintendent Frances Varnado and the school board decided the mural was “too political.” Varnado cited the “divisive” campaign season and claimed the painting “would cause further division and disruption among students.”

She had Mr. Trump painted over with gray paint.

Varnado added her decision was “meant to avoid controversy, not stir it up.” Interestingly, Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the parish by 36 points in the 2016 election.

From the story:

U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, wrote that the Trump portrait is the kind of “pure political speech” that is not subject to limitations a school may impose on, say, vulgarity.
“The painting of President Trump cannot reasonably be described as obscene or plainly offensive on its face, nor can it be construed as school-sponsored speech,” Fallon wrote, ticking off other categories of student speech with limits.
To remove it, the judge wrote, the school system would have to show the painting would be “materially disruptive” or confound school activities. But Fallon said he couldn’t make out the disruption in Trump’s face.
The painting, “while it is certainly a stylized and colorful image, depicts the sitting President of the United States,” he wrote. “This is not a case involving a symbol such as a Confederate flag, which has an established meaning as a ‘symbol of racism and intolerance, regardless of whatever other meanings may be associated with it.’”
He ruled that, “ultimately, it is clear that school officials in this case acted based upon ‘an urgent wish to avoid controversy which might result from the expression.’”
Fallon relied on the US Supreme Court decision in Tinker, the 7-2 ruling which established students “do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Or, in this case, the school parking lot.

Thomas’s attorney said he “understood” the school district will not appeal Fallon’s ruling, and that Thomas plans to have his parking spot repainted next week.

A federal judge has ruled a Louisiana school superintendent and her school board violated a student’s First Amendment rights by painting over his school parking spot — which had included a large mural of President Trump.

Typical leftists. They consider freedom, particularly the freedoms of the First Amendment, to be evil and dangerous, and the only possible way to achieve peace and harmony to be through censoring and oppressing people into silent, interchangeable drones. God forbid we achieve peace and harmony through teaching people to respect the rights of others to disagree with us, and to engage in communication and dialogue.
They are wannabe petty tyrants.

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