Why the CIA Does NOT Know Who Hacked the DNC


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
In all likelihood if this was done by a foreign state, they used an onion routing server farm that stripped all the OCI header and footer information as it bounced around the intranet the onion routers used, and thus there was nothing left to identify the bits that made up the package.

Some reading if you are truly interested.

OSI model - Wikipedia

Darknet - Wikipedia

Onion routing - Wikipedia
The office overseeing all 17 agencies of the US intelligence community apparently doubts the CIA’s assessment that Russia intervened to help Donald Trump win the presidential election, as Reuters reports anonymous officials saying the allegation won’t be endorsed.

Three unnamed officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told Reuters on Monday that their agency does not dispute the CIA’s findings, yet it would not accept them either.

"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," one of the officials told the news agency. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow.”

Top US spy agency abstains on CIA assessment of Russian hack of 2016 election
The office overseeing all 17 agencies of the US intelligence community apparently doubts the CIA’s assessment that Russia intervened to help Donald Trump win the presidential election, as Reuters reports anonymous officials saying the allegation won’t be endorsed.

Three unnamed officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told Reuters on Monday that their agency does not dispute the CIA’s findings, yet it would not accept them either.

"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," one of the officials told the news agency. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow.”

Top US spy agency abstains on CIA assessment of Russian hack of 2016 election
Yeah they can't prove if the hacks were intended to hurt Hillary after her election, or hurt Hillary by costing her the election.

Therefore, according to Trump, the Russians were not involved in any hacking :rolleyes:
The office overseeing all 17 agencies of the US intelligence community apparently doubts the CIA’s assessment that Russia intervened to help Donald Trump win the presidential election, as Reuters reports anonymous officials saying the allegation won’t be endorsed.

Three unnamed officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told Reuters on Monday that their agency does not dispute the CIA’s findings, yet it would not accept them either.

"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," one of the officials told the news agency. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow.”

Top US spy agency abstains on CIA assessment of Russian hack of 2016 election

The DNC and other government web sites have been scanned and hacked many times and the government has ways of dealing with these things using Honey Pots, various levels of tracking software and login accounts etc.

But they can only speculate about who did what when it comes to the pros who do not leave forensic evidence unless they want to.

The NSA has infiltrated the Tor network so that they can read a large percentage of the packages that go through it and reassemble them on the NSA side. How they did that I will not go into, but it is legit. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians almost without a doubt use their own internal farms and operate strictly by the book.
What this all boils down to:

The DNC's fraudulent primary and disdain for middle Americans were exposed due to a hack. What they claim as "hacking an election" is really just letting the public know what the Dems really are.
In all likelihood if this was done by a foreign state, they used an onion routing server farm that stripped all the OCI header and footer information as it bounced around the intranet the onion routers used, and thus there was nothing left to identify the bits that made up the package.

Some reading if you are truly interested.

OSI model - Wikipedia

Darknet - Wikipedia

Onion routing - Wikipedia
What precisely did they hack?????

Nobody has even bothered mentioning anything other than emails. We already know that had nothing to do with Russia. Hillary’s media just refuses to admit the truth. It has nothing to do with election day vote totals. They lump emails in with some imaginary fantasy about Russian hackers changing vote counts. After the recount blew up in their faces they're trying to delegitimize Trump's presidency with false innuendo.
What precisely did they hack?????

Nobody has even bothered mentioning anything other than emails. We already know that had nothing to do with Russia. Hillary’s media just refuses to admit the truth. It has nothing to do with election day vote totals. They lump emails in with some imaginary fantasy about Russian hackers changing vote counts. After the recount blew up in their faces they're trying to delegitimize Trump's presidency with false innuendo.

In the past our government has been attacked on the internet at various websites it runs and information has been accessed/scanned/stolen. The email hacks were just one of many other hacks. Even criminals do this crap to us now, the worst case being the OPM breach of a few years ago that got data on everyone that has ever applied for a federal job.

Information targeted in the breach included personally identifiable information such as Social Security numbers,[4] as well as names, dates and places of birth, and addresses.[5] The hack went deeper than initially believed and likely involved theft of detailed security-clearance-related background information. One victim wrote that the OPM is the agency that asks your neighbors what they know about you that could be used to blackmail you.[6][7][8]

On July 9, 2015, the estimate of the number of stolen records had increased to 21.5 million. This included records of people who had undergone background checks, but who were not necessarily current or former government employees.[9] Soon after, Katherine Archuleta, the director of OPM, and former National Political Director for Barack Obama's 2012 reelection campaign, resigned....

On June 11, 2015, ABC News also said that highly sensitive 127-page Standard Forms (SF) 86 (Questionnaire for National Security Positions) were put at serious risk by the hack. SF-86 forms contain information about family members, college roommates, foreign contacts, and psychological information. At the ti, OPM stated that family members names were not compromised.[6] However, on June 13, 2015, OPM spokesman Samuel Schumach said that investigators had "a high degree of confidence that OPM systems containing information related to the background investigations of current, former, and prospective federal government employees, to include U.S. military personnel, and those for whom a federal background investigation was conducted, may have been exfiltrated."[7] The Central Intelligence Agency, however, does not use the OPM system; therefore, it may not have been affected.[3]

Theft of personal details[edit]
J. David Cox, president of the American Federation of Government Employees, wrote in a letter to OPM director Katherine Archuleta (obtained by the Associated Press) that, based on the incomplete information that the AFGE had received from OPM, "We believe that the Central Personnel Data File was the targeted database, and that the hackers are now in possession of all personnel data for every federal employee, every federal retiree, and up to one million former federal employees."[18] Cox stated that the AFGE believes that the breach compromised military records, veterans' status information, addresses, dates of birth, job and pay history, health insurance and life insurance information, pension information, and data on age, gender, and race.[18]

Theft of fingerprints[edit]
The stolen data included 5.6 million sets of fingerprints.[19] Biometrics expert Ramesh Kesanupalli said that because of this, secret agents were no longer safe, as they could be identified by their fingerprints, even if their names had been changed....

According to the Wall Street Journal, U.S. government officials suspect that Chinese hackers perpetrated the breach.[1] The Washington Post has also reported that the attack originated in China, citing unnamed government officials.[5] China has responded to these claims by noting that it has been the target of cyberattacks in the past.[21] It remains unclear whether the attack, if it originated from China, was sponsored by China's government or not.[10] U.S. Department of Homeland Security official Andy Ozment testified that the attackers had gained valid user credentials to the systems they were attacking, likely through social engineering. The breach also consisted of a malware package which installed itself within OPM’s network and established a backdoor. From there, attackers escalated their privileges to gain access to a wide range of OPM’s systems. Ars Technica reported that at least one worker with root access to every row in every database was physically located in China. Another contractor had two employees with Chinese passports.
What this all boils down to:

The DNC's fraudulent primary and disdain for middle Americans were exposed due to a hack. What they claim as "hacking an election" is really just letting the public know what the Dems really are.

Yep, all this boils down to is what we already know; the Democrats cannot accept the blame for their loss of the 2016 election and therefore the Russians must have done it.
The DNC and other government web sites have been scanned and hacked many times and the government has ways of dealing with these things using Honey Pots, various levels of tracking software and login accounts etc.

But they can only speculate about who did what when it comes to the pros who do not leave forensic evidence unless they want to.

The NSA has infiltrated the Tor network so that they can read a large percentage of the packages that go through it and reassemble them on the NSA side. How they did that I will not go into, but it is legit. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians almost without a doubt use their own internal farms and operate strictly by the book.

Press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov denied any involvement of Russian hacker attacks on the United States.

“There’s some nonsense!” – said Peskov.

He noted that the website of Vladimir Putin’s daily attacked by a few tens of thousands of hackers, while many attacks can be traced from the territory of the United States. However, Moscow accuses every time the White house or the CIA.

Peskov: Putin’s website daily attacks tens of thousands of American hackers | true-news
The DNC and other government web sites have been scanned and hacked many times and the government has ways of dealing with these things using Honey Pots, various levels of tracking software and login accounts etc.

But they can only speculate about who did what when it comes to the pros who do not leave forensic evidence unless they want to.

The NSA has infiltrated the Tor network so that they can read a large percentage of the packages that go through it and reassemble them on the NSA side. How they did that I will not go into, but it is legit. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians almost without a doubt use their own internal farms and operate strictly by the book.

Press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov denied any involvement of Russian hacker attacks on the United States.

“There’s some nonsense!” – said Peskov.

He noted that the website of Vladimir Putin’s daily attacked by a few tens of thousands of hackers, while many attacks can be traced from the territory of the United States. However, Moscow accuses every time the White house or the CIA.

Peskov: Putin’s website daily attacks tens of thousands of American hackers | true-news
Every US DoD employee's information has been stolen, including mine. No complaints. Something is fishy about the Obama Administration and way they never react to any new revelation of hacking. Yet the moment they lose an election they start screaming it's the Russians without any proof.
In all likelihood if this was done by a foreign state, they used an onion routing server farm that stripped all the OCI header and footer information as it bounced around the intranet the onion routers used, and thus there was nothing left to identify the bits that made up the package.a

And that means the CIA does not know- even though the CIA says they do not know- and you don't know what the CIA bases that on- because?
The DNC and other government web sites have been scanned and hacked many times and the government has ways of dealing with these things using Honey Pots, various levels of tracking software and login accounts etc.

But they can only speculate about who did what when it comes to the pros who do not leave forensic evidence unless they want to.

The NSA has infiltrated the Tor network so that they can read a large percentage of the packages that go through it and reassemble them on the NSA side. How they did that I will not go into, but it is legit. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians almost without a doubt use their own internal farms and operate strictly by the book.

Press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov denied any involvement of Russian hacker attacks on the United States.s

Well that settles it.

Russia says they didn't do it.
What this all boils down to:

The DNC's fraudulent primary and disdain for middle Americans were exposed due to a hack. What they claim as "hacking an election" is really just letting the public know what the Dems really are.

You wanna know something interesting...when I was looking at the bogus information being spread around on twitter and local media outlets about the land use/land management/murder/unconstitutional imprisonment issues surrounding the Bundys and the Hammonds, guess where the commie *journalist* infiltrators were hanging out and getting their information?

From Russian media news sites.
The office overseeing all 17 agencies of the US intelligence community apparently doubts the CIA’s assessment that Russia intervened to help Donald Trump win the presidential election, as Reuters reports anonymous officials saying the allegation won’t be endorsed.

Three unnamed officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told Reuters on Monday that their agency does not dispute the CIA’s findings, yet it would not accept them either.

"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," one of the officials told the news agency. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow.”

Top US spy agency abstains on CIA assessment of Russian hack of 2016 election
Yeah they can't prove if the hacks were intended to hurt Hillary after her election, or hurt Hillary by costing her the election.

Therefore, according to Trump, the Russians were not involved in any hacking :rolleyes:

Ya forgot to subtract the 5 million non-citizen and other fraudulent votes for HRC, asswipe.
The office overseeing all 17 agencies of the US intelligence community apparently doubts the CIA’s assessment that Russia intervened to help Donald Trump win the presidential election, as Reuters reports anonymous officials saying the allegation won’t be endorsed.

Three unnamed officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told Reuters on Monday that their agency does not dispute the CIA’s findings, yet it would not accept them either.

"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," one of the officials told the news agency. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow.”

Top US spy agency abstains on CIA assessment of Russian hack of 2016 election
Yeah they can't prove if the hacks were intended to hurt Hillary after her election, or hurt Hillary by costing her the election.

Therefore, according to Trump, the Russians were not involved in any hacking :rolleyes:

Ya forgot to subtract the 5 million non-citizen and other fraudulent votes for HRC, asswipe.
What? :cuckoo:
The DNC and other government web sites have been scanned and hacked many times and the government has ways of dealing with these things using Honey Pots, various levels of tracking software and login accounts etc.

But they can only speculate about who did what when it comes to the pros who do not leave forensic evidence unless they want to.

The NSA has infiltrated the Tor network so that they can read a large percentage of the packages that go through it and reassemble them on the NSA side. How they did that I will not go into, but it is legit. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians almost without a doubt use their own internal farms and operate strictly by the book.

Press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov denied any involvement of Russian hacker attacks on the United States.

“There’s some nonsense!” – said Peskov.

He noted that the website of Vladimir Putin’s daily attacked by a few tens of thousands of hackers, while many attacks can be traced from the territory of the United States. However, Moscow accuses every time the White house or the CIA.

Peskov: Putin’s website daily attacks tens of thousands of American hackers | true-news
We try to hack them and they try to hack us. Ditto for the Chinese and Iranians.

To accuse the Russians of suddenly engaging n this stuff to affect our elections is 100% pure grade pig manure.
Every US DoD employee's information has been stolen, including mine. No complaints. Something is fishy about the Obama Administration and way they never react to any new revelation of hacking.

It is called "Planned Incompetence".
In all likelihood if this was done by a foreign state, they used an onion routing server farm that stripped all the OCI header and footer information as it bounced around the intranet the onion routers used, and thus there was nothing left to identify the bits that made up the package.

Some reading if you are truly interested.

OSI model - Wikipedia

Darknet - Wikipedia

Onion routing - Wikipedia
What precisely did they hack?????

Nobody has even bothered mentioning anything other than emails. We already know that had nothing to do with Russia. Hillary’s media just refuses to admit the truth. It has nothing to do with election day vote totals. They lump emails in with some imaginary fantasy about Russian hackers changing vote counts. After the recount blew up in their faces they're trying to delegitimize Trump's presidency with false innuendo.

It's telling that one of the loudest voices Whinging About The Hacked Election is John Podesta. The revelations from his sordid email record were some of the worst this election cycle. He's using this as a BIG SQUIRREL in order to distract attention from his lack of email security contributing so greatly to the Fall of The House of Clinton.
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