Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists

I agree that is a good part of why Hitler is accused of hating the Soviets. But don't forget he allied with them in a treaty. Socialists pretend that Hitler never made treaties with the Soviets.
Hitler never intended to honor those treaties and I seriously doubted Stalin did either. Socialist will always try and rewrite history.
Hitler never intended to honor those treaties and I seriously doubted Stalin did either. Socialist will always try and rewrite history.
Hitler never intended to honor those treaties and I seriously doubted Stalin did either. Socialist will always try and rewrite history.
Are you socialist, then?

The third reich was not socialist. Get it through your heads. Stop trying to rewrite history.
You think you are defending Socialism. Actually you are covering for the Socialists. Hitler had many many systems of socialism.

I'm not defending socialists at all, but the truth is still the truth. You sure are paranoid.
I'm not defending socialists at all, but the truth is still the truth. You sure are paranoid.
Ask the forum if they believe you defend socialists. You got real upset when I told the truth about Hitler. Did you realize you are arguing against the economist Hayek?
Nazi: It stands for a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party.
This is one of these standard threads that appear periodically...

The MAGA have a general view that anything they don't like or all problems in the world are because of Democrats.
Their media bubble tells them that and repeats it until they repeat it..

So that is why the MAGA vocabulary around Democrats is calling them:

Everything bad, they are fed this through major media corporations who then call anything to disagree with this a Mass Media, (figure that one out). These media organisations are about control, say that their side is evil and if you talk to evil you are a traitor and just as bad as evil.
This really kicked into action in 2009 with Mitch McConnell endorsement of this tactic.

Trump came along and ate their lunch. He used there retroic and division and said that Mitch, Fox & Co... Are too soft against this evil and that he was there to fight this evil... Truth doesn't matter because we are fighting evil... Trump was just running to pump his brand, then he accidentally found something. Because the GOP had got so extreme over the years they had almost half the country believing the other half was evil and you can't negotiate with evil.

So we now come to Facism, they can't say they like Facism cause that was Hitler... So as per default if something is evil then it must be Democrat... So they will turn themselves in to pretzels and convince themselves of that and there is no one to point out how stupid they are looking because if you do, you must be defending Democrats/Left, therefore you are siding with evil, thus you are evil....

All very tribal but that is the basics... Are there Democrats reacting by mirroring their actions, yes but it is not mainstream... Biden doesn't say or behave like Trump but their bubble says Biden is evil (as you expect).. Doesn't matter what happens in reality, the Congress hearing a few weeks ago was highly embarrassing for GOP but it doesn't matter, their media bubble will generally ignore or creatively edit a video and add a story...
There is no shortage of myths created in the right wing media bubble... Election Fraud, Hunter, Russian interference, Ukraine...... Truth doesn't matter, loyality to the tribe is being tested... Unless you bend the knee to these things you are discarded from the tribe..
This is one of these standard threads that appear periodically...

The MAGA have a general view that anything they don't like or all problems in the world are because of Democrats.
Their media bubble tells them that and repeats it until they repeat it..

So that is why the MAGA vocabulary around Democrats is calling them:

Everything bad, they are fed this through major media corporations who then call anything to disagree with this a Mass Media, (figure that one out). These media organisations are about control, say that their side is evil and if you talk to evil you are a traitor and just as bad as evil.
This really kicked into action in 2009 with Mitch McConnell endorsement of this tactic.

Trump came along and ate their lunch. He used there retroic and division and said that Mitch, Fox & Co... Are too soft against this evil and that he was there to fight this evil... Truth doesn't matter because we are fighting evil... Trump was just running to pump his brand, then he accidentally found something. Because the GOP had got so extreme over the years they had almost half the country believing the other half was evil and you can't negotiate with evil.

So we now come to Facism, they can't say they like Facism cause that was Hitler... So as per default if something is evil then it must be Democrat... So they will turn themselves in to pretzels and convince themselves of that and there is no one to point out how stupid they are looking because if you do, you must be defending Democrats/Left, therefore you are siding with evil, thus you are evil....

All very tribal but that is the basics... Are there Democrats reacting by mirroring their actions, yes but it is not mainstream... Biden doesn't say or behave like Trump but their bubble says Biden is evil (as you expect).. Doesn't matter what happens in reality, the Congress hearing a few weeks ago was highly embarrassing for GOP but it doesn't matter, their media bubble will generally ignore or creatively edit a video and add a story...
There is no shortage of myths created in the right wing media bubble... Election Fraud, Hunter, Russian interference, Ukraine...... Truth doesn't matter, loyality to the tribe is being tested... Unless you bend the knee to these things you are discarded from the tribe..
Is it okay to say publicly that IT'S OK TO BE IRISH in your town square?
Why don't you go ahead and do that, and report back.
Bonus points for video of that.
Do it.
DO IT NOW!!!!!!
Is it okay to say publicly that IT'S OK TO BE IRISH in your town square?
Why don't you go ahead and do that, and report back.
Bonus points for video of that.
Do it.
DO IT NOW!!!!!!
What the fuck are you talking about?

It is perfectly alright to...

This was Dublin last week... Middle of the day...




And because we aren't bitter fucks that tell everyone they don't belong..


Saying that, these could be very much as Irish as everyone else... But that is Ireland, a vast vast majority in Ireland are about inclusion rather than exclusion... We look at people and see what you are bringing rather than what you are taking...
Yes, Ireland has a housing issue and that is a problem, but the issue is logistics.

If you are talking about those riots... They are scum bags (BTW they vote mainly for a populist Left-wing party)... They were condemned by everyone... Ireland has a good old long history of the odd riot, Europe always had it.. They no way represent the majority of Irish views...

Ireland has too many of its people in so many countries in the world to complain about immirgrants... We just can't be that hypocritical...
I'm not at all concerned about how any one economist defines an economic system.

Economists are people who wonder if what works in reality can also work in theory. - Ronald Reagan
Economic theories states that both Communism and unregulated capitalism bioth work perfectly (in Theory)...

In reality neither work...
Communism is highly inefficient to the point that people will starve to death.

Unregulated Capitalism ends up being Mad Max... Also very inefficient.

As with many things in life, it is about striking a balance...
So the first thing to do is ignore the extremes from both sides and any one screaming that Moderate is extreme... RINOs and Blue Dogs are needed in the system. Accept that US is to the right of other 1st world countries.


Look there... How many first world countries are right wing? And more importantly how long have they been right wing?

European countries with the same colour:
Poland has had election and kicked out Right Wing Government this year.

Italy voted in an anti immigration leader but she has softened since election and is a big backer of Ukraine.

Hungry, Orban is a crook. Hungry are going to get thrown out of EU if he keeps going...

That's it...
This doesn't mean US is right or wrong... But calling Democrats communists is just plain stupid and shows more about the person's ignorance..
So that is why the MAGA vocabulary around Democrats is calling them:

Everything bad, they are fed this through major media corporations who then call anything to disagree with this a Mass Media, (figure that one out). These media organisations are about control, say that their side is evil and if you talk to evil you are a traitor and just as bad as evil.
This really kicked into action in 2009 with Mitch McConnell endorsement of this tactic.
I call Democrats by what they are. They are genuine authoritarians. They allege they are liberal. That is not true. They are actually authoritarian by nature. There are a few of we former Democrats who broke away. We got more education. It opened our eyes to what Democrats actually are.

Generally all Communists are also authoritarian. At least those who have governed countries are.
Your names for them can be evaluated if you go into more details.
Look, cops are authoritarians. Governors generally are. Politicians are because of their job. To them the day is pissed off unless they create far more jobs.
Notice complaints by Democrats.
1. Republicans want to keep taxes low. This pisses off Democrats.
2. Republicans believe in the constitution. Not in every instance but in general it's true.
3. Republicans are for the rich. This reminds me of saying one is for Government. Why is that? Government is very rich. Government wastes your money on your behalf. They are the epitome of the rich.

A great example is Biden illegally promising Baltimore he will rebuild a major bridge. He has not so much as asked Congress. Biden is an authoritarian.

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