Who do you think will run for the Democrats in 2024?

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
With the economy tanking and Biden's approval ratings being so low and even the MSM turning against him the chances of him being his Party's nominee look slim.

Who do you think will the Democrats will chose:

1. Crooked Hillary?

2. The Ho?

3. "Big Mike" Obama?
The only certainty is that Hillary will lie, cheat, steal, even "othercide" to try to get the Democrat nomination.

Could the party of abortion and free stuff be that stupid as to put her on the ballot.

We can only hope!
Too early to speculate. Give it a couple weeks after the mid-terms to see what the surviving dems come up with.

They certainly have no bench so if they plan to just dial it in come '24 and take the loss they will stick with Tater.
With the economy tanking and Biden's approval ratings being so low and even the MSM turning against him the chances of him being his Party's nominee look slim.

Who do you think will the Democrats will chose:

1. Crooked Hillary?

2. The Ho?

3. "Big Mike" Obama?

Hillary has already bowed out, Joe isn't up to it and knows he'd never get reelected, so it will either be the Ho, or better still, dig up Obumma and invent a technical loophole for him to hold office a third term against Trump.

Yeah, that's it: Obumma vs. Trump.
If moderate Dems win in midterms look for Stephanie Murphy to at least be considered for V.P. not sure any Presidential nominee hopeful except Gabbard or Manchin. Not popular with the Left Invaders but they may not have a choice depending on how they do in the primaries.

They are doing fantastic with Joe, why ruin a good thing?

The assumption here, is that they want the nation to do well, right?

But, remember, the DNC hates everything that the GOP loves, and the GOP loves America.

It is pretty obvious at this point, that the DNC hates and loathes everything that America is, or was, or stands for, so, it is their mission to destroy it, and merge it with a global government. . . isn't Biden doing a bang up job of that so far?

. . . and aren't all the late night comedians doing a terrific job of gas-lighting the nation that this is a great thing?

And haven't the establishment sent the signal, that questioning elections that get folks elected that support this, is terrorism?

Governor Whitmer had FOUR recalls launched against her, the FBI tricked extremists into a plot to kidnap her. . .

. . . and the most popular potential candidate to oppose her, was denied the right to run against her. . . WHY? Because the establishment knew he could unseat her.

It would not surprised me if they will run Biden again, and he will either win, or they will stage, and let violent radicals overthrown the government if Trump wins, or hell, even if Biden wins, they will let violent reactionaries overthrow the government.

It is in the cards.

The kleptocracy are just not accomplishing what they want with the Constitution in place, IMO.

Biden is working out great for them, IMO. He will run again.
The only way the Democrats are going to win in 2024 is to do the same thing that they did in 2020. Steal the election with the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

They probably already have a section of the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department printing up the ballots.
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