Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Deleted At Least 16 E-mails To Sidney Blumenthal On Benghazi!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Damn, the. Conspiracy continues! ^ | Crooked Clinton's Staff, including Cheryl Mills
E-mail 9272 folks. I think the point can be made via noting that Sid was not a federal employee as needed (which as FYI means his emails only b/came federal records if used in the course of Dept business - so some were if forwarded and acted on and some weren't if nothing was done with them). But not sure it is worth the technical debate. So in your if pushed, you could say: >>> With regard to his materials, remember, Sid was never a federal employee. We do not know what these materials are, or where they came from.
lol, remember when these clowns thought wikileaks was going to be the BIG October surprise...

...and now they're crying about the timing of the Trump scandal tidal wave.
Damn, the. Conspiracy continues! ^ | Crooked Clinton's Staff, including Cheryl Mills
E-mail 9272 folks. I think the point can be made via noting that Sid was not a federal employee as needed (which as FYI means his emails only b/came federal records if used in the course of Dept business - so some were if forwarded and acted on and some weren't if nothing was done with them). But not sure it is worth the technical debate. So in your if pushed, you could say: >>> With regard to his materials, remember, Sid was never a federal employee. We do not know what these materials are, or where they came from.

Well, there we have it.

Bleachbit for the way.
From that same link. If these are legitimate we're looking at collusion between State and Hillary's camp on how to release the message, how to frame the message, 'friendlies' in the press to release it to, and how best to time the release for minimal impact.

If these are legitimate people have some explaining to do.

I see more subpoenas in the not too distant future....

"Just spoke to State a little more about this. A few updates. >>>>> >>>>>

1. The plan at the moment is for them to do this tomorrow, first thing in the morning. >>>>> >>>>>

2. What that means specifically is that they are going to turn over all the Blumenthal emails to the Committee that they hav along with some other HRC emails that include a slightly broader set of search terms than the original batch. That of course includes the emails Sid turned over that HRC didn't, which will make clear to them that she didn't have them in the first place, deleted them, or didn't turn them over. It also includes emails that HRC had that Sid didn't, as Brian noted. >>>>> >>>>>

3. They do not plan to release anything publicly, so no posting online or anything public-facing, just to the committee. That said, they are considering placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper), that would lay this out before the majority on the committee has a chance to realize what they have and distort it. >>>>> >>>>>

On that last piece, we think it would make sense to work with State and the AP to deploy the below. So assuming everyone is in agreement we'll proceed. It would be good to frame this a little, and frankly to have it break tomorrow when we'll likely be close to or in the midst of a SCOTUS decision taking over the news hyenas."
Also raises the question of those 'personal' emails yet again. So and so was never a State employee blah, blah, blah.

Crooked to the core the whole lot of them.
Damn, the. Conspiracy continues! ^ | Crooked Clinton's Staff, including Cheryl Mills
E-mail 9272 folks. I think the point can be made via noting that Sid was not a federal employee as needed (which as FYI means his emails only b/came federal records if used in the course of Dept business - so some were if forwarded and acted on and some weren't if nothing was done with them). But not sure it is worth the technical debate. So in your if pushed, you could say: >>> With regard to his materials, remember, Sid was never a federal employee. We do not know what these materials are, or where they came from.

Those emails exist and are coming.. Anonymous has said the most damaging emails along with 6 video's are still to come..
Damn, the. Conspiracy continues! ^ | Crooked Clinton's Staff, including Cheryl Mills
E-mail 9272 folks. I think the point can be made via noting that Sid was not a federal employee as needed (which as FYI means his emails only b/came federal records if used in the course of Dept business - so some were if forwarded and acted on and some weren't if nothing was done with them). But not sure it is worth the technical debate. So in your if pushed, you could say: >>> With regard to his materials, remember, Sid was never a federal employee. We do not know what these materials are, or where they came from.

Those emails exist and are coming.. Anonymous has said the most damaging emails along with 6 video's are still to come..

What does anonymous know about the matters at hand? Seems to me like he is a fraud...

But sure, many more emails are to come. We already knew that...
Hillary is very likely going to win, and then the leadership will want to throw sand in her gears...

Doubt it. The GOP gave Obama everything. They'll roll over and do the same for Hillary, because these "Republicans" are NOT the same as the pre 1998 GOP. They are 100% sold out traitors obsessed with preventing the American people from seeing the FBI's big file on 911...

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