islamic terrorism

  1. Pastelli


    More from the Gaza health Ministry "humanity" --- As if torture isn't enough... ### Hostages were forced to read the Quran. Hostages who were rescued from captivity on Saturday say that the terrorists forced them to read the Quran and learn Islamic rulings...
  2. FDR_Reagan

    Blood money for pAlESTiNIaN authority

    And you thought it's just genocidal gaza-health-ministry Hamas. Aid for Palestinian Authority has been contributing to pay-for-slay. Twice as Many Israelis Died in One Month of Biden than in One Year of Trump June 26, 2023. PA to give Hamas terrorists' families close to $3 million in...
  3. Sayaras

    Almost 300K at Americam pro Israel peace rallly

    Historic 290,000 pro-Israel - (Google) (saved) Bi-partisan too. The difference vs "pro palestine" was that it was peaceful.
  4. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Families of San Bernardino islamic terror attack sue Facebook, Twitter, Google for supporting ISIS

    San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google The families of the victims of the 2015 San Bernardino, California, mass shooting filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against Twitter, Facebook and Google, accusing the...
  5. American_Jihad

    Trump on Berlin: 'Attack on Humanity,' 'Got to be Stopped'

    Trump on Berlin: 'Attack on Humanity,' 'Got to be Stopped' "All along, I’ve been proven to be right" 12.21.2016 News Paul Bois Speaking outside Mar-a-largo estate on Wednesday, President-elect Donald Trump decried the Berlin terrorist attack on a Christmas market as an "attack on humanity"...

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