
  1. Sayaras

    Tip for palestinazi cowards running from Zionist law enforcement...don't put a swastika on your house...

    What a stupid guy. Of course the swastika will show where you are at. Our forces enter the surrounded building in Bethlehem. You cannot miss the swastika on the house of the despicable Nazi in Bethlehem. _ This is a screen grab of the main "palestinian" site.
  2. Pastelli

    "Pro" palestine & Nazi symbols

    It's a palestine routine more than by neo nazis, by now. "Free Palestine" rioter made Nazi salute towards photographers. The Jews are the Nazis and Hitler just fought Zionists. That's pretty much the path they're taking now to make neo-Nazism more appealing.. (Feb 2024) ‘Death to the...
  3. Sayaras

    Racist Arab-Islamic man threatens Jewish man online, shows off his Nazi flag… [swastika palestine]

    Oh wait. Put in context... right? Where are the "learned" universities presidents when you [DON'T] need them... Arab man threatens Jewish man online, shows off his Nazi flag… An Arab man threatened a Jewish man while in an online video discussion and showed off his Nazi flag. The racist...
  4. Pastelli

    One of the ironies is some BLM cowing to "palestine" propaganda - despite Arab racism goliath

    Do some at BLM even know what ABID means among Arabs especially among Arab "palestine"? The "palestine" racist Arab example: Aaron Klein, "Rice labeled 'black spinster'", YNet, July 31, 2006.,7340,L-3284271,00.html Some global examples here: And not just...
  5. Sayaras

    Hamas, Gaza "palestine" regime wants a World Islamic State

    Tell it to BLM radicals who think it's about "liberation"... __ G. ROMAN: We asked many times, why did they want? Yarden says they repeatedly say, just one cause. Jihad. A world of jihad. And Muslim empire. ROMAN-GAT: Their aim is to get the world to be Islamic. The whole world. GOLODRYGA...
  6. FDR_Reagan

    Zone1 The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism (the March/2024 interview)

    Comment: reading the history, especially since Islamo Nazism rise in WW2, doesnt give much hope. _ _ _ PLO Leader Admits Support for Nazis, Says They Saw Zionism as Common Enemy (VIDEO)...
  7. S

    Arabs chant “From river to sea”.

    Arabs chant “From river to sea”; (i.e. eliminate all Jews). Palestinians will not accept a two-nation solution and they cannot reconcile with the fact that the nation of Israel will continue to exist; Israel now (with good reason) fears permitting Palestinians to even enter and daily working...
  8. FDR_Reagan

    Sydney Imam: JIHAD - against the non-Muslims and the only way for pAlEsTInE

    Do they upbeat the jiahdism towards their Ramadan? And what does "restore" mean per Arab immigrants ? === Friday's Sermon By Australian Imam Abdul Salam Zoud: Jihad Is The Only Solution When It Comes To The Infidels, The Only Way To Restore Palestine; We Are Not Looking To Kill People And...
  9. FDR_Reagan

    Downunder: Again fake "[i]slamophobia": Arabs set fire to pAlEStInIAn burger shop try to invent bloodlibel on Jews

    This looks like a typical despicable CAIR lobby story in our USA.. Fakestinian racism. Second Burgertory blaze accused faces court. Emily Woods, Australian Associated Press, February 1, 2024
  10. FDR_Reagan

    Germany anti-Hebrew: 1933 by Nazis; 2023/4 by Arab Islamists (pro Nazism)

    2023-4 Berlin: A man and a woman talk Hebrew and are beaten up by Arabs because of it. January 7, 2024. Muslim Anti-Semitism in Berlin: "Wide Swaths of Arab-Speaking Population Harbor...
  11. Sayaras

    Kind, beautiful Jewess: Shani Bachar, another victim of racist-Arab men

    Just another victim in a long bloody list of racist-Arab murdering, viciously, Jewesses they once net. The family of Shani Bachar, who was murdered by an obsessive suitor: "He didn't let go of her". 31-year-old Shani Becher from Moshav Netiv Sheirah was shot and killed yesterday, allegedly by...
  12. FDR_Reagan

    A fatwa shows that only Israeli strength deters Arab genocide against Jews

    Per Islamic scholar, IDF needs to be and show strength. Any question? ______ Thursday, January 11, 2024 A fatwa shows that only Israeli strength deters Arab genocide against Jews Sheikh Muhammad Nasir al-Din, known as al-Albani, was a Salafist who was acknowledged as one of the most...
  13. FDR_Reagan

    So why do Arab nations hate "palestinan" Arabs? (While anti-semitism doesn't need areason)

    Ya think any Arab bation would (brhave linke Zionists and) provide water and electr for do many years to an entity and people that seek to destroy it? _ Sunday, January 07, 2024 For Arab nations, shutting doors on Gaza refugees is "human rights" (infographic) It is amazing how no matter how...
  14. FDR_Reagan

    Airport Riots: Nerdeen Kiswani: Holocaust-memorial-interrupter racist-Arab pAlEsTInIaN

    Interrupting Holocaust commemorative ceremonies is "free-pAlEsTInE?" .Nerdeen Kiswani (WOL) is infamous for interrupting Holocaust commemorative ceremonies. Gunz, a former classmate of Kiswani's at CUNY Law, has said that Kiswani has been criticized "because she interrupts Holocaust...
  15. Sayaras

    Genocidist Arab-Palestinians: PA or Hamas

    NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT BY DETACHED INDIVIDUALS, BUT OF OFFICIAL HANAS OR PA My answer is that Hamas is more radical and less sugar-coating in its message.. Scroll down to see Palestinian Authority direction after Oct 7 atrocities (celebrated by racist Islamic CAIR lobby: All mosques must...
  16. Sayaras

    1,300-plus Arab-terror attacks in Judea and Samaria since Oct. 7.

    So next time you hear about an operation in the territories, think what it is for... _ 1,300-plus terror attacks in Judea and Samaria since Oct. 7. Palestinian in the disputed territories have stepped up their efforts to kill Israelis. Palestinians rally in Hebron in support of Hamas...
  17. Pastelli

    FACES: Non-Aryan Nazi Arab Hitler's guys

    A CARTOON IN WW2 The MUFTI Mohammed (Haj) Amin al-Husseini (Arabic: محمد أمين الحسيني[ (c. 1897 -1974) _____ Jamal Husseini (1883-1982) In 1939 Jamal ordered 10 copies of Mein Kampf link. With the Nufti, had founded the Hitler Youth modeled Futuwwa link. Worked with the Mufti, and at...
  18. FDR_Reagan

    More pallywood victim card fake-Plastinians (not just Sulaiman_Ahmed)

    The point is that it is not about random cases. But a STRATEGY Mom I OK, it's just for the cameras This one is typical. Look also how they push kids at soldiers
  19. Sayaras

    More violent palestinian-Arab attacks on Israelis ("settlers")

    Will Biden dennounce and or act on non Israeli violence? Palestinian rioters clash with Israeli shepherds in Samaria,” Israel National News, December 3, 2023: A violent confrontation broke out between Palestinian Authority Arabs and Israelis in a farm near the Samaria town of Havot Yair...
  20. Sayaras

    1941, 1942, 2014, 2023: Most Arab Palestinians are supremacist, racists - but no one's born a racist

    1941, 1942, 2014, 2023: Most Arab Palestinians are supremacist, racists - but no one's born a racist Point is. It's about incitement and twisted education. Feb. 1941: A survey in 1941 showed that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany, while only 9% backed the British Mandate...
  21. Sayaras

    LOL Hamas: 'US more Nazi, Fascist than Z....' "Palestianism" lamguage

    Don't you love racist Palestiniamism lexicon? This one is quite new: And of course, it was on Al Jazeera - terror-Hamas mouthpiece Hamas Senior Official Saleh Al-Arouri: The People In Gaza Support Us, Otherwise They Would Be Angry With Hamas; No More Prisoner Swap Deals Before Final And...
  22. Lord Long Rod

    Leftist Rep. Jayapal is Ok With a Little Bit of Rape Action by Hamas Amazing. The left is openly courting the devil without fear or shame.
  23. Sayaras

    Over 11,500 Israelis: Genocidal 'Palestinian' Arab racist regime tried to massacre

    It means that 'Palestinian' Arab regime tried to massacre at least 11,500 While Hamas death ministry provides TOTALLY Fake numbers on its and PIJ's human shields... Regardless of Israeli's defense system (still, many were injured and some died) but the genocidal...
  24. FDR_Reagan

    When sick racist Arab Palestine masses don't cheer...

    Aren't you tired when MSM call the cheering towards freed militant Arab terrorists as "defiance"? Anyway, this is when they didn't cheer Though the freed hostages are Arab and Muslim. Visegrád 24 @visegrad24: The Bedouin Muslims siblings Aisha (17) and Bilal (18) Alziadana photographed in a...
  25. Sayaras

    'Gaza Health Ministry' murders 3 injures 11 Jews in Jerusalem & Jewish hostages beaten w/ electric wires

    While the MSM keeps repeating "numbers" of dead in Gaza, which as we see in their pictures carefully provided... are all "children and women"... 'Thai hostages: Jewish hostages beaten with electric cables, held in worse conditions than us.' 'The report joins previous reports by freed hostages...
  26. Sayaras

    Hamas 'monsters' threatened any child who cried w/ rifles, forced them to watch videos of Oct. 7 - "freedom fighters"

    Where is the outrage? Even biased UN should show SOME humanity Freed hostage's aunt: 'Hamas forced 12-year-old to watch films of the horrors.' Aunt of 12-year-old Eitan Yahalom says Hamas 'monsters' threatened any child who cried with rifles, forced them to watch videos of Oct. 7...
  27. Sayaras

    Gaza "wonderful" aid org. ICRC refused to take medication for 84-year-old

    Can someone explain why so far the Red Cross Red CRESCENT did not visit innocent Israeli hostages for 52 days? Only now, there is a promise: Daughter of freed hostage...
  28. FDR_Reagan

    ANIMALISTIC CULT (Islamist) Arab 'Palestinians'

    ANIMALISTIC CULT Arab 'Palestinians' It's out in the open, en masse, in public! Regarding the latest: 2 men executed in West Bank for allegedly spying for Israel, as mob cheers Men’s bodies hung on an electricity pole and later dumped in the trash as crowds call ‘traitors’ and ‘Allahu...
  29. Sayaras

    TAQIYYA: little girl freed from Palestinian Jihadi savages exposed lie of Hamas

    Little girl Hila Rotem Shoshani, the who was released last night from Hamas captivity without her mother and wife, revealed to her family members the lie of the terrorist organization Hamas. On 11/25 a drama unfolded that almost led to the cancellation of the second round of the release of 13...
  30. FDR_Reagan

    Kidnapping innocent: militant Islam long bloody history - Barbary Pirates - palestinian 2023

    It is a long history. Barbary Pirates on thev1800s. Excerpt from WaPo: Recent...

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