
  1. Sayaras

    "Haaretz: IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism." [Pro Arab racism twisted Haaretzism vs fake racism - pallyweid buzzards]

    What's amazing is that at liberal Wikipedia ubreliable Haaretz is no.1 in sources on Israel.. Haaretz: IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism. A Haaretz article sparked outrage online after it claimed that 'IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism.' Online users criticized...
  2. Sayaras

    "Pro palestine" - Hitler glorification [by Islamists]: BDS, SJP, WOL, AMP, MSA ..

    The following are examples of Hitler admiration. [At best only a few " just" whitewash him..]. Because it's not just one or two cases. It's wide spread - all over "palestine" activism: BDS SJP WOL AMP MSA ... All of them are Muslim, most are Arabs. SJP and the Holocaust Support for Hitler...
  3. Sayaras

    "You Moron" ["Ya Ahbal"]: Yosef Haddad confronted a fking "Haaretz" anarchist in the foreign media [Haaretzism: pro-Arab-racism]

    Yosef Haddad probably never imagined that he would be interviewed by the foreign media and hear an employee of the "Haaretz" newspaper claiming that israel's only goal in the war is to destroy the palestinian people: "nothing but gen...e" • Haddad did not remain indifferent, he explained why he...

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