
  1. Sayaras

    Sermon at Muslim Students Association MSA: "America is a cancer"

    So what's up with Biden's broke borders??? Mohammad Nusairat University Of Illinois Chicago Students At Friday Sermon: America, Democracy, Secularism Are A Cancer; Muslims Have A New, Just Way Of Life That Will Bring Tranquility To Muslims And Non-Muslims; The People Capable Of Freeing...
  2. Sayaras

    Islamist bigot Hatem Bazian's guided pro-war non-Jewish so-called "jewish voice for peace" (JVP)

    THe fact that besides Arabs there are a few non Arabs in managing the org. in order to camouflage its extremisrs intents, it still doesn't make it "jewish". JVP still guided by the islamists. Look how the Arab Muslim Hatem Bazian tries to convince by saying "we as jews"... lol. Dr. Bazian's...
  3. Sayaras

    Hezbollah Islamofascists seek to use Syrian refugees to create crisis with Europe

    Sending in a coordinated fashion Arab migrants to Europe is an Islamization plan these years, including by Turkey's dictator. Hezbollah seeks to use Syrian refugees to create crisis with Europe – analysis. By Seth J. Frantzman, May 15, 2024. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said on May 13...
  4. Sayaras

    Islamist "palestinian" occupation coming near you...

    An example of a coffee place in SD, CA "this is Palestinian place." - harassed the "palestinian" Arab immigrants. (And as they say, today, the Saturday people, tomorrow the Sunday people). This was already in Oct 2023, before pro-genocide Hamas Jihad regime succeeded in causing many...
  5. Sayaras

    Iran's Supreme Leader: Islam Will Defeat the West

    Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation " Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization. By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024 The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the...
  6. FDR_Reagan

    Islamization in Germany: "Allah akbar" on Church

    I bet there are many remorseful after Merkel's 2015 1 million Arabs door opening.. Shortly after demonstration “against the political right”: Church in Hamm, Germany, smeared with “Allahu Akbar” lettering...
  7. FDR_Reagan

    "Moderate" pAleStInIaN Authority Islamic-fascist libel about the BIBLE

    So these are the racist guys, Biden would like to be Gaza like leaderdhip? PA TV Libel: Bible teaches that only Jews are human - all others not human, PA TV broadcasts father of a terrorist Itamar Marcus | Feb 7, 2024 ‘We ask Allah to send people like Hitler, Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh’...
  8. FDR_Reagan

    Islamic dictator Erdogan: ‘Our struggle didn’t end w/ eradicating enemy (Christian Greeks) from our lands & throwing them into the sea from Izmir’

    Erdogan referring with pride to the Smyrna massacre of 1922, in which the Greek population of the city and surrounding area, which had been there since the time of Homer and before that, was eradicated. And now he is saying that “struggle” (jihad) is not over, and that Turkey must never face a...
  9. Sayaras

    Islamization alert: Bomb in Sweden

    If you think it's ot related to Arab Islamic immigration - Eurabia? Think again. .__ Bomb found near Israeli embassy in Sweden. The national bomb squad was dispatched to investigate. (January 31, 2024 / JNS) An apparent explosive device was found on Wednesday near the Israeli embassy in...
  10. Sayaras

    Turkey: Islamofascists attack church

    Now let's hear all those phony "freedom fighting" supposed aims... Iran linked: Hamas, Hezbollah, PIJ, Houthis, or ISIS. == “Two Masked Attackers Kill 1 in Shooting at Istanbul Church,” by Safak Timur and Emma Bubola, New York Times, January 28, 2024:
  11. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTiNiAn "Gaza-health-ministry" calling for Islamic 'world domination' - Israel is only the first target

    Clip is from Dec 2022. It was always 'the plan.' ____ WATCH: Israel is only the first target, warns Hamas commander. By Danielle Greyman-Kennard, Oct 9, 2023 — Mahmoud al-Zahar: "The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors." Footage of...
  12. FDR_Reagan

    Germany: Muslim young people want to enforce Sharia law in schools

    Asylum or Islamism? == Scandal in Neuss: Muslim young people want to enforce Sharia law in schools. “Skandal in Neuss: Muslimische Jugendliche wollen Scharia an Schule durchsetzen,” Nius, January 11, 2024 . In Neuss, North Rhine-Westphalia, four students are said to have acted as Sharia...
  13. FDR_Reagan

    Kirby, "it's not about Israel, yesterday the Houthis attacked a Panamanian ship"

    Well, of course it's an opportunity to expand Iranian ISLAMIC expansion power.. __ John Kirby on Face the Nation, 01.14.23 "it's not about Israel, yesterday the Houthis attacked a Panamanian ship.."
  14. Sayaras

    'Being Christian is becoming illegal in the UK' (But Islamic-genocidal calls are OK)

    What has the world come to??? Being Christian Is Becoming Illegal in the UK Hotair | 12/18/2023 | David Strom. Several stories have been published about people getting arrested for publicly praying in the UK. Actually, that’s not quite right because some forms of prayer are more equal than...

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