ilhan omar

  1. Sayaras

    Amid Swastika-palestine virus: Biden to deliver keynote address at US Holocaust Memorial Museum after Yom HaShoah

    But he never acted against the duo islamofascists: Ilhan Omar / Rashida Tlaib and Hamas-linked CAIR lobby. __ Biden to deliver keynote address at US Holocaust Memorial Museum after Yom HaShoah. By Hannah Sarisohn. 05/01/2024 08:58 PM
  2. FDR_Reagan

    BBC Editor aided Somali Islamic gang rapist

    Remember these scandals when they "report" on global jihad. Mary Harper.
  3. Pastelli

    Islamist Ilhan Omar: her loyalty is to Somalia alone (forget dual loyalty canard)

    Ilhan Omar makes no bones about it: her loyalty is to Somalia alone. She is facing calls for her resignation after, critics say, she promised to do all she could to prevent a Somaliland deal with (Christian) Ethiopia over access to the sea. End Wokeness @EndWokeness: Ilhan Omar tells a crowd...
  4. FDR_Reagan

    Bigoted-Islamists who promote wokeness to West (Tlaib, Omar, Shakhsari)

    Of course: Rashida Tlaib wouldn't dare to push wokeness in HER Gaza or Ramallah / West Bank. Or Ilhan Omar in Somalia Or Sima...
  5. Pastelli

    These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden Administration. (Islamist genocide)

    These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden Administration. Comment: Don't expect racisTrashida or Hamas-linked...
  6. ChemEngineer

    "Civil Discourse" and "Standards of Decorum" in CONgress

    Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts admonished both sides of "The world's greatest deliberative body" for violating standards of decorum and not maintaining "civil discourse." Yes, yes, both sides are "guilty." But this is like comparing a pathological, psychotic liar with someone who...
  7. P@triot

    The Antisemite Squad

    Antisemite ā¦ā€¬Rashida Tlaibā€¬ā© says she experiences a ā€œcalming feelingā€ whenever she thinks about the Holocaust. There is no place in Congress (or ANY public office) for an antisemite. #SendHerBack Rashida Tlaib makes 'breathtakingly vile' comments about the Holocaust ā€” and rewrites history in...
  8. P@triot

    The anti-semite squad

    The axis of evil (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib) have such contempt for Jews and Israel, they canā€™t even pretend to hide it. Jake Tapper would have to ask twice if Israel had even a right just to exist. Jake Tapper grills Rashida Tlaib on BDS, whether Israel has...
  9. Conservative American

    Ilhan Omar admits to marrying her own brother in new Email evidence

    Shattered pieces of the latest controversy surrounding Rep. Ilhan omar on whether she committed Marriage and Immigration fraud is finally coming together as new Bombshell email sheds more light on the situation. In 2016, Ilhan Omar sent a statement to reporters through her spokesman saying ā€œā€¦iā€™m...
  10. P@triot

    Danielle Stella

    I have a new favorite candidate - Danielle Stella. Let's make sure we get this super-star elected to Congress. GOP Challenger To Ilhan Omar Drops Hammer: ā€˜Unlike you, I denounce terrorist organizationsā€™
  11. P@triot

    The left-wing LIES about illegal aliens

    Everything the left has screamed and cried about exposed in a big way...
  12. P@triot

    The Antisemite Squad

    Ilhan Omar should be removed from office and prosecuted. I would seriously pay to see someone rip that stupid fuckā€™n thing off of her stupid fuckā€™n head. Both her and Rashida Tlaib would be denounced for their antisemitism if the Democrat Party had an ounce of integrity. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan...
  13. Conservative American


    Though Omar has denied the allegations in the past, dismissing them as baseless rumors, the issue was first raised in an online Somali politics forum and championed by conservative bloggers during her 2016 campaign for the Minnesota House. The video you're about to watch shows multiple...
  14. Conservative American

    Trump Slams ā€œProgressiveā€ Democrats Immigrants Who Continue To Trash The United States

    President Trump on Sunday, in a series of tweets said some Democrat congresswomen from countries ā€œwhose governments are a complete and total catastropheā€ should ā€œgo back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they cameā€. Source: Thedailywake
  15. Old Man Grumbles

    Ilhan Omar Calls For Release of Egyptian Prisoner With Terrorist Ties

    "On her Twitter page last week, Omar demanded that US President Donald Trump push for the release of a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hoda Abdelmonem" "The Muslim Brotherhood is classified as a terrorist organization..." Ilhan Omar calls for release of Egyptian prisoner with terrorist...
  16. georgephillip

    The Smearing of Ilhan Omar

    Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party." "In the...

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