gaza health ministry

  1. Sayaras

    JD Vance: against Ukraine aid but a good guy: pro Israel (reminds "palestinian" fault: use of civilians that cause casualties)

    In May 2024, Vance used his Quincy Institute speech to differentiate his opposition to Ukraine aid from his steadfast commitment to Israel. “I’m supportive of Israel and their war against Hamas. I certainly admire the Ukrainians who are fighting against Russia, but I do not think that it is in...
  2. Sayaras

    Palestine government Hamas-ISIS to innocent hostage: "Tomorrow, I kill you and film it."

    But remember the important "freedom fighting" bluff Pallywopd. ‘Tomorrow, I kill you:’ Rescued hostage details psychological abuse during eight months of Hamas captivity. By Christian Edwards and Bianna Golodryga, CNN. Updated: 2:23 PM EDT, Fri July 12, 2024 Source: CNN When the Gaza...
  3. Sayaras

    There is an encampment on campus - against radical Islamic genocide?

    Who cares about massacres if one can't bash one group of people one hates to begin with - without a reason? It's the same reason Hatem Bazian's 'swastika palestine' thugs don't riot against Gaza health ministry human shields tactics. "Pro"? Palestine my as$. Snapshot Of The Islamic State's...
  4. Sayaras

    Totalitarian beasts claim something about "freedom fighting" - palestine govt. Crimes on their own

    Wanna state by these demonic butchers? Caution before clicking on links at 2nd section.. HonestReporting @HonestReporting: MUST READ: A Gazan Palestinian asks why, "somehow, when it comes to Hamas' crimes against innocent Israelis and innocent Gazans, the entire media establishment turns a...
  5. Sayaras

    'Bombs fired at sleeping Jews': Turkish opposition leader condemns (palestine regime) Hamas, Oct. 7 - fascist-Erdoğan angry.

    I just hope dictator fascist Erdoğan's regime don't assassinate him. 'Bombs fired at sleeping Jews': Turkish opposition leader condemns Hamas, Oct. 7. By Maariv Online, Jerusalem Post Staff, June 30, 2024. Ugur Ozel, Turkish opposition leader, labeled Hamas a terrorist organization in a TV...
  6. Sayaras

    I mean what are mosques for.. in genocidal Gaza "health ministry"?

    See? This is a routine. Then they whine about IDF. A kilometer-long tunnel and a mosque full of firecrackers were destroyed in the Gaza Strip. Documentation. The only reserve division in the Gaza Strip has been fighting for the past few months in the area of the central...
  7. Sayaras

    Oh (no...) yes, 'da bigot' is angry... (pallyWeid)

    I mean what possible reason does genocidal Gaza regime have in its numbers publishing... Even racist Omar Shakir has affirmed that we should trust Hamas Gaza Health Ministry... Read also how lying Rashida converts Arab "palestinians" into a "race."... LOL. "Rashida Tlaib Fumes Over US House...
  8. Sayaras

    Hamas, Gaza "palestine" regime wants a World Islamic State

    Tell it to BLM radicals who think it's about "liberation"... __ G. ROMAN: We asked many times, why did they want? Yarden says they repeatedly say, just one cause. Jihad. A world of jihad. And Muslim empire. ROMAN-GAT: Their aim is to get the world to be Islamic. The whole world. GOLODRYGA...
  9. FDR_Reagan

    Arab-on-Arab massacres: Watch: palestinian gunmen open fire on Gazan civilians before humanitarian aid arrives

    Guess why the MSM is suddenly silent - when the proof of another Arab-on-Arab massacre killing their own people emerges.. +++++ Watch: Palestinian gunmen open fire on Gazan civilians before humanitarian aid arrives. IDF states Palestinian gunmen opened fire about an hour before the entry of...
  10. FDR_Reagan

    Again pAlESTiNIAn Hamas shoot at its own people waiting for aid, then claim "massacre"

    Remember the Oct 17 when they killed their people at Al-Ahli hospital and NYT had to retract the Pallywood lies? Terrorists fire on Gazans waiting for aid convoy. IDF says gunmen shot at civilians waiting for convoy of 31 aid trucks whose entry into Gaza Israel facilitated. Israel National News...
  11. Sayaras

    Diablocal Gaza Arab doctors, nurses "health ministry": racism and cruelty

    POINT IS. THESE ARE WHAT THE MSM TAKES AS SOURCE. EITHER IN NUMBERS OR "STORIES" Former hostage, Judith Raanan, a Chicago-area resident who was kidnapped together with her daughter, Natalie, by Hamas during its October 7 attack on Israel, said her captors were greeted as heroes when she and...
  12. FDR_Reagan

    Professor: Hamas fakes casualty figures: ‘The numbers are not real’ [Gaza DEATH Ministry].

    The weirdest thing is that no one at MSM bothers to stress where the "figures" done from but just parrots it. There is no secret as to WHY Pallywood should ever lie ___ This is now (Mar 2024): Hamas fakes casualty figures: ‘The numbers are not real’. Abraham Wyner, a professor of statistics...
  13. FDR_Reagan

    Coordinating w Israel: 'Biden to announce U.S. port in Gaza for aid'

    The question is who will control the Gaza death ministry from looting it for its "military" bloody division? Biden to announce U.S. port in Gaza for aid President to make announcement during State of the Union address later on Thursday; temporary port would increase delivery of humanitarian aid...
  14. Sayaras

    "Palestinian" Sexual crimes rape-jihad / refusal to release hostages - the LINK (Gaza Death Ministry)

    It starts to make sense.. Gaza Death Ministry That sexual crimes and fear of being looked bad wins over saving their starving people. PBS NewsHour live episode, March 4, 2024. Bennett: Separately the UN released today a report about sexual violence on October 7th. What did it say...
  15. Sayaras

    Remember Hamas’s DEATH ministry's incubators?

    More documentation, how any Gaza hospitals are used for racist-Arab islamic-jihad terror. Oh, and yes, incubators too. × × × × Commands, tunnels, and combat equipment inside incubators: this is how the hospitals in the Gaza Strip became terrorist nests. The Shifa Hospital was used...
  16. Sayaras

    Hamas uses civilians as human shields, Gazan journalist states

    Ya think they will let the journalist live? Just asking... Hamas uses civilians as human shields, Gazan journalist states. By Jerusalem Post Staff Published: February 15, 2024. Saftawi says it's the first time in a decade that he's been able to speak on this publicly. Gaza-based journalist...
  17. FDR_Reagan

    Chickens for KFC - Yay!

    Who ever said that these loons make sense? Be like: Atheists for Jesus...LOL Twisted radicals kissing islamofascists' as# who would throw them off from rooftops in sh#thole Gaza I mean when they rebuild Gaza with our money...
  18. FDR_Reagan

    440 UNWRA workers are active members in Hamas-isis military wing

    It's not a "few bad apples" like Norway's Jan Egeland been propagating on CNN. 440 UNWRA workers are active members in Hamas military wing. 9,500 of the 12,000 UNWRA employees have direct ties to Hamas – some are terrorists participating in active fighting against Israel. Israel National...
  19. FDR_Reagan

    If Hamas admits 6,000 terrorists killed, you know the real number is at least double that

    My comment: I find it interesting the Gaza DEATH Ministry chose this figure after their Pallywoody claims are CLIMBING nearing 30k.. try to make it seem as if only 20% are terrorists... If Hamas admits 6,000 terrorists killed, you know the real number is at least double that...
  20. Sayaras

    "She just didn't stop crying, and he didn't stop doing what he was doing to her. And he enjoyed it" [Free Palestine savagery]

    An example of "freedom fighting" Gaza-Health-ministry kidnappers.. Indecent act on thev17-yeae-old girl at gunpoint in the shower... ____ New testimony from Hamas hostages: "The terrorist...
  21. FDR_Reagan

    For each jihadi-fascist pAlEStInE butcher, 1 civilian [human shield] dies

    This ratio is pretty amazing. 'This Week' Transcript 2-11-24: PM Netanyahu, Sen. Coons & Gov. Kemp This is a rush transcript of "This Week" airing Sunday, February 11. By ABC News, February 10, 2024. [...] KARL: That was President Biden on Thursday night with his sharpest criticism yet of...
  22. FDR_Reagan

    Angry Gazan on high priced aid: "We will reckon with you Hamas, after the war"

    How much does a kilo of sugar cost? This is how the trade of humanitarian aid in Gaza looks like. A resident of Gaza revealed how much the products that come to Gaza with humanitarian aid cost and told Hamas: "We will reckon with you after the war." A kilo of sugar - NIS 40. 3 liters of oil -...
  23. Sayaras

    We all know why genocidal Arab "palestinians" fire near their kindergartens

    We all know why "palestinians" fire near their kindergartens to maximize casualties on THEIR side, but the use of mosques is for what? To cry "Islamophobia" when "infidels" return fire? Rocket launchers found near kindergarten and mosque. Rocket launchers near a kindergarten and an...
  24. Sayaras

    Report: About 60% of humanitarian aid goes to bloithirsty Hamas-butchers

    So who and what are we feeding there - mostly? ××× Report: About 60% of humanitarian aid goes to Hamas. Srugim news, 02.05.24 | 10:43 p.m. A crazy figure: military officials claim this evening that about 60% of the aid that entered Gaza - was captured by Hamas. In response, several...
  25. Sayaras

    Hamas makes bombs from STOLEN medical supplies

    The "palestinians" are so innocent" on MSM TV screens with those hospitals..... they even have white ropes ×× Hamas makes bombs from medical supplies. It's a striking example of how Hamas exploits civilian resources for terrorism: a comprehensive manual provides detailed illustrations for use...
  26. Sayaras

    Dirty Fascist palestine official vows to "Purify" Land of Jews…

    What is racism??? "Pure Arab" sounds like Hitler's aide Ahmad Shukeiri. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, United States. Congress...
  27. Sayaras

    Genocidal "palestine" Oct 7 rapists/butchers 'purposeful obliterated women's faces'

    The question is which of the "gaza health ministry" Hamas / Palestinian Islamic Jihad head ordered this specific order? Or Mullahs in Iranian Islamic Fascist Republic? ____ Hamas terrorists 'purposeful obliterated women's faces'. Reader discretion is advised: Shari Mendes, one of the...
  28. Sayaras

    Gaza children protest against Genocidal Hamas (Gaza-health-ministry - Human shields industry)

    If any of the children "disappear"'ll know why. __ Gaza children protest against Hamas A day earlier, Gazans demonstrated in Rafah, cursing terrorist strongman Yahye Sinwar. Several dozen Palestinians demonstrate in Deir al-Balah, the central Gaza, calling on Hamas to free all Israeli...
  29. Sayaras

    Hamas admission to Oct 7 massacres VS racist Electronic-Intifada (& his linked conspiracy theorist liar Grayzone)

    This is from today. Straight from the devil (Gaza-health-ministry) mouth. But no worries. Theories will go on.. Hamas 1st big admission Oct 7 [on] Israel attack. 01.22.24. They had 107 days to prepare a propaganda leaflet of 16 pages .. LOL
  30. FDR_Reagan

    CNN airs Oct. 7 clip showing 'evidence of beheadings' by Hamas - Islamofascist "pAleStinIan" animalism

    Too bad, they had to do it. And we all know why. Because of Gaza health ministry butchery Hamas "denying" it. It reminds other such lowlife like that racist-troll Hitler fan here "questioning "... and hypocrically calls others as supposed "racist" - typical sick. FYI It is CNN which is...

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