
  1. Sayaras

    Run run coward (jihadi zbala, Yalla) Nasrallah..

    Run, but you can't ..hide... forever. (PS Those who understand Arabic should reread the title. You can also use a translator...). Report: Nasrallah changed hiding places after Iran warned him Israel planned to assassinate him. July 2, 2024. [Journalist] Yoni Ben Menachem writes in .. Epoch...
  2. Sayaras

    Dont forget it's the Party of Allah - Hezbollah (zbalah)

    And yes, it's about "freedom fighting" too, all that... https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/06/02/school-children-run-for-safety-as-sirens-blare-in-north
  3. Sayaras

    Hezbollah Islamofascists seek to use Syrian refugees to create crisis with Europe

    Sending in a coordinated fashion Arab migrants to Europe is an Islamization plan these years, including by Turkey's dictator. Hezbollah seeks to use Syrian refugees to create crisis with Europe – analysis. By Seth J. Frantzman, May 15, 2024. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said on May 13...
  4. Sayaras

    Iran's proxy Islamist Hezbollah-thugs injure 7 Arabs in Israel

    What is terrible about BBC reporting for example is, that it says "Hezbollah claims to hit military" LOL. Since when do jihadi-fascists differentiate between military or not? 7 injured from a direct hit at the community center in the Western Galilee, 2 in serious condition. Seven were injured...
  5. FDR_Reagan

    Islamist Iran: Global domination: Latin Ametica plots too

    If you thought it's just: * Palestinian Islamic Jihad * Hamas * Hezbollah * Houthis * Bases in Syria * Militias in Iraq.. Think again: Maduro says Venezuela buying Iranian missiles 'a good idea'. Reuters August 22, 2020. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25J01T/ US threatens to...
  6. Sayaras

    Like Gaza-death-ministry, other Iran linked Hezbollah thugs "resist" fakecupation targeting kids

    Reminder, Islamic-fascist Republic of Iran does NOT have any land disputed with the cool zionist regime. !!!! Watch rocket near-miss of bus carrying Golan Heights school kids. Ninth grader traveling on the bus says there was smoke and fire on both sides of the road, says she had never seen...
  7. FDR_Reagan

    Ialamofascist Iran's Hezbollah terrifying kindetahten kids

    These are the jihadi butchers targeting civilians who call themselves "freedom fighters." __ Kann news @kann_news: The barrage on the city of Safed: girls in a kindergarten were recorded lying on the floor during the alarm with their hands on their heads. (Orly Alkalai)...
  8. Sayaras

    To AOC...

    Radical loony left have no problem with total contradiction... .=== steven @nogulagsagain If you have friends who support Hamas or Gay send them this Video.. This is Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader, explaining what should be done to homosexuals. Hamas & Hezbollah are both funded by Iran...
  9. Sayaras

    Islamofascist fires from near a mosque at Israeli church wounding elderly - good-guys-IDF hurt while evacuating him

    Could you imagine what Islamized Bethlehem Arab-propagandists would do if it wasn't Muslims attacking Church? Recap: Islamofascist Iran's Arab racist thugs Hezbollah fire from near a mosque - at Israeli church- wounding elderly. The good-guys: IDF are hurt, while evacuating him...
  10. Sayaras

    Islamic Fascist Republic global domination

    Iran: Islamic  Fascist empire includes: Hamas. Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Houthis. Bases in Syria. Militias in Iraq. ...The Israeli ceasefire with Hezbollah (Iran's proxy army) is a huge victory for Iran. If an Islamic fascist force can fire hundreds of missiles ... Casali, D...
  11. Pastelli

    Genocidal Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran threats against Israel since at least 1991 - still today (Bosses of Hamas/PIJ/Hezbollah)

    Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran (or/and its reps.), including in 1991, 1 2 in 2001,3 2002,4 2005,5 May 2012, 6, 8 Sep 2012,9 2014,10 2019,11 2020.12 Promoting genocide online at the May-2021 'Guardian of Walls,' including...
  12. Pastelli

    'Plots to harm dissidents and former U.S. government officials' by Global domination seekers: Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran

    Just aired: Iran plots to harm dissidents and former U.S. government officials | 60 Minutes CBS News Iranian dissidents say they face intimidation, abductions, assassination attempts around the world ___ Comment, it's strange that Putin doesn't realize the Islamic domination aim of the...
  13. Pastelli

    Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran's Hezbollah wounds six civilians

    Hezbollah anti-tank missiles from Lebanon wound six Israelis The IDF targeted the source of the attack with artillery. (November 12, 2023 / JNS) Six Israeli civilians were injured on Sunday afternoon, one critically, when Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists launched anti-tank missiles towards Moshav...
  14. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  15. Litwin

    Putin´s GRU is negotiating with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah to send fighters to join Moscow horde forces in their war against Ukraine/Free World

    GRU ( Wagner Group) is negotiating with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah to send fighters (based in Syria) to join Moscow horde forces in their war against Ukraine/Free World as early as next week. I hope that Israel ´ll send the Drones to Ukrainian army to deal with Terrorist antisemitic...
  16. Street Juice

    Who is the greatest warrior? Israeli or Hezbollah?

    Hezbollah. For one thing, they don't intentionally shoot teenagers in the kneecaps. A warrior’s soul sleeps in his fist. Wakes in his fist. Till his dying breath, will exist in his fist. No gun and no mortal danger can unfold this fist. A warrior will live and die with his fist clenched. This...
  17. Litwin

    The chemical brothers: Putin and Assad

    My questions, for how long can Putin keep supporting Iran and Alawites in "Syria"? what Israeli think about Putin´s support of Hezbollah and cooperation with Iran? "This week the world witnessed yet another chemical attack in Syria. After horrendous footage from Khan Sheikhoun showed...

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