
  1. Sayaras

    Wow! even lib. AOC ain't good enough for swastika-palestine Nerdeen Kiswani (supremacist Arab immigrant)

    It appears that there are some surprises, after all. U.S. Congresswoman gets attacked by the mob in shocking turn of events. By Prudent Politics Staff. June 15, 2024. The political polarization in this country has reached a fever pitch. Now no one is safe. But now, a U.S. Congresswoman got...
  2. Sayaras

    2 crazy Pally Weid - PallyWeid loons harass AOC: but say the G word, we only want you to say it... LOL

    Everyone knows how "Palestinian" Arab-Islamic death-cult-regime causes civilian deaths..including anti-Israel liberal AOC . But even she is not enough ant-israel for the crazy couple deranged "palestine" . Pally Weid - PallyWeid: obseesive about drama unjustified lexicon. Anti-Israel...
  3. Sayaras

    To AOC...

    Radical loony left have no problem with total contradiction... .=== steven @nogulagsagain If you have friends who support Hamas or Gay send them this Video.. This is Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader, explaining what should be done to homosexuals. Hamas & Hezbollah are both funded by Iran...
  4. J

    Tina Forte will be on the 2024, NY District 14, ballot running against open border AOC

    . . See: George Santos-linked Republican Tina Forte mounts 2024 campaign against AOC But is the New York Post carrying water for AOC? When you see one of the few “conservative” media outlets, the New York Post, spinning [“George Santos-linked Republican Tina Forte”] in a manner to undermine an...
  5. P@triot

    I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of the “working man”

    Now they are infinitely more concerned with totalitarian power and control than they are about rail workers who don’t even receive a single paid sick day.
  6. J

    AOC continues to avoid debating Tina Forte, which conservative media ignores. Why?

    . It really is shameful that AOC appears to be chickening out of a debate with Tina Forte where AOC would have to defend her dangerous and un-American policies, such as: • Why has she called for the defunding of NYC’s Police Department when street crime is skyrocketing out of control in her...
  7. J

    AOC defends Student Debt Relief: “Not every program has to be for everybody”

    . See AOC Shuts Down Critic of Student Debt Relief: ‘Not Every Program Has to Be for Everybody’ Of course, one would expect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who represents the taxpayers living in New York’s 14th Congressional District, would represent the best interests of her constituents, which...
  8. J

    Will AOC agree to two debates with Tina Flore, her Republican Challenger for NY’s 14th Cong. District?

    Here is why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who is a registered member of the Democratic Socialists of America SOURCE will not debate Tina Forte, her Republican challenger for New York’s 14th Congressional District ___ AOC cannot defend her two-headed Washington, D.C., swamp snake hypocrisy...
  9. ChemEngineer

    The Incredible Carnac Answers Questions

    Carnac The Magnificent takes questions from the audience in unopened envelopes, taps the envelope to his head, and answers it before opening the envelope! Amazing but true. Tap, tap, tap... Answer: "YES!" Opens envelope, reads question just answered: "Who is stupider, Alexandria...
  10. ChemEngineer

    1st World Humor - Or, Perspective

    Those Ukrainians think they've got it tough, I had to drive three miles to get my investment account documents Medallion Certified by a different bank branch in order to transfer many thousands of dollars to my bank branch which did NOT have an employee who could do the Medallion Certification...
  11. J

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants U.S. Taxpayers to pay reparations to those invading our border

    SEE: AOC finally slams Biden’s ‘barbaric’ border conditions, says families deserve reparations March 31, 2021 . "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Wednesday night finally slammed the overcrowded conditions for immigrants at the US-Mexican border under President Biden as “inhumane,” “horrifying,”...
  12. C

    Man Arrested In Plot To Have Armed Fight With Pro-Trump Protesters

    Read top stories at Conservative Brief Man Arrested In Plot To Have Armed Fight With Pro-Trump Protesters DC Attorney General Wants To Meet With Donald Trump Jr...
  13. C

    Man Arrested In Plot To Have Armed Fight With Pro-Trump Protesters

    Read all at Conservative Brief Man Arrested In Plot To Have Armed Fight With Pro-Trump Protesters DC Attorney General Wants To Meet With Donald Trump Jr...
  14. P@triot

    The Antisemite Squad

    Antisemite ⁦‬Rashida Tlaib‬⁩ says she experiences a “calming feeling” whenever she thinks about the Holocaust. There is no place in Congress (or ANY public office) for an antisemite. #SendHerBack Rashida Tlaib makes 'breathtakingly vile' comments about the Holocaust — and rewrites history in...
  15. ChemEngineer

    Obama Chief Instigator of Hatred In America

    Aided and abetted by Maxine Waters, Adam Schitt, Jerry Nadless, AOC Bartender, Two Muslim Congresswomen, and all their Hateful Followers Obama Chief Instigator of Hating America
  16. P@triot

    The anti-semite squad

    The axis of evil (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib) have such contempt for Jews and Israel, they can’t even pretend to hide it. Jake Tapper would have to ask twice if Israel had even a right just to exist. Jake Tapper grills Rashida Tlaib on BDS, whether Israel has...
  17. Conservative American

    Democrats Confirm AOC “Squad” Toxic to Party, Trump Winning Fight

    CNN’s Jake Tapper announced that some House Democrats are totally tired of Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA). The Congressional foursome–regularly alluded to as “The Squad”– have turned into a distraction to the...
  18. Terri4Trump


    The first 30 seconds of this video is a MUST WATCH!! First, it explains why parents are separated from children at the border Second, it demonstrates how utterly ignorant AOC really is. All in 30 seconds!!
  19. Justin Richardson

    The New York Times "All the Lies That's Fit to Print"

    Cleverness and has charisma? Lol If Alexandria even had a brain cell, she would at least know the members of her own party. How embarrassing if you don't even know your own constituents.
  20. georgephillip

    AOC Proposes Cutting US Aid to Israel

    US Congresswoman proposes cutting Israel aid "US Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has proposed the US cut military and economic aid worth $3 billion a year from Israel in response to the re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister...." "Ocasio-Cortez’s view on Israel and...
  21. The Original Tree

    The Wealthy Elite Left Says to The Taxpayer: "Rules & Fairness are for The Peasantry."

    Just like Sanctuary Cities and Open Borders. The rules don't apply to them. They will not be paying for the support of any illegals that flop down in their cities. You will. You'll pay for their education, health care, housing, clothing and food, and they will pay for nothing, and neither...
  22. The Original Tree

    Democrat Party Still Embracing & Empowering Antisemitism.

    Simple thread with a simple concept. The DemNazi Party has not removed any blatantly antisemetic Muslims from any committees and replaced them with moderate or progressive reform minded Muslims. Also, AOC still has not started her Job Training Program for people unemployed by robots to train...
  23. PoliticalChic

    Ocasio-Cortez: 'Mommy and Me'

    You can't make this up. Socialist Ocasio-Cortez has the lame-brained Green New Deal, the basis of which will require huge taxes to accomplish. The DailyMail has an interview with the mother of the fresh new face, the economic guru of the Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Mom is Blanca...
  24. TheProgressivePatriot

    Conservative Christians Claim Ocasio-Cortez Is A Witch Leading Attack Against Trump

    It seems like conservative Christians have achieved a new level of absurdity. Shall we weigh her down with stones and throw her into the pond...and if she does not float she is not a witch? Oops, to bad. And to be sure, these people are not using "witch" figuratively . They really believe...
  25. Thinker101

    Green New Deal

    Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
  26. Synthaholic

    Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Science Tells Us Why.

    She scares the hell out of them! Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Science Tells Us Why. Conservatives respond to fear more strongly than liberals do...
  27. georgephillip

    A-O-C Proposes 70% Marginal Tax for Green New Deal

    "In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century. "In a video...

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