democrat leadership

  1. J

    Project 2025 . . . the democrat leadership’s new shiny object for distraction.

    . . Listen to our Democrat Party’s television propagandists on MSNBC - Andrea Mitchell, Jonathan Capehart, Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton, etc. - and their newly adopted 24/7 drum beating about “Project 2025” being a blueprint for Trump to establish a dictatorship and...
  2. J

    The Democrat Party leadership has turned the Party into the Globalist Party

    . Is it not time for lifelong democrat voters to accept harsh reality and admit that the Democrat Party Leadership has abandoned the best interests of its American citizen voting base, and morphed itself into what may be called a Globalist Party? Is it not a fact Biden and the Democrat Party...
  3. J

    Hate Trump crowd ignores consequences, of the current Democrat leadership's policies.

    Why does our hate Trump crowd ignore Trump’s policies which averted the following type of headlines?
  4. J

    Is it not obvious the Biden Administration is intentionally destroying America from within?

    . Biden has shut down our nation’s ability to produce cheap inexpensive fuels, which is the life blood of our nation’s manufacturing base, transportation, and an absolute necessity for powering our homes and businesses. Biden has hollowed out our military force by a dangerous 10 percent...
  5. J

    U.S. border is being invaded and Biden Administration finally admits it

    see: DHS Secretary Mayorkas Admits Biden Admin Released Over 1 Million Illegal Immigrants Into The U.S. "Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on Sunday that over 1.2 million and potentially as many as 1.4 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border into the United...
  6. J

    Is the Democrat Party Leadership acting in the best interests of those who voted for democrats?

    . It seems that since the 2020 election and a Democrat Leadership has taken power that leadership has not acted in the best interests of those who voted for democrat leaders, nor is it promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens. In fact, the current Democrat Party...
  7. J

    NYC's Democrat Leadership will allow foreign nationals to vote in city elections

    . See NYC Is About To Let 800K Noncitizen Immigrants Vote In Its Elections It is both shameful and stunning that the New York City Democrat Party Leadership has decided to allow foreign nationals to compete at the ballot box with New York City citizens. Now tell me the Democrat Party Leadership...
  8. J

    Democrat Leadership: no vax, no Social Security check, no healthcare, no freaken benefits...period

    See: Dems Block Bill to Protect Vax Holdouts from Losing Social Security, Gov’t Benefits October 20, 2021 ““Democrats today said they are willing to revoke your social security checks, take away health care for the poor, elderly and vulnerable children, kick folks out of their homes and deny...

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