arab racism

  1. Sayaras

    African-American actor Pierce compares pro-Palestinian Brooklyn vandals to KKK. - Organized by racist Arab "palestinian" Nerdeen Kiswani - WOL

    Reminder, this Arab palestinian Nerdeen Kiswani has been interrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies..for years since 2015. Wendall Pierce from 'The Wire' compares pro-Palestinian Brooklyn vandals to KKK Actor Wendall Pierce from the hit...
  2. Pastelli

    One of the ironies is some BLM cowing to "palestine" propaganda - despite Arab racism goliath

    Do some at BLM even know what ABID means among Arabs especially among Arab "palestine"? The "palestine" racist Arab example: Aaron Klein, "Rice labeled 'black spinster'", YNet, July 31, 2006.,7340,L-3284271,00.html Some global examples here: And not just...
  3. Sayaras

    More racist Arab palestine swastika "activists"

    Remember: no one cares about "palestinian" Arabs, they are just used as a ploy. ________________ Pro-Palestinian protests: Man arrested for carrying swastika placard and another held for racist remarks at London march.. There was a simultaneous static demonstration organised by pro-Israel...
  4. Sayaras

    The roots of 7 October atrocities are in the pogroms of 1834. (Islamist bigotry)

    The following translated piece from French is important for historical and present events. The roots of 7 October are in the pogroms of 1834. The Hamas 7 October massacre echoes previous pogroms in Palestine – notably the Safed pogrom of 1834. In this masterful analysis, published by the...
  5. Sayaras

    Article: "Hitler, Khomeini and Red Danny: the dark history of student organizations in the world."

    The following article which was translated by some penpals , gives an overview historic sketch. ______________ Hitler, Khomeini and Red Danny: the dark history of student organizations in the world. In light of the anti-Semitic demonstrations on campuses in the USA, I set out to check whether...
  6. Sayaras

    Arab-Muslim "asylum" seeker murders elderly a week after Oct 7 atrocities

    Again and again why uncontrolled immigration is so destructive. Especially when not vetting. _______ Ahmed Alid: القرف Moroccan asylum-seeker found guilty of murdering man in UK in revenge for Gaza. Ahmed Alid killed a 70-year-old victim after approaching him from behind, he later admitted...
  7. Sayaras

    On Radical racist genocidal Arab-Islamic rally COLUNBIA U "We want Oct 7 every day"

    1. Qatar blood money buying University seats... 2. Arab immigrants - no vetting. 3. Fetterman is more moral than many... ____________________ Biden blasts ‘alarming surge of antisemitism’ amid anti-Israel protests at Columbia. Hillel urges Jewish students not to leave after rabbi tells...
  8. FDR_Reagan

    Racism: Washington Post Contributor Celebrates Oct. 7 Massacre. ("Palestinian" Hajar Harb)

    I bet WaPo will say "we are investigating.." LOL. ÷÷÷÷÷÷ Washington Post Contributor Celebrates Oct. 7 Massacre. April 1, 2024 Hajar Harb is a London-based reporter who, according to her LinkedIn profile, served as a “collaborating journalist with the Washington Post” for the last two...
  9. FDR_Reagan

    NJ/NY: pAlEsTiNiAns shout "go back to auchwitz"

    Ramadan is a time for peace... RamadaNazis part 5 US anti-Israel protest escalate with calls to 'attack Tel Aviv'. Pro-Palestinian protesters in Manhattan chant antisemitic slurs and praise Hamas commanders outside a ZAKA volunteering event held in Teaneck Alexandra Lukash, Meshi Ayad |...
  10. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTiNIaN Terror Groups Work to Revive Anti-Semitism in Germany - RamadaNazis part III

    Palestinian Terror Groups Work to Revive Anti-Semitism in Germany. In other words they seek original nazism... ===== Popular Front For The Liberation Of Palestine (PFLP)...
  11. FDR_Reagan

    *b*alestinian racist Arabs draw swastika with 'death to Jews' (RamadaNazis)

    Ramadan is a time of "reflection" Part 2 _________ link Shocking: a swastika and the inscription "Death to the Jews" were sprayed in the elevator of a building in Yehud-Monosson. The case was located this week in a residential building on Ze'ev Vinhoiz Street in the city (Lugano complex)...
  12. FDR_Reagan

    FILTH-inian Islamic Jihad Muhammed Qassem: 'I raped her' (Oct/7)

    Comment. "Devil took over me" is an excuse for a routine of rape jihad since 1929 by Arab Islamists in the Holy Land Since the 1960s they are called exclusively "p(B)alestinians." But most are grandchildren of Arab immigrants. Manar Mahmoud Muhammed Qassem. منار محمود محمد قاسم...
  13. FDR_Reagan

    *B*alestinian RamadaNazis

    Ramadan is a time of "reflection"..right? ××× Palestinian activists disrupt Berkeley, Calif. city council meeting about Holocaust commemoration.
  14. Sayaras

    Arab racism - Islamic fascism UK / Ramadan

    Can someone recall cases that Jews ever attacked Arabs outside the M.E. as a result of M.E. conflict? UK hospital probing antisemitic abuse of child patient. Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital says investigating allegations that a nine year old ultra-Orthodox boy was mistreated by a nurse...
  15. FDR_Reagan

    Overwhelming racist society: Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support genocidal October 7th attack

    The day after the war. Is Still Scary ___ Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support October 7th attack. A Palestinian-run survey found that 71% of Palestinians see the decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a good one. 93% do not (want to say they) believe terror organization committed...
  16. FDR_Reagan

    The lesson from torture/kidnapping by racist Arabs: Laura Allam, Mohammad Sharab

    Connect the dots: Pushing garbage conspiracy theories, such as "denying" that the Al Qaeda Islamic Arabs massacred the 3,000 on 911. Or "denying" mass rape by jihad-palestine Oct-7. & Racist based violence "Australia: Shocking details emerge of assault by pro-Palestinian activists."...
  17. FDR_Reagan

    Islamofascism: Arab immigrant in FL: "All Jews must die"

    So limiting immigration and increasing vetting is "racist"?? ___ Florida Police Arrest Jordanian man for multiple attacks against Jews. Mar 10, 2024. The attacker took a dagger-like object from his pocket and chased them yelling… ‘All Jews are the (he said) devil’ and ‘All Jews must die.’...
  18. Sayaras

    More UN racist-Arab Oct 7 butchers: "l'm here with the Jews" - UNRWA

    The more you hear about this horrific "humanitarian " group. First their teaches indoctrinate young "palestinians" to death cult, then participate in massacres. IDF accuses additional UNRWA officials of Oct. 7 massacre
  19. Sayaras

    Remember Hamas’s DEATH ministry's incubators?

    More documentation, how any Gaza hospitals are used for racist-Arab islamic-jihad terror. Oh, and yes, incubators too. × × × × Commands, tunnels, and combat equipment inside incubators: this is how the hospitals in the Gaza Strip became terrorist nests. The Shifa Hospital was used...
  20. FDR_Reagan

    Checking on rioters "protesters" in NY area..

    Oct 8, 2023 A day after the atrocities.. pAlEsTiNiAn racist-Arabs in NY cheering and threatening Jews with threatening signs too - notice the AGE of the Islanofascist mom.. see the evil smiles around her.. This was before the toll of 1,200 Israelis fatalities was known. So they chanted...
  21. Sayaras

    Israeli swimmer @Qatar, ignores racist-Arab jeer, dedicates medal to classmate hostage

    Israeli swimmer Anastasia Gorbenko, at World Aquatics Championships in Arab Qatar, jeered by Arab crowd, dedicated the medal in Qatar to a classmate who was kidnapped. Says she ignored the jeerers...
  22. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTiNiAn Islamofascists murder another pious Jew who avoid serving in IDF

    At the racist-Arab terror shooting attack on a bus station at the Masmiya junction near Gedera - 02.16.24. Of course they're about "freedom fighting" and pigs fly too. All Arabs know Haredi Jews, overwhelmingly avoid inscription in IDF. ÷÷÷÷÷ Yeshiva student named as first victim of...
  23. FDR_Reagan

    Arab lobby in “jihad capital" Michigan: Biden meets dangerous leaders

    Finally the Arab lobby threats influenced Biden to be critical of Israel's survival war. Michigan, a critical swing state, is home to the largest concentration of Arab Americans in the nation, with more than 310,000 residents claiming Middle Eastern or North African ancestry, according to a...
  24. FDR_Reagan

    "Moderate" pAleStInIaN Authority Islamic-fascist libel about the BIBLE

    So these are the racist guys, Biden would like to be Gaza like leaderdhip? PA TV Libel: Bible teaches that only Jews are human - all others not human, PA TV broadcasts father of a terrorist Itamar Marcus | Feb 7, 2024 ‘We ask Allah to send people like Hitler, Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh’...
  25. FDR_Reagan

    Clip titled: 'From the river to the sea? Pro fakestinians being useful idiots'

    This reminds me of a conversation I had with a gullible Iranian Moslem student who asked me why Israel is larger than Iran.. From the river to the sea? Pro fakestinians being useful idiots Jan 27, 2024. #standwithisrael #woke #israelnews
  26. Pastelli

    Since 1920: Jews / Israel are the true victim of genocidal intent

    This has been the case since the 1920s. With that "adbakh al yahud" Islamists cry. ____ Israel is the true victim of genocidal intent. National Post, Jan 29, 2024. Watching American Justice Joan Donoghue read the decision of the International Court of Justice, live at 2 p.m. Israel time on...
  27. Sayaras

    NY News: Suspended: racist-Arab "Palestinian" NYU prof., Amin Husain, proudly admits being antisemitic, claims to be denying October 7 atrocities

    More reasons to take control of immigration in the US. ___ NYU prof caught telling students Hamas baby killings ‘not true’ suspended after shocking clip revealed. By Snejana Farberov and Ronny Reyes. January 25, 2024...
  28. Sayaras

    Elon Musk: 'Sometimes I think, ‘Am I Jewish?’'

    If you ask me, I think Musk is open unrestrained guy. He says what he means, means what he says. ___ Elon Musk: 'Sometimes I think, ‘Am I Jewish?’' X (Twitter) Chairman addresses first major Jewish conference to Auschwitz since 10/07. Evyatar Moshe, Krakow,.Jan 22, 2024, 9:04 PM (GMT+2)...
  29. FDR_Reagan

    Racist-Arab pAlEsTiNIaN combined attack: at least 1 murdered, 19 injured including 4 children, 5 in serious condition

    Note: These Islamofascistic attempted butchery has been the 'regular' scene for years. Regardless what Israel does or does not do. Combined attack in Ra'anana: murdering 1, at least 19 injured including 4 children, 5 in serious condition. Stabbed a driver, stole her car - and started a rampage...
  30. FDR_Reagan

    Blood money for pAlESTiNIaN authority

    And you thought it's just genocidal gaza-health-ministry Hamas. Aid for Palestinian Authority has been contributing to pay-for-slay. Twice as Many Israelis Died in One Month of Biden than in One Year of Trump June 26, 2023. PA to give Hamas terrorists' families close to $3 million in...

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