What is White Supremacy?

genocide the deliberate killing of a whole nation or people.

So to which nation or people does the whiner who claims he's being deliberately killed belong?

1. That you felt a need to marginalize him, in your question, before he had a chance to answer, was your brain, telling you that it knows you are full of shit, and thus you need to take steps to get people to not pay attention to the answer.

2. Genocide can be against any large group of people. Try to be less crazy.

You can explain their position better than I can. How can there be white supremacy without a white race? Is somebody moving the goalposts so that there never has been an issue about race?

If white isn't a race, how come the government keeps giving me forms that ask if I'm White, Black, or Hispanic?

I found this on Wikipedia:

"As Whites, especially White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, or WASPs, are the dominant racial and cultural group, according to sociologist Steven Seidman, writing from a critical theory perspective, "White culture constitutes the general cultural mainstream..."

White Americans - Wikipedia

And you found wrong. Worldwide, whites are about 10 percent. You don't dominate shit without use of violence.
Incidents of white supremacist propaganda distribution doubled in the last year, ADL finds
By Mallory Simon, CNN
Updated 8:05 AM ET, Wed February 12, 2020

White supremacists increased their propaganda efforts across the United States last year, with the highest number of incidents of propaganda distribution reported since the Anti-Defamation League began tracking such incidents, the group reported Wednesday.

The number of incidents of hate groups leaving flyers, stickers, banners and posters in public places more than doubled from 1,214 in 2018 to 2,713 in 2019, according to the ADL, which tracks and fights to combat hate. That averages more than seven a day.


Stickers with white supremacist slogans were plastered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, California, in the fall semester, the ADL says.

"Distribution of propaganda has been a tried-and-true tactic of white supremacists and other extremists for decades, but what is apparent in our research is that these individuals are more emboldened by the current environment -- and fliering and stickering provides an easy and anonymous way to spread their hateful message to a large audience," said Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of ADL.

"For some, seeing such propaganda may be the first step in the process of an individual engaging with white supremacy. Another could be marching with one of these groups," he added. "We feel it's important to shed light on this as a way to bring increased awareness and potentially intervene in someone's pathway into white supremacy and extremism."

White supremacist groups often promote ideas of a prosperous white America at the expense of any other minority and often with derogatory and hateful language.

College campuses were targeted with white supremacist propaganda in 630 incidents, nearly double the 320 cases in 2018, the ADL tally found. Propaganda was found and reported on 433 campuses across 43 states and the District of Columbia in 2019, the report said.

The upward trend continues from the 2019 spring semester, which itself set a record for the most extremist propaganda found on campus since 2016, when the ADL began tracking this kind of activity.

Incidents of white supremacist propaganda distribution doubled in the last year, ADL finds - CNN
genocide the deliberate killing of a whole nation or people.

So to which nation or people does the whiner who claims he's being deliberately killed belong?

1. That you felt a need to marginalize him, in your question, before he had a chance to answer, was your brain, telling you that it knows you are full of shit, and thus you need to take steps to get people to not pay attention to the answer.

2. Genocide can be against any large group of people. Try to be less crazy.

You can explain their position better than I can. How can there be white supremacy without a white race? Is somebody moving the goalposts so that there never has been an issue about race?

If white isn't a race, how come the government keeps giving me forms that ask if I'm White, Black, or Hispanic?

I found this on Wikipedia:

"As Whites, especially White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, or WASPs, are the dominant racial and cultural group, according to sociologist Steven Seidman, writing from a critical theory perspective, "White culture constitutes the general cultural mainstream..."

White Americans - Wikipedia

Libs just say shit. They don't mean it. THey know it is shit when they say it.

You can tell, all the time.

Look how he responded when I pointed out that he had in effect, denied that Jews could be genocided.

IF he had any investment in his own words, he would have been embarrassed as hell that he talked himself into a corner.

He MIGHT have tried to talk his way out of it, but it would have been quite tortured, and fail.

INstead, he just moved on, without missing a beat, to the next rhetorical ploy.
Admit it, or ask for the links.
Unlike Crackers, I provide links to cites to back up my assertions.

Said the man who's current position is, that religious groups can't be targeted for genocide. YOu know, like the jews. The Jews were never targeted for genocide, according to cnm.

Also, your use of racist slurs, is noted. Not surprisingly, the lib is racist.

And he doesn't care. Because all that talk, about being anti-racist, like everything libs say, is shit.
genocide the deliberate killing of a whole nation or people.

So to which nation or people does the whiner who claims he's being deliberately killed belong?

1. That you felt a need to marginalize him, in your question, before he had a chance to answer, was your brain, telling you that it knows you are full of shit, and thus you need to take steps to get people to not pay attention to the answer.

2. Genocide can be against any large group of people. Try to be less crazy.

You can explain their position better than I can. How can there be white supremacy without a white race? Is somebody moving the goalposts so that there never has been an issue about race?

If white isn't a race, how come the government keeps giving me forms that ask if I'm White, Black, or Hispanic?

I found this on Wikipedia:

"As Whites, especially White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, or WASPs, are the dominant racial and cultural group, according to sociologist Steven Seidman, writing from a critical theory perspective, "White culture constitutes the general cultural mainstream..."

White Americans - Wikipedia

And you found wrong. Worldwide, whites are about 10 percent. You don't dominate shit without use of violence.

Reading isn't your strong suit. When you see something in quotation marks AND in italics, it is not my words. It is a direct quote from whatever link that follows. No wonder you have such a hard time here! The quotation deals with the white race, not all the races of mankind. You need to learn how to read the thread and access the links. Then, again, ignore what I just said. It will give real white supremacists a good chuckle as you stumble your way through this.
genocide the deliberate killing of a whole nation or people.

So to which nation or people does the whiner who claims he's being deliberately killed belong?

1. That you felt a need to marginalize him, in your question, before he had a chance to answer, was your brain, telling you that it knows you are full of shit, and thus you need to take steps to get people to not pay attention to the answer.

2. Genocide can be against any large group of people. Try to be less crazy.

You can explain their position better than I can. How can there be white supremacy without a white race? Is somebody moving the goalposts so that there never has been an issue about race?

If white isn't a race, how come the government keeps giving me forms that ask if I'm White, Black, or Hispanic?

I found this on Wikipedia:

"As Whites, especially White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, or WASPs, are the dominant racial and cultural group, according to sociologist Steven Seidman, writing from a critical theory perspective, "White culture constitutes the general cultural mainstream..."

White Americans - Wikipedia

Libs just say shit. They don't mean it. THey know it is shit when they say it.

You can tell, all the time.

Look how he responded when I pointed out that he had in effect, denied that Jews could be genocided.

IF he had any investment in his own words, he would have been embarrassed as hell that he talked himself into a corner.

He MIGHT have tried to talk his way out of it, but it would have been quite tortured, and fail.

INstead, he just moved on, without missing a beat, to the next rhetorical ploy.

Imagine if they tried this in a live recorded debate.
genocide the deliberate killing of a whole nation or people.

So to which nation or people does the whiner who claims he's being deliberately killed belong?

democrats have a final solution to the white problem in mind, that's for damned sure.
You're a white supremacist son. THE prime example of the problem. We all have a history and destiny. No one races destiny is any greater than any other race. There is no genocide being waged against white people. Stop listening to satan, boy.
Maybe not genocide, but certainly there is racism, and not just by Affirmative Action, Racism against whites is manifested in a long list of ways of Black Privilege, that still persists even now, well into the Trump era.

Black Privilege: Alive & Well In the Trump Era
What is White Supremacy?

I realised White Supremacy is not evil. White Supremacy only means that whites are more intelligent and more capable. And through this they are guardians of the creature. Of all creature and of all other humans. Just like the Bible says it is the humans who guard the creature and who are the overlords. That doesnt mean they abuse or mistreat the creature, they are just not like the others though. Just like humans are kind to animals and animals are your pets and love you and are faithful but humans are not animals themselfes. You should be kind to animals and treat them well and guard them. You are their master, you should protect them, feed them, guard them, love them. The dog also loves you and he is faithful. I disagree though with some animal rights activists who depict humans as animals or below animals, humans are not animals. Humans are the guardians of animals but they are not animals themselfes. I heard people saying "humans are also just animals".

That means White Supremacy. Whether you agree or disagree and science will reveal if Whites are really more intelligent. If they are and it is science, we shouldnt denie it.

You are wrong when you say humans aren't animals. Of course we are. Also, there is no such thing as supremacy. Unless they are parasitic or in a symbiotic relationship, all creatures tend to stick to their own kind. They don't do it out of any sense of supremacy. They do it just because that is what evolution has shown over and over again is the right way to be.

There is proof white women benefitted from AA. Funny how white people will declare how it's certain that every black person has benefited from AA, but when it's shown how whites have there is no proof or "Hispanics" continually post fact less bullshit about how it's a very small number. Numerous studies and years of labor statistics show that 100's of millions of white women have benefitted from AA. Opinions from dementia addled fake Hispanics and white women who have benefitted from AA doesn't change this reality.
Lol proof?

There is proof white women benefitted from AA. Funny how white people will declare how it's certain that every black person has benefited from AA, but when it's shown how whites have there is no proof or "Hispanics" continually post fact less bullshit about how it's a very small number. Numerous studies and years of labor statistics show that 100's of millions of white women have benefitted from AA. Opinions from dementia addled fake Hispanics and white women who have benefitted from AA doesn't change this reality.
First, the number of white women who have benefitted from AA is microscopic, compared to the number of white men who have been victimized by it. Since almost all these white men are related to white women (wives & daughters), it is obvious that the number of white women who have been victimized by AA, is far greater than any number of ww who benefitted from it (which is nowhere near "100s of millions") :rolleyes:

Secondly, OFTEN in AA programs, the only criterea for preference is RACE, which keeps white women in the same victim category as white men. Just look at the NAACP's activity in administering AA benefits, and you will see the word "COLOR" used, just as it is used in their racist name.

Here's an example (one among thousands) in which the NAACP & Hello Alice are giving out $5000 grants to entrepreneurs of color (thereby excluding white women)>>

I'm not sure if this is even legal, since the recent US Supreme court ruling.

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And you found wrong. Worldwide, whites are about 10 percent. You don't dominate shit without use of violence.
Wrong! Whites have dominated in the fields of art, music, science, technology, literature, sports. Before whites came along in North America and Africa, non-whites were living a prehistoric level existence, without the wheel, buildings of hard walls, indoor plumbing, etc.

If not for whites, they'd still be that way now.

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